Daily Programming Thread
Anime 5evr Edition
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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Daily Programming Thread
Anime 5evr Edition
What are you working on, Sup Forums?
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I just got my website project to properly handle forms both with PHP purely AND with AJAX
I'm pretty happy with that, b/c I'll be able to do most of the rest of everything now that that crap's outta da way.
We gonna kill the Facebook, yet, bois!
Might have to dip my cock into some webdev so I can show off my BI dashboards in a more accessible manner.
You're missing the point here, it was to create something great with a "bad" programming language.
If I wanted to do it the easy way, I'd use C++ or Java or something instead.
See above.
Thank you for at least getting my point on the colors, but the point of these projects is to prove you don't have to have a modern programming language to make a decent game, and that sometimes programming doesn't have to be hard to learn.
Also keep in mind that most Batch programs look something like pic related.
>Jesus, I sound like a frickin' liberal over here, or maybe a commercial on American television
what's the most standard Python3 GUI that needs minimal installation ?
I was compiling mpv on the new Windows Subsystem for Linux and fucking libbluray git is down.
Found a mirror but it has submodules that also points to git.videolan.org.
Your command line RPG is not decent, and I doubt many people have/will waste their time with it.
It's cool that you want to do it with Batch, but don't be under the illusion that your end product is useful, efficient, or interesting.
Do you mean a library? I think TkInter is pretty light-weight but just use Qt m8.
Well there's still a lot work to be laid out between these 10 minutes of that crap and Facebook-tier features.
Unless you can find a mirror for these submodules, you're SOL.
And now do some file uploads.
the ">" character is for quoting text, like this.
>Also keep in mind that most Batch programs look something like pic related.
It isn't, it's a game, no game is useful for anything except entertainment.
We have established that it is not already.
It's more of a concept than a playable game, yes.
Maybe, maybe not. But since very few people have actually played it, I doubt you have as well. This game (as I said) wasn't made for any reason other than to prove Batch is at least not the worst language for making games in.
To date, a reported 12 different IP addresses have downloaded the file from MediaFire, so that means either one or two people are moving around a lot and redownloading it, or there is a maximum of 12 people that have at least heard of it.
Should you want to take a look at it (as per the nature of your comment, you probably don't), it is available for download at my website (sites.google.com
Thanks, I wasn't sure I was using it right.
Making mobile apps, and I have to use Cordova. God damn Javascript.
Since God knows nobody will believe me on this, here you go.
I've found some GPL2'd code I want to copy in its entirety. Its pretty much just a function.
I'm just wondering what I'm legally required to do if I do something like that and what I'm realistically required to do. Not sure if the project (my project) is open source or not yet. Likely is.
>Unless you can find a mirror for these submodules, you're SOL.
Damn. It seems videolan are broke. There are Donate buttons everywhere
I'm not sure why wouldn't they just mirror to Github/BitBucket, public repos are free and these services are reliable.
By realistically I mean will anyone look for this exact function as copied? I'd like to do plagiarism without being detected if complying to GPL is a hassle.
I want to improve my mathematical abilities as well as programming, I know of the eular project but I am curious what Sup Forums projects anons have worked on.
There is something exciting about seeing a program working on a complex solution.
How do you guys stop yourselves from burning out?
t. burned out developer
Stop for a while every now and then.
Generally, after finishing a project, I'll take a break for about a week or so, and then come back.
What coding music does /dpt/ listen to?
>not the worst language for making games in
Meaningless statement, considering things like Brainfuck exist.
Again, I think it's cool that you did it in batch, but almost no one is going to bother to play through a command line RPG.
I'd be more interested in a choose-your-adventure game (like that Wizard's Quest) if it had to be in the command line.
what is a good book to learn C?
link to OPs pic?
>Well there's still a lot work to be laid out between these 10 minutes of that crap and Facebook-tier features.
>Facebook-tier features
You mean, mindless apps and facial recognition software, auto-tagging systems and high-intensity data-mining?
Ok, you got me on apps. I WILL do some apps. But I objectively refuse to do any data-mining beyond basics, refuse to add auto-tagging, AND refuse to make facial recognition
>I'd say that knocks off about 50 million lines of code, even by release version like 15, or 8-10 years in
I'm not the literal Internet Satan, y'know?
