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I can live with 32GB storage and it has better than redmi 3 pro hardware for the same price as the redmi 3
Ryder Perez
This might be a silly novice question, but is there anything I should be wary of when buying new phones from eBay? I'm thinking of getting a Note 3 and rather than hold out for a gently used one, I could get a brand new one for $240. Is there any reason not to get a new one? Basically, is there anything that could have happened to make the phone a dud?
Isaac Johnson
NEXUS 5X: My GS5 broke and Im not really crazy about any phone thats out to buy a flagship. Was thinking about getting a Nexus 5X to hold me over until something I like eventually comes out.
Does it still suffer from the same pitiful battery/camera/lag issues or is that smoothed over mostly? I don't like that it's not an amoled screen but I can get over that.
Camden Diaz
pretty damn smooth for me on N preview, but other reports are varied as always.
Thanks for your comment! hm, poo. Do you think it would be a better investment than a refurbished gs5? Hows your battery?
Michael Wright
Than just get the RN2/3?? they're the same size and price, and have SD slot and bigger batteries.
Austin Murphy
Wait for the new Nexus phones to be announced. They might be much superior and at worse the 5X will be all that much cheaper.
Jaxon Adams
>rmn3 >costs more, has less ram, has worse camera
>rmn2 Same size battery, worse camera and battery life, less ram
The le 1 has usb type c which is pretty neat too, and I'm only wondering if there are any better options at this price range.
Jaxon Carter
the thing is I need a phone right now, mine is broken. Id just give this to my mom and get a new nexus when they come out if theyre awesome. I ordered a refurb gs5 but I can return it. Not sure what to do here becaus emy GS5 got laggy as hell and sucked.
Oliver Edwards
planning on upgrading my S5 to an S7 edge tomorrow, partially so i can use the gear vr someone gifted me. is it a meme phone? i'm on verizon and using an update to switch over. is there anything else i should consider instead?
Mason Evans
Battery lasts the day for me with light to medium use but I charge whenever I use GPS. Galaxy S5 is an abomination (hardware and software), go Nexus.
David Lee
Has anyone already bought Moto G4?
Ryan Howard
Just a day with light to medium use? Well, that certainly is not good. :[ Thats as bad as my 2.5 year old gs5. Considering that, it really hardly seems different from the gs5, which is way older. WHat about all that lagging/camera problems?
Jordan Sanchez
I am on kitkat if I want to update to lolipop and keep my root do I need to install every update in order or just go straight to lolipop? Also will I lose root? cant find an explenation
Nicholas Taylor
Michael Peterson
With a phone that old, I doubt you're going to find an actual new, out of the box one. Most likely it'll either be a chink knockoff (not one of the good ones) or a refurb being passed off as new. Inspect it when you get it and make sure you have buyers protection of some sort.
Wyatt Myers
When does WP become good?
Jonathan Myers
Yeah, I'll have eBay which pretty much always sides with buyers. It's being sold by a US seller with fairly high feedback/experience, so I think I have nothing to lose with the return process if needed. I'm just worried that it's some sort of lemon or something instead of just innocent deadstock, like a batch of known defective models or something.
Jaxson Smith
If Sony is replacing the X Performance this soon, why did they even bother releasing that overpriced lump of shit?
Nathan Flores
Anyone really excited for Moto Z? There will be a devkit available, so there will be plenty of mods unlike the G5 (lol) Also the mods will be compatible with any new Moto Z at least for 2 years. I'm waiting for the unlocked edition. >inb4 no headphone jack
Connor Edwards
It'll get good the moment it gets good app support and manufacturer variety.
Jack Thompson
>Anyone really excited for Moto Z? No.
>Moto Z review: The mods can’t save this one
>But with sketchy battery life, a so-so camera, and a cool idea that’s not yet great, this one is a “wait.” If anything, I’d reconsider when the Moto Z is available unlocked later this year. By then, we’ll have seen devices such as the Galaxy Note 7, iPhone 7, and maybe even a new Nexus, and that’s some really, really tough competition.
> the approach to software can’t be beat. But if you don’t care for the whole mod revolution, you can get the same flagship experience from the OnePlus 3, which retails for $399.
It's a meme like TSwift's fat luscious red lips are a meme on my dick Also nothing else will work with the gear VR, but gear VR will work with cardboard apps.
