Best RX 480 card?

The displayports on my 7950 stopped working suddenly, and I need a new graphics card as soon as possible. I've heard good things about the RX 480, but I want to know which brand I should get, since there are so many. I don't plan on overclocking. I just need one with the best power consumption/temperatures. Thanks!

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Looking at the prices for an RX 480 right now, it doesn't seem like I'll be able to get one at a reasonable price. Are there any alternatives I can get as soon as possible?

you wont be finding an rx 480 right away. the sapphire version is the best one (nitro+) but thats not coming until maybe 8th of next month. you can pre order at amazon for 270 dollars but who knows when youll get it.
what i can recommend is (if you prefer amd) get something like r9 380 or r9 390 from amazon and refund it once the rx 480 nitro+ is available and youre able to get one. if refunding is not an option for you then try looking into a gtx 1060 if you can find one but be sure to avoid founders editions

480 Nitro

The only 480s on the market atm are reference ones, they are all the same.

Nitro isn't due to be out until next month, and even if it's out, it won't be in stock because everyone planning on getting a non-ref 480 has their sights on it.

Thanks for the suggestions. I'll see if I can wait it out, since at least my hdmi port is working for sure still.

Considering this was kinda sudden, I haven't really done much in the way of research, but which card would you consider providing the best bang for your buck atm? I'll take either AMD or Nvidia (though I have heard about Nvidia gimping their older cards when they release new ones, which doesn't sit well with me).

does not compute

amd's rx 480 8GB is more "future proof" than nvidias gtx 1060 because it has more ram and better support for vulkan/dx12
the gtx 1060 uses less power and has overall better performance with dx11 titles but not by much
is there any reason you need to use displayport? are you using freesync? if you are then you should be getting rx 480
if you want right now performance that will probably not benefit from newer APIs over time then you can get a gtx 1060

should probably wait for the 470 (only a few days away) if you don't want to spend too much


Well, the main reason I was using and needed displayports was because I use vga monitors, hence needing displayport connections to use them with (via adapters).

If the 470 is more powerful than my 7950, then I might end up just doing this, provided they don't sell out immediately. Is there anywhere I can preorder one of these?

>If the 470 is more powerful than my 7950
And if pigs fly

the 470 is rated at 5 tflops apparently, so yeah, it's more powerful than your 7950

and no, I don't have an idea where you could pre-order them because I don't live in the US :(

470 will be on 770 level, refs will be a little higher. 770 is little better than the 7950.

>does not compute
your Nvidia graphics card

The Sapphire Nitro is loud as fuck just get a GTX 1060 instead.
Remember that 4 dB means twice as much noise.

Actually 3 dB is already doubled noise.

The DVI's on these new cards does not do VGA anymore pal. Google it.

Didn't they have the issue where the driver sets a lower target temperature, and so higher fan speeds?

Yes. Also they support 0dB (off) when idle.

Both the GTX 1060 and RX 480 do not have DVI-D to VGA anymore so using a VGA adapter will no longer work.

I looked it up, and it looks like you're right in that they no longer have native analog support. If I buy an active dvi-d to vga converter like this though, that shouldn't be a problem, right?*Version*=1&*entries*=0


>Both the GTX 1060 and RX 480 do not have DVI-D to VGA anymore so using a VGA adapter will no longer work.
Wait a moment, I was under the impression that they were only getting rid of dvi-i and dvi-a. If they're getting rid of dvi-d support for vga systems as well, then how am I supposed to use a vga monitor with my brand new graphics card?

And what is this supposed to mean?

The problem is analog output is getting obsolete for what's coming out now. Take vga output for instance, 1080p @ 60hz is already stretching what it can deliver. We're at the point when I'd start considering getting a monitor with more recent input types

DVI-D (digital) has never supported DVI to VGA adaptors, you're thinking of DVI-I/A which they no longer put on GPUs.

You need an active DP to VGA adaptor now to use VGA monitors on new GPUs.

> active DP to VGA
No need. Passive ones support 1080p just fine.

Anything with a chip is still active, even if they don't need external power.


I see. I'm just relieved that there are still ways to use VGA monitors on newer hardware. Thanks for the suggestions.

On the original subject, I'm thinking of doing what said and getting a 390 and refunding it once the 480 goes on sale at a reasonable price. I found this on Amazon, and I'm wondering if MSI is good with returns/customer service? Is it worth getting a refurbished card from the manufacturer?

