Asking "Hey guys, what's your opinion on x?" is frowned upon. Wireless is frowned upon. Headset requests are frowned upon. Noise isolation ≠ Noise cancellation If you dislike a suggestion, try giving a better suggestion to whomever asked instead of going "hurr, x sucks"
>Budget up to £200, but I could go higher >Location UK >Source Mobile, no amp and no DAC >Preferred type of headphone Looking for some IEMs >Open or closed Closed, and I really want them to isolate the noise of the Tube >Comfort level As comfortable as possible (preferrably fitting snugly enough to sleep in and go running in) >Preferred tonal balance I do prefer a bit of bass, but I want to be able to hear the trebles as well - maybe V-shaped? >Past headphones Been rocking ATH-M50's for years, so that's my benchmark. Is it even possible to get IEMs that have as wide a soundstage as over-ears?
Jackson Price
How much would I regret buying HD600s as an upgrade to ATH-M50x's when my main choice of music is Swing/Electronic?
Easton Kelly
Didn't mean to quote, but for IEM's I think you'd be looking at maybe Momentum in-ears for a V shaped signature?
Justin Rodriguez
Anyone have the M70x's? I'm thinking about buying them for everyday use and for all my music production shit. The freq response is flat as fuck from what i've seen.
Lincoln Powell
>Momentum in-ears
Wouldn't they be a downgrade from ATH-M50's though?
Also, I forgot to add: I want a pair with a detatchable cable (because I always break it). A mic like the one on the Momentums would be sweet, but not necessary.
Joshua Cruz
you will regret it if you like boom boom bass. if you want something more like the m50 get the X2.
Julian Baker
you're thinking of the msr7. m70x is like the m50x. msr7 is like the m40x, flatter.
Michael Brooks
A lot of my music has is relatively bass heavy but I never feel like I want more, and sometimes it does overpower the rest of the music.
They're at the top of my list, yeah. The only thing is (and I know this is stupid) the only person who I've seen really love them is LinusTechTips, and I don't really rate his opinion.
Anyone in this thread owned a pair?
Ryder Miller
Don't blame you since he's a Sennheiser fanboy. I'll be honest I'm not too informed on IEM's so take my suggestion with a grain of salt.
John Hall
>flat within 2db from 50hz to 12khz >trusting it
Andrew Hill
yes. if anything it measures worse than the m50x. msr7 and m40x is what you want.
Hudson Wright
Owen Gutierrez
>Budget 100-200 $ >Location ASEAN countries >Source Smartphone and PC >Type of Headphones Over Ear >Open or Closed Open >Comfort Level Best/High >Tonal Balance Neutral >Optional Detachable Cord if possible >past headphones Only Earphones, very uncomfortable .
Andrew Scott
>Budget up to 200 eur >Location Netherlands >Source Macbook pro >Preferred type of headphone Over ear >Open or closed closed, I don't want coworkers to also be enjoying my music >Comfort level comfy pref non (fake) leather I'll be wearing this for 8 hours in a row >Preferred tonal balance something between neutral and bassy leaning more to neutral >Past headphones Urbanites
Charles Bell
Sennheiser HD558 AKG K612 Pro if you mean to get an amp later, but your pc may be able to drive it alone, unless it's old.
Jason Clark
Easton Adams
Mad Dog still the best closed headphones?
Hudson Brooks
They've never been the best closed headphones.
Christian Gonzalez
Well what's the best?
Aaron Cruz
MDR 7506 for neutral sound, DT770 for v-shaped sound
Justin Miller
thanks user
Cameron Parker
Thinking of getting a pair of AKG K 240 Studios, anything better for around 60€?
Adrian Davis
Hey /hpg/ I heard that excessive use of noise cancellation Headphones make your ears less sensitive for background noise and thus you'll have a harder time understanding people while a TV is running for example or other stuff. Any of you knows if there's something to it? Because my hearing already isn't the best and I don't want to damage it any further.
Robert Hughes
That sounds like BS. Since noise cancelling headphones just play an inverted version of the background noise to cancel it out.
Jack Evans
Hey /hpg/ I heard that excessive use of earplugs make your ears less sensitive for sound and thus you'll have a harder time understanding people while a earplugs are off for example or your ears adapting to hearing noise while earplugs are on. Any of you knows if there's something to it? Because my hearing already isn't the best and I don't want to plug it any further.
Charles Torres
hi looking into akg702 for studio mixing and recording and wondering why there is such a price difference on amazon between fulfillment stores and amazon. $150 us difference which is huge considering the $210 offering price
Anthony Perry
Hearing loss has to do with damage to the ear or blockage of the ear canal or some actual rare/ serious brain disease.
