They are drawn on computer programs that are compiled by compilers. Waifu thread.
Waifus are tech
Rikka is not for sexual purposes, thank you
Yes, she is
She's for patting in the head only
Rikka isn't Maki
>ywn have a sentient AI waifu on your desktop
This is mine
What do you think?
is this the new waifu thread
No, she a good girl
Hinamizawa Syndrome could come for any one of us
fug of
Dual Waifus ftw.
The only people she killed were a golddigging whore after her father and Satoko's abusive uncle.
Rena did nothing wrong.
Behold. Mai waifu
>tfw you get run over and some cop unlocks your phone
Don't care. I'll be with mai waifu
is this the new desktop thread
Who /hot water bottle/ here?
hi pantsu
Why did you post a daki without a waifu on it?
Holy shit take your gay shit over to any other board. Sup Forums has enough retards
Mine is actually a robot.
what if your waifu is 3d
>used goods
literally cuckold tier
>a guy literally gets cucked by software
your waifu has diabeetus
>Waifus are tech
No they're not. Go to you manchild.
Waifus are literary tech.
Amada is queen of Sup Forums, you must pay her tax before posting any other waifu
These are
These aren't
Acceptable Sup Forumsfus
>Any of the Windows girls(Except Touko due to botnet)
>Google Moot
>Mihoshi Ai
Anything else belongs on Sup Forums
also Maki is shit
who /ako/ here? shes the best kawaii~~