
Old one is about to die!

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r8 me bois.

How do you like that tiny keyboard user? It's cute
Cyberpunk dreams brought to fruition

Fixing my camera tape and looming my wires today. Need to find a decent 2.0 speaker set that matches my ThinkFetish


MLG edition

>How do you like that tiny keyboard user? It's cute
I prefer it to my full size (which I also love) because the arrows and numpad don't get in the way :)

Maybe I'll take a new pic one day.

too patchworky for my tastes
and too cramped, but I'm huge
if you're small, there might be no issue
which judging from your tiny feet, you are

Sup ladies.


I can take it, I'm a real neckbeard!

Yep, I'm small as fuck.


more like virginstation am I right, virgins?

I've crushed the P before user



howdy family

>Duster can in the background has no straw



Just admit you're too embarrassed about your Skullcandy headphones and Logitech gamer keyboard to post.

If you have a total poorfag ghetto setup, post it though. We like those too. Especially if they're comfy.

Looking good, much better without the black light.'
You should fix the cables though.
Looking comfy as usual, but don't we have enough thigh highs here already?
Looks good, jelly about the keyboard

Sup niggas. Got my full size industrial model m today

They're not thigh highs. They are leggings.

And no, we do not.

Also, what turntable?

I've never had a black light and have fixed the cables :) No point taking another photo for a while though

Nice G5.


In like Flyn

I'm just busting your balls, really. But seriously. Stop calling it "Battlestation". It's fucking cringe and pathetic.

whats it been, like 6 months now? been waiting to see this!

you gonna have to just cringe then.

>what turntable
Nothing special, Pioneer PL-J2500.
Bought it for $12 at a thrift shop.

Wasn't this blacklights? >


Here's hoping you'll one day have a big enough room to add a comfy as fuck couch to this.

I'd replace Heath Ledger with Jack Nicholson. He'd complement your pool table way better.

Where did you get that laptop stand / holder?

evening losers
qt 3.14
neckbeard and BO
unironic hipster
babbies first set up
smells of mountain dew and doritos
thinks they are slightly superior to others
reeks of semen, and wears crusty socks
pushing 20 but still angsty
nice sex table
has semen stuck under fingernails
i got nothing
acne, BO, fedora, and a trenchcoat
probably has spiders crawling up their legs.

I want to clean up my monitor solution but I can't figure it out what to do between getting 2 27" 1440p dells, or a samsung or LG 34" 1440p ultrawide.

dual ultrasharps
>more overall screen real estate
>more expensive
>no "central monitor" if I want everything centered

>the opposite of those

What do. Still not entirely convinced ultrawide isn't a meme.


> (You)
>neckbeard and BO

Hah. I'm 5'9 and 98 pounds. Can't grow a beard and keep myself clean. I also where pink floyd shirts and bell bottoms. You could not have been more off.

Nice desk tho.

I have that same crossbow.

I want that lamp. And the screen, I guess.

How the fuck do you function?

Seriously sometimes my desk gets cluttered up but it's with stuff that's not supposed to be there. All that stuff is there... all the time?

always the one faggot that thinks he's special and does shit like this

with that outfit, then you need a ford econoline and be hanging out by schools or 7/11's looking for teenyboppers.
what is being a sarcastic arsehole, also lighten up bit.

Look Mr. 3000, everyone knows you can get a coffee straw from the local gas station that will perfectly replace it.

But I found the straw again so no worry.

go big or go home

>tfw I actually own an econoline.
It is broken down though, my main car is a '74 Monaco.

Yes, they've been there all the time but also don't want to get rid of it, it's nice

all the actually good stuff you could have gotten for that money

Give me one of your CSgo skin you fucking faggot

Now you just have to get a new desk that isn't all bent

>Wasn't this blacklights
Amazon. Search for Just Mobile AluBase

fuckin autism

Meh it isn't even that bad so nah

It's noticeable enough

Gonna need an ID on that camcorder

Bro, how many computers do you think you can use at the same time? There must have been a more cost efficient way to fulfil whatever your requirements are.

Very nice. Very minimalist and clean.

Can we any workstations going?

No not really

It's just a 1988 RCA VHS camcorder.

Pretty schway.


Pic of the camera.


>skeletor laughing

You're going to regret having your monitor off to the side like that.

Still setting shit up after painting the whole house. Try to imagine the speakers hanging upside down from under that shelf, I still need to buy the stuff to actually put them there.

then I'll not put the controller shelf in

or maybe im pic related

also r8 if you want

im bored guys

kill yourself disgusting homo


Are you both male or male and female or both female?

Doesn't matter though. I KNOW YOU'RE BOTH GIRAFFES


could be a grill, who knows?

p-post more

I really envy this setup


Most of the people in this thread. It's not a secret. Granted I only know about the one. so there's a small chance that the other legs are a grill, but I very seriously doubt it.

everyone that has been here more than 1 day. fucking disgusting gay trap

I actually thought that link was a joke at first...

Ugh, now I have to fap. God damn giraffes.


Sup nerds




TV for bed viewing.

Great Tier
Good Tier
Decent Tier
Shitty Tier
Garbage Meme Tier
(having to post twice)
(socks ruin it, would have been great tier too)

Needs more monitors/feet
Indestructible peripherals user
you got like 3 speedometers lmao
I htink it is nice other than the wallpaper and the keyboard. Also is that res tilted?
7/10 jealousof your monitor tho
Looks super cozy. Yeah get a non grainy pic tho.
Try and get those Ultrawides stacked on top of one another
also make all the amiibos fight in a tournament and let us know who wins
8/10 due to clutter
cozy looking chair and monitor, but tape on the laptop -1
6/10 clean your wires and laptop family
That case is nice, where do your legs go on that desk setup tho.
Christmas themed RGB...
Everything else 10/10
Why would you not use the speaker the same way on both sides?
Like the rug tho
Needs more USB ports
Keyboard is s.exe tho
u do u
Good cables and lights
Case directly on carpet tho..
Dont jump
wash your mouse mat
>Pokemon XY
8/10 if you wipe it down
3 inches of mouse space..
get a bookshelf for them knick knacks and itll look way better
By Gamez 4 Gamerz/10

>Garbage Meme Tier
>Every time
What have I done to hurt you so?
Cheers bud :D

>Why would you not use the speaker the same way on both sides?
Can't put it under the right monitor since I don't have a monitor stand for it.

Nigga that's from striker's profile on steam. Stop lying faggot. That guy is level 1100 on steam


Yes weeb

postin memes


both males ofc
more what?

> Fl Studio
I fucking have problems with making music. I either get procrastinated or I lose the motivation to continue on making projects.

Is there no top grommet holes in the case to thread the smaller power connector though? Kinda ruins the aesthetics with it going all the way over the board to the side one.

Most of that shit is sponsored, the real owner got most of that shit for free

I am drooling as an ROG citizen. What is that keyboard?

Holy fuck this one's good

I think it's pretty cool

are you a HAMfag

None the hd enclosures are right behind the motherboard