Adapting like you describe it doesn't really exist as far as I know. Actual adaption or hearing training is a different brain process than "lower the volume".
Robert Edwards
Have you checked the price of the K701 or the Q701? They're basically identical to the K702. K702 is cheaper in Europe, but the Q701 is cheaper in the US.
Blake Wright
>Budget ~500€ (~$500) >Location Germany >Source fiio x3 >Preferred type of headphone over ear >Open or closed open >Comfort level Comfy enough for ~3 hours of listening, so average, I'd say >Preferred tonal balance neutral or a slight v-shape >Past headphones had the creative aurvanas IEMs couple years back, also tried the rock it r-50 but they were too bright to my liking. Right now I have the beyer dt1350 and the tight punchy bass and overall fairly neutral sound is nice. They get uncomfortable after 1+ hours of wearing though so I'm looking for an upgrade both in sound and in comfortability. I've been looking at the Senn HD650, or maybe HiFiMan HE400. Or maybe I should stick with beyerdynamic since I like their sound signature?
Lincoln Campbell
> $100 > USA > Wireless headphones for VR use (HTC Vive) > Would prefer closed, but ok with semi-open > Need to be comfy, immersive > Needs to reproduce ignore sounds, with decent soundstage > Currently using Shure 215, with various gamer headsets over the years
I need help finding a decent pair of wireless headphones for my VR set. I'm guessing soundstage and immersiveness is the number one priority. I have no clue where to start, I'm more of an IEM person.
Nathan James
*reproduce in-game sounds
God damnit.
Jace Robinson
Cameron King
you don't need wireless man, I got a short 3.5mm cable off ebay for a few dollars that is about 170mm in length.
Then plug that into any headphone of your liking that accepts 3.5mm input into the Vive's 3.5mm port.
The cable doesn't get in the way you won't know it exists, it doesn't even rub on my shoulder.
As for headphones that would go well with it probably anything with wide sound stage that is very lightwieght.
I use fidelio X2 with my vive at the moment and the weight is fucking killing me.
Hell even without the headphones the Vive is fairly front heavy can't stand to play it more than an hour before my neck starts getting sore especially with games that have you looking down a lot or tilting your neck.
The headphones sit near the center of mass of your head so it doesn't cause anywhere near as much discomfort unless they weigh a ton.
Only advantage of wireless I can think off right now is not having to plug it into the HMD but that doesn't take long anyway.
Brandon Fisher
try phillips SHP9500 I think it is within your budget, it is wired but has 3.5mm female port so you can plug in a short cable.
It has pretty wide soundstage and is fairly comfy, not sure how well it clamps to your head.
Nolan Allen
The cable of my superlux 681B is getting loose. Sound missing from the left or right ear at certain positions.
I don't have any tools or tinkering skills.
Is there anything I can do?
Jackson Scott
Is there something like a tier list for headphones?
Alexander Martinez
Thanks for the advice, I'll look at some wired lighter-weight headphones then. At least it's a bit easier picking those out.
Blake Moore
Anything good under $20?
John Robinson
>tier list for headphones? There are price ranges to select from, but quality is all over the place. Even if the set is "good", they have their own weaknesses.
And no, paying more doesn't guarantee anything.
Oliver Gomez
If you are not in the US prices ranges mean fuck all. That's why I'd rather have a tier list of sorts even if it's more subjective and leaves out finer details and preference.
Michael White
Goddamn it. I just got my 2ndhand Fidelio X2 today, $150 after shipping. I ran it through my phone straight up, creative E5 dac/amp and Fiio E17. Goddamn consistent. The store demo HD800 isn't like that when I tried it.
Playing Shostakovich symphony no.5 mvt 4, some Nep songs, and Dvorak's New World Symphony.
How the fuck is Sennheiser charging this much for HD600/HD650 when this thing is so well built for MSRP 300 bucks? I mean I think back to some dude with his T1 and HD800 along with this heavy as shit Audaze LCD-2 running on power conditioned circuit and digital Dac/amp, stuff that I don't understand at all, and I am thinking why he'd gone through that much pain to get a sound that I swear I am getting with no EQ on this X2 out of my Samsung Note 4 plugged straight in.
Is my taste just hopelessly pleb for the likes of the srs audiophiles or something, /hpg/?
Alexander Price
Bose 20i's broke down yesterday, and I need something to use on the way to work.
Im pretty confident that I could find some online easily, but id really like some guidance so I dont buy Bose shit again.
Tyler Nguyen
Post your end-game headphones.
Austin Lewis
But you already posted them
Ryder Fisher
You guys have any tips for keeping my hearing safe? Any good "rule of thumb?"