MSI has a history of simply reusing the fans and heatsinks from their nvidia cards and slapping them onto the radeon cards, which results in heatpipes not covering the heatspreader and so on. sapphire, again, would probably be the better choice. but I think it wont really matter much if you plan to refund it anyway.

MSI's aren't such an issue, they usually use a plate instead of direct contact of heatpipes.

Asus on the other hand, that's a main offender right there.

Shouldn't the RX470 be possibly around a 970 if it's only a little worse than the RX480?

what's the actual bandwidth of a DP -> VGA adapter?

I have an old but rather high end (flat 20" vis with 130 kHz h-sync limit) CRT in storage, and I have no idea if any of these dongles will even do 1600x1200@100Hz.

prob between a 970 and 380X

if youre buying amd you can never go wrong with the custom coolers from sapphire. dualx or trix
msi and powercolor are also pretty good and like someone else mentioned avoid asus
buy NEW from AMAZON and not the other sellers if you wanna be sure youre eligible for a refund.
i did this with r9 290 shortly before the 390 launched. bought r9 290 vapor-x, 390 came out, refunded 290, bought 390
prices were similar and my only gain was 4gb more vram


If you pre ordered one you'd be getting it tomorrow, just got shipping confirmation.

If you didnt, good luck. Miners are buying out stock in bulk.

You'll be eating your words in 8 days.

Should i get the rx 480 4 gig nitro+ or the msi dual fan 1060?

literally "out of stock"

Is the devil card out yet?

When is this available?

Honestly, the RX 480 is pretty shit. Problem is, the 1060 is complete garbage as well.
One is loud, uses way too much power and has no properly working designs, the other one is anything but future proof.
Imo. the only two options you have is shell out the needed bucks for a 1070 (what I did, as I needed a new graphics card NOW), or wait for decent RX 480 designs, or even better, Vega.

Nobody knows for sure. Last thing I heard about the customs is mid august. You could just get a reference MSI one and mount a Arktic Accelero Mono, there's a YT video and it's supposed to work great.

Also, if you want to run Dual-Monitor setups and power isn't dirt cheap in your country, you may want to avoid AMD. Doesn't matter with three or more Monitors though.

Problem with the partner designs is that a decent one increases the price quite a bit and I wouldn't pay 320€ for a Nitro OC model. It's just not worth that amount of money.


Strong words from the board that allowed itself to become /doge/ general for a year

Say that again but with a monetary symbol and prices from non Muslim countries.

Does it really make a difference? The 1070 is cheaper outside of these countries as well.
As soon as you take a RX 480 custom it gets too expensive for what it is.

>buying a 480 when the 1060 is way faster for the same price

wew lad

Yes it makes a difference...non Muslim countries have sane prices and the rx 480 is very affordable. The European caliphate gets fucked...badly. The experience you have is simply not comparable.

So yes. It matters. A lot.

Why though? A RX 480 nitro (8Gb) will be around 300$ USD, while a good 1070 is about 430$ USD (EVGA in this case).
The EVGA however is actually quiet, more powerfull and has way better OC potential. If there is any way you can afford a 1070 right now, it is the way better deal than either the RX 480, or the 1060.
I don't really see the difference between the European and the US market in this case. Yeah, your cards are cheaper, but that accounts for both, AMD and nVidia.

>AMD shit the bed
>help me shop for another AMD

Good logic OP. Maybe buy a second 480 for your wife's son while you're at it.

1070 is overkill for 1080p though

1060 is in a nice sweet spot

>people are actually falling for the "AMD supports their cards longer" meme

Overkill now, underperforming tomorrow specially at the dawn of new api.

Is this how Sup Forums says 'scalpers'?

Apparently the PCB on the Asus strix is really good.

10dB is twice as much noise you stupid nigger

I wonder who's behind this card.

>Best rx480
thats like asking for the best athlete at the special olympics

get a 1060

t. Asus Salesperson

>same price


>I'm such an uneducated retard that I can't into understanding logarithmic scale


$250 for the 1060 and $230 for the 480, not same price but close enough


You know reposting this every chance you get isn't an effective means of shilling.
Or just pure autism.
>can't into thermal dynamics.

8GB 480 is $240 at the lowest

got my rx 480 i hate it man fuck amd

Mr. Asus salesperson, it's literally the first time I posted it.

