Ugly video card general

Ugly video card general

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And this wasn't even a professional card.

Kill it with fire









Must run cool though.




>implying the VHS was ugly
absolutely beautiful


lol fermi inside. a warning symbol would have been helpful in that case

I think that one actually looks kinda neat

looks like someones eyes.


>not having a third fucking fan senpai


Holy fuck I had two of these in SLI back in 2005, the most unstable pieces of. Abandoned by Nvidia.


For real though. It looks cheap as fuck. It's like Nvidia wants you to feel poor for not getting the 1070

Better than AMD's shitty plastic cheesegrater design

Hey its the wachowski brothers.

This would look rad as fuck if it was metal instead of cheap plastic.

That's the whole point of the card? Nvidia disabled SLI on it because reasons as well.

Cheesegrater was Sapphire. There's nothing wrong with the looks of AMD's ref cards

>tfw all the nvidia cards in this thread are actually beautiful

Not even memeing


I'll change that

Anything Asus, anything sapphire. When I think of it literally all aftermarket coolers look like shit but then I remind myself that I'm not an autistic fuck on Sup Forums and I actually buy AiB for performance and lower temperatures instead of aesthetics.

I actually just bought the cheesegrater.... I think it looks really good.

>implying this looks bad

god that side profile is so lewd~




It does. It's just Nvidia fags. I bet they think EVGA's current gen cards look good when they just tacked on some plastic bits that ruined what was a rather streamlined design.

This is a genuinely an RX 480 design by HIS


>backplate on a budget card

I think the new FTWs look pretty nice once they're actually running. Not a huge fan of gaudy LED lighting in general, but the large panels look quite nice lit up. Full RGB too, so you can have it any colour that you want.

Too bad the front of the Red Devil looks like dicks and anus

Did you see their 470?

Did those morons actually put the star of david on there instead of a pentagram ??

top kek indeed

>come let everyone know you're an AMJew! Buy the Red Devil!

but the sapphire nitro 480 is probably the best looking card I've ever seen, desu

>caring about what a video card looks like

Do you people use your computer or just masturbate to the interior of it?

>caring about what you look like
>Ha! What an idiot! Does he think he'll get a GF or a job without neckbeard and butter stains on his fedora!

I literally have no real fucking clue what my video card looks like.

280X. Bought it when they came out, threw it in... left it be.

sisters you fucking bigot

The interior of your computer was so spectacular it got you a GF and a job? congrats


I dont need a side window and leds to gaym so idgaf what the card looks like as long as its good and runs cool. Neat pics though

Remember when GPUs were like a part of the PC and not some cancerous growth that sticks out like a sore thumb?

Holy gpu batman!

one of the shittiest cards i´ve ever head