I heard
>Listen to music, does it sound quiet? >Go one step beneath that
I've also heard this >60/60 >60 percent volume with good headphones/IEM's for 60 minutes
I really love music, and I think it'd be a shame if I lost my hearing.
Camden Rivera
is there any IEMs like the ATH-IM50 in that they're fairly cheap and have detachable cables?
Jaxon Nelson
Most headphones need an amp to sound louder, other headphones don't. No surprise you can drive your Fidelio X2 very well out of your phone, the X2 is really easy to drive. I had two X2, both of them had glued earpads. They sounded a bit too bassy and mid-shy to me, plus they got a bit uncomfortable due to their weight and their loose clamp, which is why I sent the X2 back to Amazon, then I bought an AKG K702 + E10K amp/dac for a bit less than a X2. I'm satisfied with their sound now. > why do audiophiles spend that much? Because they think that more expensive stuff ALWAYS sounds better than cheaper stuff. The best headphones now cost around 300$. Really few flagships can be considered good for their price.
Nathan Morales
No shit taste there if you ask me.
Asher Sanders
Looks you are getting cucked by your waifu or does the guy represent you?
Ayden Rivera
Have you ever tried speakers?
Logan Ross
Ah, that's Larva, it's a weird platonic thing, but officially he is her best friend/bodyguard//servant/slave. A few near-field monitors, the best so far was a Genelec one, can't recall the exact model, sounded awesome, but was a little too forgiving if you ask me. Being meaning to get a pair of JBL LSR308 for quite some time now, should be more than enough for what i need.
Ryan Price
The Japs sure know how to design headphone amps. I've never heard the HD800S sound so smooth and lively.
Juan Taylor
Henry Collins
I'd rather use an O2 which is proven to be neutral rather than some chink no-name amp.
Jason Bell
Hows the bass attack transiency? How warm are the mids? Are the highs nice and soft
Parker Ross
The designer of this amp is a senior sound engineer for TV Tokyo. Please don't confuse glorious Japanese electronics with chink shit.
Joshua Roberts
It's a pretty cool hunk of metal with a nice history behind it but 4k sounds like a lot Do you have any specs or measurements?
Parker Williams
I don't care about your gook shit amp kid, it's just another senior sound engineer using his name to rip off retarded audiophiles like yourself. Seeing that he's an educated man, he's very aware that he's selling you bullshit, and he's probably laughing at you all behind your backs.
Jordan Jackson
I've heard a guideline that says you should be able to hear you own voice clearly while listening to music or it's too loud, but it's not very useful unless you're using open headphones because closed and IEMs have varying degrees of isolation. There is a WHO document on safe listening in the wiki.
Nathaniel Jackson
The price guides on the wiki relate to tiers as is. Let's try anyway. Here's roughly how I would tier it. Just by sound.
HD518 and variants/XPT100/M40x/M50/7506 DT770/HP50/R70x HD600/HD650/K701 and variants/DT880/DT990/K612/HE-400i/most SR-Λ series HD800/LCD-2/Ether/HE-560/HE-6/SR-009
There are some other things that I'm not sure how I would place.
>proven to be neutral Non-flat amplifiers are the exception rather than the norm.
Hunter Scott
>Budget $150 aud >Location Australia >source Just my phone >open or closed Open >comfort level Comfortable enough to wear for hours on end
Brandon Martin
Is sennheiser for faggots?
Is AKG for weeaboos?
Are closed-back Audio Technica headphones for normalfags?
>Budget Low, I just want a pair of stand-ins until I accrue some more money since I only recently started working. Looking at amazon basics for $15 >Location US of A >Source Motherboard audio >Preferred type of headphone Over-ear, on-ear okay >Open or closed Indifferent >Comfort level Not painful >Preferred tonal balance Indifferent >Past headphones Sennheisder HD419, Superlux HD-681 Evo
Eli Lee
here, bumping this clown because he didn't fill out the form but we have the same needs.
Oliver Moore
What are the best pc speakers i can get for $200?
Nathaniel Lopez
>Budget Up to $150
>Location USA
>Source OnePlus 3
>Preferred type of headphone I am looking for in ear headphones to use around campus
>Open or closed N/A
>Comfort level Something that will not fall off while walking and that is comfortable enough for everyday use.
>Preferred tonal balance I primarily listen to hip-hop EDM and rock, so I would like something bassy but not overwhelming.
>Past headphones I use my dt880s at home with my fiio e10k. I am looking for something portable.
Jayden Rodriguez
Eli Reyes
Hook me up pham
Blake Harris
How do these compare to the s500
Christian Gonzalez
No clue. Never tried the S500.
Piston 3.