Yeah, I will be adding that, probably tonight or tomorrow. Now that this crap works, I can finish the profile page
I actually had a mostly-complete version of this thing as far back as 2 years ago, but my coding skills were shit back then. It didn't work with JS at all.
This is... I guess, Vaporware-erm- Alpha 4? or 3.1 or something?
I'll be able to copy and refer to a lot of the old code to get what I need done, done.
Here's an example of the working blogging system and friends I had by last year:
(in other words, this is about the 4th time I've redone the whole damn thing lol; but I intend to finish it this time, and I'll make the stylesheets work with mobile, too)
Don't think that just because your name is Japanese you can leave it uncensored... I now know who you are, Rie-chan.
but i took a break of 5 years
Ah, but you don't, lol.
Because that's a name I selected as a character I was at one point considering including in something when I was playing around with RPG Maker VX Ace.
「立花 理恵」
Actually, none of what I censored in that pic is a name anyway.
Fuck it, wanna look me up on YouTube? I censored "Lord Centillion". On that channel, I made a directed ionic discharge generator, and on my new channel, I don't have much money right now, so I make poorly edited ASMR and anime videos.
When this starts making money, though, I have the intention of making a pseudo-monopolar generator based off of the "James Roney Stator"
So, whatever, watch my videos. My new channel is "G.S. Fordham".
I'm a walking cringefest atm.
>I'm a walking cringefest atm.
... I can tell without looking at your youtube channel, thanks though.
Look buddy, you're not gonna get big. You're making something that every other beginner webdev tried when they started, and something that every other veteran webdev could make in an afternoon. There are already great FB replacements that aren't as evil as FB, that are decentralized and that are open source but it all does not matter, it does not matter that you can make yet another Project Name (tm) and claim "this will be different, I swear!". What you need is to solve some problem with your software in order for it to be useful. What problem does your software solve? As far as I can tell none at this point.
Not sure user. My mom was project lead and hit a very serious wall after a while. Took her a fair few years to get to 80% or so. She went to tons of therapy and stuff.
lol. who COULDN'T tell?
>pic related
> be me, study bioinformatics
> want to learn to code for a project that is due in two months that was made official today
> need to cram/learn for a test in organic chemistry in 4 days instead:^)
Can someone give me a nice link or source for a good java tutorial?
>What problem does your software solve?
It does what you need it to do, while simultaneously not doing stuff you don't want it to do.
Furthermore, it'll be more creative and customizable than Facebook while offering the same features you need.
What are these:
>great FB replacements that aren't as evil as FB
Twitter? Tumblr? LinkedIn? Google Plus?
>It does what you need it to do, while simultaneously not doing stuff you don't want it to do.
You see, it does what *YOU* need it to but your mileage varies from other people that don't want "spying and bloated" FB want from a piece of software like that.
>Twitter? Tumblr? LinkedIn? Google Plus?
No I mean stuff like Diaspora.
>but your mileage varies from other people that don't want "spying and bloated" FB want from a piece of software like that.
Ok, I think you mighta hit backspace somewhere in there. That doesn't quite make sense.
But, the concept is functionality, creativity, trust, and ultimately a mostly non-profit intent, because I'm mostly interested in research and development. I'd be planning to spend most of the money (once it's good enough) to fund research and development projects.
Plus, I'll also throw in some of the games I'll make onto the site.
It does what MOST people need it to do
does NOT do what a VAST MAJORITY of people disdain about current implementations, and it does it in a friendly, trustworthy way, with an overall philanthropic goal
Essentially, you can't POSSIBLY go wrong.
>No I mean stuff like Diaspora.
What's that? I've literally never heard anyone talk about a social network like that
>Essentially, you can't POSSIBLY go wrong.
Essentially it will be a fluke because why would anyone that currently uses Facebook switch to another platform where none of their friends are? And why would people that do not use Facebook suddenly start using social media?
>What's that? I've literally never heard anyone talk about a social network like that
Exactly my point, just like no one will hear about your project.
>Essentially it will be a fluke
>why would anyone that currently uses Facebook switch to another platform where none of their friends are?
It'll be relatively easy to get people over. And I'll be starting by getting a lot of my friends over and advertising on every social network I use.
Also, it comes down to "Why wouldn't you?"
With Facebook, that's simple:
>bad stories
>has been going downhill
>large portion of population is already dissatisfied
>Facebook forces undesired features down everyone's throats
>And why would people that do not use Facebook suddenly start using social media?