Jaxson Murphy
Extremely smooth on N. Had laggy camera issues when I first got it (October 2015) but factory reset (and set up as new instead of transfer from old device) and software updates helped drastically. Will note, apparently YMMV as I still see people complaining about those issues. There's still lag but a custom kernel/ROM would probably eliminate that completely.
David Allen
*Moto Z Force and well yes, i care about the whole mod revolution
Luke Sullivan
I want a phone that I can use for trinus VR and google cardboard, T-moblie, austria and no features except the proposed matter.
Jonathan Butler
It doesn't help that it's ugly and oversized as shit
Connor James
I think any reputable company control burns a known bad batch. Unless someone dug um outta the garbage or something, in which case you can return
Tyler Anderson
I own one and its a great phone m8 why all this hate?
Grayson Allen
>trinus VR Literally fucking who??
Jeremiah Foster
but i like it user :(
Tyler Perez
Fuck off I only need it to jack off and that isn't worth 800$.
Nathaniel Rogers
now that the reviews are out and all what do you guys think of ZTE Axon 7 ? it hits a lot of good points and decent battery life as well.
Charles Hall
>no unlockable bootloader Into the trash it goes.
Joseph Price
Eli Lewis
Thinking of getting the Moto G4 with the ads for 180
Xavier Phillips
>back button on the wrong side Dropped.
Nathan Reed
All phones are chinkshit. Some are just highly marketed premium chinkshit.
Samuel Young
Pajeet just got my old S4. Fuck should've flashed Cerebus into it, not that law enforcement here gives a damn.
I need a cheap replacement, is the new chinkphones better than my old phone?
Henry King
id throw that in the garbage can
Dominic Morgan
Good to hear about its performance on N. Sounds like a bit of a gamble really....I guess it has to be better than a refurb gs5?
William Johnson
Is this the new OP3-esque phone for everyone to shit on
Mason Edwards
But it's on the correct side. Samshit is the only company who does it wrong.
Josiah Barnes
It's customizable.
James Murphy
Wyatt Martin
Friendly reminder.
Dominic Robinson
oneplus 3 deserved to be shit on. oneplus one was/is/will likely remain the only good phone from them
Andrew Wood
i hope i get an iphone SE for christmas
Jaxson Howard
ishilling out full force
Josiah Powell
How long do you guys think the Axon 7 will be kept up to date? Will there be bootloader unlock/root/custom ROM support?
William Morales
>Samgod is the only company who does it ̶w̶r̶o̶n̶g̶ right. ftfy.
Nolan Brown
They'll sell you a refurb and you won't even realize it
Probably most of Android N. They're saying they want to have it use Google's VR, so it'll certainly get N for sure. Apparently there's no unlock yet, but they're saying "When, not If" about it. The bootloader is literally the only thing keeping me from buying it at this point.
Dylan Garcia
I've seen some news about unlocking the S7, will it be possible? and is cyanogen worth it?
Levi Roberts
>tfw some distributors in my city are dumping crashing the market on Xiaomi phones >got the Redmi 3 Pro for 130$
Hudson Gonzalez
it's objectively on the correct side, you dimwit
it's the left-most icon, the left-most icon should and always take you a step back in any program or application you're using
take a look at your web browser, top left should have 2 arrows, one going back and another going forward. I wonder why they aren't to the right of your address bar, you dumb chink faggot?
Jacob Howard
Nope. Use phone with your right hand. Back button is used 50x more than the menu button. Easier to reach the back button with your thumb. No need to stretch your thumb all the way to the left to press back.
This is the natural approach and the only one that makes. if your'e doing it the other way, your'e a stupid dumb shithead with 50 IQ score.
Josiah Turner
>mfw you can customize them on the Axon7
Jose Jenkins
On screen buttons are crap though, they're too high on the display. capacities buttons on the bottom are better. the Redmeme got it right.
Nicholas Morgan
>dat antenna lines what the fuck were they thinking?
Nicholas Wright
But the Axon 7 has capacitive buttons on the bottom you big fag and you can switch the back to the right side
Thomas Evans
It's clearly on screen, which is why you can change their layout. so it's shit. kys.
Juan Howard
Not in the U.S version you fucking candyass go look it up
Wyatt Rodriguez
Is there an open-source app with which I can remove the bloatware from my phone?