A bunch of DX12 games are coming out.

Also, the only game on pc I really play anymore is black ops 3 with my little brother (pc version of blops3 has splitscreen for Multiplayer and zombies) and all of the benchmarks I looked at have the 480 doing better in that game.

Although, at the end of the day, I just really think the nitro+ is a sexy card and will look great in my rig. Visually it'd every thing Ive always wanted in a aftermarket card. The colors, the backplate design, the lighted logo has the color I'm looking for, and most importantly the side of the card hides the pipes and heatsink. It's very nice looking.

1060 is faster than the 480 in DX12. It easily beats the 480 in DX12 games like Tomb Raider and 3D Mark's new Time Spy DX12 benchmark. It even beats the 480 in AMD favored DX12 games like Ashes.

>muh power useage
what the fuck are you fucking jobless? the difference betwwen 480 and 1060 while game in like 40 watts stop pretending it matters because it doesn´t.

If you ever even consider buying an AMD product you know you've been on Sup Forums too long.

40 watts means it puts off a lot more heat

I have doubt's

Some Sup Forums memes are good tbqh

not AMD
AMD's the special snowflake brand

Never had problems with them, and I used them for 6 years now

>buy intell user
>cmon user buy intell
>I'm happy with AMD
>poo in loo has been deposited

Something's amiss.

And will continue like this while the demand is high. Miners are going mental hoarding these, apparently some people have already 60+ of them. So there's no surprise they run out of stock within minutes of coming up.
Luckily I still haven't sold my spare pc, so I'm not in a hurry, but I think prices will drop to msrp or even lower when supply catches up to demand. They know the 1060 has current higher performance, and have to price it right to compete.

Is this the only 1060 charts you guys have to shill with?

Time to replace that 3.5

Are you sure?
The mining fad ended a long time ago

You can mine other things too you know.


Nope, mining is still going. I don't really care for it - our electricity costs nearly double of what's in the us - but an acquaintance of mine still tries to grab what he can as soon as they pop up, usually 2 or 3 at a time


My 7950 died the same way, user, just the other day. What the fuck?

Is AMD killing older cards with drivers?

>45db is loud as fuck

Holy fucking shit, the hyper-polarized extreme opinionization of everything is killing me.

45db is quieter than the average keyboard, you fuckhead, by a pretty decent margin. In no reality could it be described as "loud as fuck" unless you were in an otherwise silent room and the comparison was to the silence itself.

? the AIB 1060s are also around that price range or more at MSRP, not sure what's your point.

people were mocking the 1060 because of it not being 249 but yet there were many cards that wer with exception to few as far as AIB cards went... literally the first 2 RX480 non reference cards are over 279


New review up.

Needs a driver fix for target temperature. Temporary fix is to set target temp to 75c and then the fans and temps are what they should be. Temp under load is 74c under load which is 2c over what the Pascal cards achieve.

So no house fires as the Nvidia fanboys were saying because the other reviews did not set the target correctly.

Noise level of fans under load is 33dB gaming and 35dB using Furmark (extreme). GTX 1060 will be quiter for obvious reasons. It's no big deal though as your other system noise will no doubt make up for that unless you already run water cooling throughout.

Power consumption is total system 282w (8GB version) but take 100w off that for system and you are looking at around the 180w-200w mark depending. Thirsty yes. But GCN is like that. No idea what the multi-mon power consumption is for the Nitro but probably similar to ref.

Overclocking is an issue as of now because Trixx 3.0 is not out so no +mV can be applied above the default that Wattman gives. He still got to 1390Hz though. No benches were given at that clock rate however.

You pays your money...etc etc

Yeah I saw this review yesterday evening already. Seems to be a lot closer to the competition than in other reviews.
What surprises me though is how tiny the heatsink is compared to the shroud. I wonder how it would fare with a beefier one (look at the asus one for instance, even with the whole "lack of heatpipe contact" thing going on, still manages only 3° over a lower target temperature, against sapphire's 4)

Also take kg's noise results with a grain of salt, they are always way too low, on any card

kitguru also reviewed the asus 1060 oc. $330 ouch


There are actually a bunch of 1060s that are $249


AMD is like the Linux of graphics cards.

Clearly worse than the competition, but very low cost and makes you feel like you're special for using some shit nobody else uses.