Similar reasons, because now it'll be more pleasant, less obnoxious, expressive, and efficient (all of which Facebook is NOT -- except efficient.... give or take)
>Exactly my point, just like no one will hear about your project.
I'll be advertising it, starting with all my friends and followers, and taking it to my colleges.
Also, has a catchy name... unlike Diaspora
Also, just looked that up, btw. I think it's partially unpopular because the site is confusing to navigate (in that I looked at it and originally thought it was a hosting service), there are several similar, unrelated web addresses, and it seems unnecessarily complex to set up your account, like you gotta be "in the know".
Honestly, the site seems like it was designed by some serious basement dwellers.
That shit looks like it's from the early 2Ks or late 90s
Mine will have the aesthetic of a web app
Help me out, /dpt/.
What's a basic formula to remove a nine-xths of a number?
input -> output
0.99 -> 0.9
0.9999 -> 0.999
Am I retarded or is it harder than it sounds?
depends. what's the language?
I got a question about CC BY-SA and the one way compatibility with GPL v3. Is it only compatible when the software is GPL and the assets are CC BY-SA or what? What exactly did they mean by one way because I'm confused.
I want a basic algorithm.
I'm doing it in SQL, but I can DAX it, too. I could easily write a case statement (CASE WHEN 0.999 THEN 0.99 ...), but I'm wondering if I'm looking at it wrong.
and it's JUST supposed to remove the last digit?
Not round it or anything?
Yeah, it's for server uptime goals done with Nines™
So if I have a target goal of 4 nines (99.99% uptime), I want an acceptable threshold of 3 nines.
I guess I could just truncate the last digit.
Convert it to a string, lop off the last character, convert it back
Well, you could just convert it to a string and trim the last digit off before storing it. Or limit the output to 2 decimal place In the field
>Convert it to a string
>convert it to a string
Was hoping to learn a way to do this without doing that, but thanks anyway.
Of course I already considered this and wondered if there was a way to do it without string conversion.
Gets me pumping
C Programming: A Modern Approach
Are you talking about rounding?
maybe this?
just looked it up. idk if it'll work with your specific implementation.
Never had to do this myself. Was never relevant
If I was only worried about one case, I could easily do the following:
ROUND(Goal, 2, 1) as 'Acceptable', essentially truncating to two digits.
However, it needs to be a dynamic number of decimal places, so sometimes it truncates to two, sometimes four decimal places.
I need to be able to basically truncate the last non-zero digit from a numeric type.
I'm just going to write in a CASE statement, because there's obviously no algorithm/function that does what I want.
However, listening to music is kind of distracting.
>I'm just going to write in a CASE statement, because there's obviously no algorithm/function that does what I want.
Yeah, that'd have been my next response. To create a function yourself
I can think of a few ways but it depends on the problem specifics.
For example the easiest data representation is
nines = 3
then you can nines++ or nines--, and when it comes time to print it you can print("0." + "9" * nines)
If you need to parse from user input you could use regex to get the right form then use string.length() or similar.
There's probably a mathy way to do it with floats, but it's harder and I'd have to think about it for a while to get an exact, general solution.
Journey isn't actually that long.
Wizard's Quest was an earlier prototype you could say for Journey.
of course the python babby completely misses the original problem and vomits his first thoughts into a post
He probably didn't even notice the question, and if he did he wouldn't understand it. He just wanted to shill Python. Guido's claws are deep in this one. The only way to save him is with concentrated type theory.
Im trying to make a password generator in c++ should I use rand() ?(sorry for the stupid question im new to c++)
rand() is garbage, use en.cppreference.com
Why is
x = rand() % 3;
garbage? It gets the job done, doesn't it?
C's rand() function is usually pretty low quality. It's fine for casual uses for pseudo random numbers. but if you need good random numbers, pick something else.
can't you just make good random with rand function or is it inherently broken?
And rand() is considered harmful because it's not truly random?
I'm not certain, but I don't think that computers can give you truly random numbers just yet.
It's just the algorithm implementers typically use. Most people don't need very good random numbers most of the time, and they don't want their algorithm to be needlessly slow for those people, so they don't use the 'best' algorithms, at least in terms of random number quality.
>because it's not truly random
All pseudorandom number generators are not truly random.
Can you even call anything truly random?
Just jumping in here to link this, cpp.indi.frih.net
Gives a pretty good explanation of the problems with rand().