Anthony Nguyen
that's a good idea, get a pair of wearables for the interim and then cans later. Do they have smaller rubber insert shits? I got teeny ear canals man.
Asher Ortiz
>Budget $110 >Location USA >Source Phone >Preferred type of headphone In Ear >Comfort level Comfortable as possible. Their primary use is to listen to podcasts during my 10 hour shift. So comfort > sound quality.
ty /hpg/
Aaron Martinez
Bump your budget $10 and
Elijah Diaz
I'll absolutely consider. thanks.
Jacob Campbell
700 dollars open headphones i have no amplifier
what headphone + amp/dac do i get? my source will be my PC playing FLAC
Brody Phillips
For many, an O2 DAC/Amp + HD600/650 are endgame.
Hunter Diaz
got my first dac. do I max my volume in windows and just adjust volume using the dac slider from now on?
Luke Parker
Can you put the HD600 cables in backwards? I mean putting the "L/R" labels facing inwards.
Only asking because the pins are so tiny and I don't want to risk damaging them by trying.
John Flores
>Budget 250euros >Location Lithuania >Source PC >Preferred type of headphone full-sized >Open or closed closed >Comfort level really comfy, so i could wear easily for 12hrs. V-moda lp are great but fuck me are they not comfy >Preferred tonal balance bassy >Past headphones V-moda lp1
Hunter Murphy
piston 3 or hybrid?
David Sanchez
I saw someone over at the snakeoil forum say that putting HD650 cables in a pair of HD600 makes them sound better, any truth to this or just more placebo autism?
Carson Stewart
I'm no expert, but what about the cables would make the headphones sound better?
What's the theory behind this?
Landon Young
Mad/Alpha Dog, HP50, PM3, and TH-00x (or any of the good fostex) are the best closed headphones imo. though something like the Ether-C might be better but I've never tried it. also, I favor a warm sig. someone looking for treble might like something like a v6 or msr7 better, even that fucking meze 99. but personally I don't think a closed headphone has any excuse for weak bass and emphasized highs or upper mids sound better from an open headphone anyways.
Alexander Flores
th-02, shell out for better pads if you can. srh-840 ones work and they're cheap but they are a bit loose on the cups.
or just buy an IEM.
Cooper Turner
I wonder what you could transplant into the X2 in terms of drivers? because they really do have among the best build quality of any headphone. A bit too bassy and v-shaped for me. I found equing Q701 and HD600 to be more like the x2 (just a bit) to give better results than doing the opposite on the x2.
Luis Ward
that first one sounds really dumb. so you're just supposed to listen to music at an unsatisfying low level forever? and what is the baseline you're starting from? "quiet" is highly subjective.
personally I have slightly above average hearing for my age, with very minimal hearing damage (considering things will naturally sound less loud with age). unless you know you are damaging your ears already I would say just make sure not to listen to slightly loud (to you) music for hours on end. if you're going to listen that long, tone it down to your subjective "somewhat quiet".
Hunter Jenkins
IMO the question shouldn't be how loud can you go but how low can you go and still hear every dynamic/sound?
Colton Clark
I know this is a headphone thread, but what is your opinion on the Bose 301? Is it a good deal a used one for $70? Can I do better by buying something new at that price?
Julian Turner
>Budget $50-$100 >Location US >Source Phone for travel, PC for work/home >Preferred type of headphone Full-sized >Open or closed Closed >Comfort level Comfort is very important >Past headphones Sony MDR v6
Just looking for something similar to MDR v6's in terms of quality, portability, comfort, and price except without the cumbersome coiled cable.
Thanks in advance guys!
Jordan Roberts
Something to do with the electrical resistance of the cables.
Really shitty cheapo cables can have a noticeable effect on SQ, but comparing two decent cables straight from a reputable manufacturer? Seems like a meme to me.
>150 AUD
AD700X from DWI.
Gabriel Gonzalez
Bass(3) or more bass(hybrid).
>Can you put the HD600 cables in backwards? No. The pins are keyed, one is significantly larger than the other. That wouldn't be a good thing either. >the pins are so tiny Look at the the pins and match them up. I have no reason to believe this is too much to ask of you.
The cables are thicker than the somewhat thin cables on the 600, but it doesn't do much electrically. For something to change from the cabling, it has to change to voltage delivered to the headphone somehow.
To maximize system dynamic range, yes. That's the obsessive audiophile nervosa way, a lot inconvenience for something that doesn't always make a meaningfully negative impact on sound quality. Practically speaking, you can make some adjustments at the computer, as long as you don't bury your intended signal too deep into the noise floor and make a mess of the system gain.
Does Windows still default to linear volume taper?