Mr Robot

>Mr Robot

please tell me this is a fake??

wtf is VHS? i know web-dl, ts, cam, bdrip and dvdrip but i've never heard of vhs


You need to be 18 to even use the blue boards there lad.

Please return to the safety of

nope, season 2 episode 3

I don't get it?

sorry for not knowing all of the latest le ep*c Sup Forums memes, i have a life you know.

sorry episode 4

VHS was a thing way before Sup Forums. Go back to and don't return until you're of age to visit this site legally.

>no ripper name
>no group

>uTorrent 3.2.1

More proof that utorrent is a MPAA/RIAA/NSA honeypot

What's the joke? 3 2 1?

>no Libertarian Socialist Revolution, The.txt

1/10 for reply

The joke is that uTorrent is a malware ridden piece of shit past a certain old version, and for some 1337 h4xx0r like Elliot to use it is hilarious

Fuck off newfag, this was a thing before you were even born

>not the almighty 2.2.1

I'll proprietary clients should be banned on private trackers desu senpai.

But he's just a failed normie, so I don't get the issue.

Trying to fit in with the normies using using utorrent.

He apparently also uses VLC and has a YIFY rip flying around in the folder somewhere.

Post more screenshots.


Finally Yify has some competition

>implying uTorrent is bad
Once you disable the ads it's the best torrent client, by far.

qBittorrent says otherwise

rtorrent is miles better

but you're probably too retarded to set it up

Yeah, but VLC is actually the best video player, and YIFI is the best movie public torrent provides.
But I see no reason for using uTorrent over transmission or qBittorrent any other open source client.


that show is so fucking cringe worthy.

He's using it ironically you moron.

I'm a hacker and I use µtorrent.

i really hope this is bait

>l33t h4x0r
>using torrents

There really no reason not to use it if you're not American.

First thing I checked

Since this is a thinly veiled Sup Forums thread, what do you anons think of Mr. Robot? Surely it pays more respect to computers than shit like CSI, but do you find it creditable or just as laughable?

>a show about a gay that targets neets
its like you enjoy being wrangled like cattle, that show is neither funny nor interesting
now fuck off with the shilling back to

To be honest I will never understand
'realistic hacking' as a selling point. It's laughable when movies get it wrong but when they get it right it doesn't win more points in my book, it just doesn't lose them.

Other than that the show is really gay, both figuratively and literally.

>vhs rip

What the fuck is happening I thought this show was about
>I, myself am more of a KDE person

>The CTO is a moron. And he's using a blackbery.
>"FBI shifts from Blackberry to Android"
>Time to hack the FBI

What's wrong with a VHS rip?

is vhs some haxxor lingo or what

let it rip bro hahahaha oh shit damn that's nasty high five dude!

Fucking Sup Forums this is what a master ruselad looks like, learn from the best get rused like the rest.

where my transmission bros at?

really like it, dude logged on to his personal server with putty and launched bitchx.

maybe i'm pretty easy to win (nah I am pretty easy to win,) but at least they are trying

I've met people in their early 20s who didn't know what VHS was.

then just search for it in the internet fag

Pretending not to know what VHS is is some really old and stale bait.

sounds like bullshit. 90s kids know.


What else would you call it? DVDrips are just copies from dvds. This fictional download is just copied from a vhs.

Anyway this season has gone downhill. I enjoyed the first.


Damn nigga, I just unpluged my pc. Posting from my toaster. is my IP.

c'mon. hack me. give me your best shot. I dare you loser.


> is my IP

Got it. I'm now in ur network, my IP is as well right now

dude what the fuck?? how did you do it

wait where is all my money

dude I was only joking give me my frickin money back please

I'm empying ur bitcoin right now !!1!

You need to change to a cold / hot wallet system and do the migration thing the dude ur friend beat up keep speaking about

>typed with two fingers on a windows machine.

Oh, by the way, black dude logon screen was windows 7 but it was windows 10 when elliot was using it to shitpost on irc...

Nah fuck that guy. Forward the money to me.

Are they running Utorrent in fucking wine? Top fucking kek

>telling me your IP just like that

hahaha, you done goofed son, I'm accesing your network as we are speaking

>anything past 2.2.1


>using utorrent ever

J U S T bloatware my S H I T up

i just wish there was a fucking plot like season 1

plot : the one with the tombstone on it

: (

Switched to Deluge and never looked back

user, people born in 1996 are turning 20 this year, and people born in 1998 are turning 18, they wouldn't remember VHS because they were too young at the time

Fucking kill yourself please.

yeah bro I loved season it was so fuckin' crazy and realistic. . . hackers are so cool bro they fuckin' hack people all the time cuz they are antisocial I mean badass... I loved that moment when that corpo guy beat up that hobo I mean it was SOOO SYMBOLIC... yeah bruh hold on


so yeah uh I love how they use linux cuz you know that's what real hackers use... and yeah they have sex with they drug dealin' neighbours as well man it's totally true.

whoooaaa drug trip ~_~

tyrell and his wife are so badass and crazy just like real corpo people... I mean cutthroat go full gay just to climb the corpo ladder you know what I'm saying???

*vapes some more*


That's retarded though. I'm 23 and even though I've never touched an 8 track I know what one is.

wtf I hate Mr Robot now

I'm gonna hope so

I'm only 20 and I already feel old

If kids are going round with no knowledge of what a VHS is than there's no hope at all

no way

tyrell and his wife really are/were the worst part of that show, which says a lot since it's a show about a sperg who keeps arguing with Christian Slater.

people keep telling me that kids these days are better with tech but I've seen no proof of this. tech literacy peaked in the DOS days. Nowadays a kid touching a computer without breaking it is considered tech literate.

hahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha I am watching the episode right now and when I saw this I immediately opened Sup Forums and knew this was gonna be here

>utorrent 3.2.1

not only that, he's downloading shitty public tracker movies hahahahahaha

Is the show as good as people say it is?

gb2/ptg/ cuck

Guys it keeps getting worse

I swear Sup Forums hates on everything, I don't actually see anything wrong.


>I swear Sup Forums hates on everything, I don't actually see anything wrong.
change Sup Forums for Sup Forums and you're golden

>720 bluray
>hd rip mp3


Mr Robot fan here

Season 2 has been shit. This takes it to a whole different level

Fuck this show. I'll just admit Person of Interest was better

that's because you're a retard. uTorrent itself is wrong.. and then those cheap public tracker rips..ayy.

>mr anomalos haxxor

Is he using uTorrent on WINE?

That's some dedication, I guess.

Why arent we talking about this?

>Root Pass in plain text

wtf why are they including these in the show

what kind of production would entice or show normies to do this

I guess it doesn't matter now anyways with the only good public track down

>less than 150KiB
>less than 8MiB RAM used

Meanwhile this idiot moved to something that uses close to 400MiB of RAM with a single torrent...

those screenshot are zoomed in, I couldn't read anything while watching the show it's here for a sec or so.


> citizenfour

That's probably poorly configured MATE

Uses bitchx too in the same scene.