Ryan Watson
>Not in the U.S version Yeah well I'm not a fat Americuck. choke on a burger :^)
Liam Powell
Debloater, if you're rooted If not rooted, you can just disable
Bentley Perez
Success breeds jealousy it seems
Lincoln Nelson
Best smartphone suited for audiophiles on a budget of around £300? Should have microSD support and a decent camera. Cheers
Brandon Walker
I can't find the source; I'm not comfortable with giving proprietary software root access.
James Collins
>audiophiles >>>/placebo/
Ryan Smith
Jeremiah Brooks
Axon 7 pretty much desu senpai, not sure about phones that only work in the EU/Asia
Gavin Smith
Anybody else got some nexus 5x stories, particularly battery life and lag?
Carter Brown
I've been rocking the OneM8 for the past two years and I think it's great.
I just got my upgrade notification about a week ago. On the first when I get paid I'm gonna go get a new phone.
I'm pretty stuck between HTC 10 and Samsung Galaxy S7 Edge
John Rogers
Can anyone vouch for the audio quality of the HTC 10? Any personal experience around these parts?
Nicholas Sanders
Can I stop KLWP running in the front? I can't clear all my running apps at once without shutting KLWP which kills my live wallpaper.
Elijah Long
What browser's THE best right now? Been using Lightning forever, are any of the CAF based ones any better?
Luis Lewis
got you senpai (i update this 'review' every couple months)
Pros: >still the cheapest bang for your buck outright phone in Canada >camera and bloat free Android is great >constant Google updates fix """"any problems"""" monthly >good phone size for one handed use >videos and text look great >charging is good / 1-2 hour full 100% if you DON'T use the phone while charging >upon fresh reboot, phone is the fastest device I've ever held If rooted: >easy to root / Pure Nexus ROM + Ex Kernel made my device faster and last longer battery wise >no reboots necessary, always runs great
Cons: >overpriced in Canada. Find a friend in the US to buy it for you. I made the mistake to buy it full price at $499, 32GB >battery does 4hrs SOT tops >gets hot as fuck. Slows down if it gets passed 45 degrees C. >plastic build makes it feel cheap as fuck. Again, get this for the ~$250 US price tag to justify If rooted: >battery is still 4hrs >phone stays WAY cooler, no heat issues
tl;dr I love it, esp coming from the 5 and didn't want to cash out $700
(And if you're into Pokemon Go, this game runs fine)
Charles Diaz
Nigga Redmeme Note 3 Pro has the SD650 SOC which btfo the Helio Meme SOCs anytime
Jacob Taylor
What does Sup Forums think of this phone?
Brayden Lewis
Jacob Hernandez
thanks that was excellent! Yup it's going for 250 here(im in the US) on amazon and best buy does a price match. How consistently does it get hot like that, and are you doing some heavy shit when you do it? seems pretty sweet though the heat is kindof a bummer as my gs5 didnt do that and has marginally inferior specs. The fingerprint scanner, does it have issues reading when youre sweaty?
Hudson Johnson
Will they ever fix Moto G's network issues?
Noah Sanders
I'll speak off-rooted because that's when it actually gets hot:
Heavy apps such as games or Snapchat (not as bad recently since they've fixed the app tremendously, but still bad). Multitasking such as spotify + chrome browsing (yeah, its bad).
Fingerprint scanner never has any issues. It's excellent.
Benjamin Bennett
>Snapchat >they've fixed the app >Snapprefs still only supports half-year old version reeeeeeeee
Ryder Butler
Thanks for your responses! Hm I see...sounds like it struggles a lot. What about when youre just using spotify, or just browsing on chrome? How long before it gets slow
despite all the complaints...? evidently it gets very hot an dslows down doing simple tasks still
Evan Peterson
Why not? Any reasons?
Lucas Morales
My contract ends August 1st and I can get an S7 for $50 with a 2 year contract. Is this the best deal I'm gonna get? I have a note 3 and I'm going to miss my removable battery and USB 3. Should I wait to see the Note 7? Or maybe wait for the new nexus devices?
Owen Reyes
Those alone are fine
Joseph Campbell
interesting, thanks
Kayden Phillips
I bought a brand new phone over the internet some days ago, which is supposed to come today. Lurking this thread made me realize counterfeit, chinkshit is a thing. The seller told me they were origin al, is there anyway to verify that?
Jaxson Cooper
How could I block ads on a stock android phone?
Lincoln Watson
Yeah but has less ram and costs much more, unless you mean the note 3 with the heliox10 which still costs more.