Excuse you? I despise python and I didn't miss the original problem at all. My point is it's way easier if you can use a different internal representation for the nines other than floats. If you can store 0.999 as nines = 3, then truncating it to 2 nines is a matter of nines--. Look at your suggestions of converting back and forth to string every time you use the value, maybe that's a hint that storing it as a float is a mistake in the first place?
He asked for a language agnostic solution. First of all var-- and var++ is not valid python. Second, if you can't translate the sudocode "string" * someNumber to whatever language you are using then you need to stop posting and go read a book. String.length() isn't python either.
I have a small robot that I want to generate a predetermined path for covering a known area. Imagine a cleaning robot, except the size and shape of the room and all obstacles in it are already given by coordinates/shapes. I want it to cover all of the open area in a sort of CNC-like fashion, like pic related, but when I tried to figure out how to program this, I haven't come across anything. CNCs are too small a scene to have any informative material, and when I looked for programming free moving robots, everything was about real-time pathing and going towards a single waypoint in an unknown environment.
Could someone tell me what to look for? I do have some ideas of my own, but I think they would probably produce a rather inefficient path.
>Can you even call anything truly random?
Sup Forums for one thing
"Low quality random numbers"
Fuck off, if you really needed "high quality" random numbers, you'd be using FORTRAN.
You forgot to link the Discord channel
Sup Forums is the opposite of random.
Mmm you sure about that?
I haven't been there recently, what's changed?
Nothing has changed, it is the same thing every time.
The formula is set.
I'd love to put this formula through something.
What is it?
* Copyright(c) 2011 XXX
* MIT Licensed
>program with more than 10K lines
>MIT license
why do people use MIT license and not GPL?
keep in mind that this is code from a top-notch software company
Use xorshift algorithm for better random number generation. en.wikipedia.org
Here's a good short explanation of the problems with rand() from user skeeto on reddit:
Because GPL is garbage.
Reminds me of this youtube.com
how so?
>post the same thing everyone has posted before
>lol this is so amazing
>newfags repeat this ad inifintum
>it is kept going because it has always happened so apparently should always happen
>fur threads
>rate threads
>lol look what I ate today threads
>what should I do doubles decide
>greentext stories threads
Anyone who has half a mind left Sup Forums years ago and moved on to better boards.
MIT is actually freedom. GPL is communism. That's why.
It's restrictive, some people don't care about "freedumbs" and are happy to provide their code for anyone for any use - be it free or proprietary.
you only go to Sup Forums for porn, but even /gif/ is way better cause sound
I'd prefer just standard GIFs and not WebMs, especially with sound.
Greentexts were always my favorite, haven't seen any in a while.
Trap thread
Fur thread
Drug thread
Pictures you weren't supposed to share thread
Incest thread
Waifu thread
Celeb nudes thread
Face r8 thread
Dick r8 thread
Loli thread
Chubby thread
Facebook sluts thread
Cum tribute thread
... you get the point.
>Greentexts were always my favorite, haven't seen any in a while.
Pycuck detected
>tfw scraping Sup Forums threads looking for facebook pictures, without visit Sup Forums ever
Yeah, that's a good amount of them.
A lot of the longer greentexts seem to be better, though, because... I don't know, a longer greentext just seems better when it's more descriptive.
This is probably why I will never return to Sup Forums.
Hey, mind if I get a copy of that program you've written there, or at least the full source code?
I can only do really basic C++ and Java, a bit of BASIC, my experience is all in Batch scripts...
this writes the images urls to a file called result.txt
it will look at a lot of threads looking for links
you might have to install the requests python module , if you don't have it already
if you get the InsecurePlatformWarning warning in your terminal, just ignore it
Thank you!
Probably gonna use it once as it is, then tweak around with it to see how it works.
>provide their code for anyone
so... cucks?
You have to go back.
Are there any good (as in not written by a spastic or one of those modern webshits who can only talk about js frameworks) instructional/educational resources for using Python to access and parse JSON? I wanted to follow in the footsteps of every other so-and-so on this place who decided they wanted to make a Sup Forums image scraper.
I was using Automate the Boring Stuff but the section on JSON is really small and limited in scope, and other articles tend to cover people making dictionaries in the interpreter. A friend of mine gave me some instruction to get started but I wanted to learn why what he told me to do jus werkz. On top of that, I also want to learn how to "clean up" and be able to use results I peel out from regex.