So, this is what our field has become.
Liberalism you said hu ?

Other urls found in this thread:

install Gentoo

Man I remember learning HTML when I was 10 and thinking I was such a leet hacker. It's nice that adult age women get to have this feeling too.

> tag
>in 2016

>problem glasses
every time

>not using var text = jBoldtext("install Gentoo");

What language is that Instagram post

OMFG. We're doomed guys. Fucking 2K16 muh privileges checkers femen

>this is technology now

Lost my shit on this part of the article senpai

> a woman
> a woman of color
Why do they always need to precise such shit ...

> Welcome to 2K16 senpai

lel, look at her github

>for improving gender options in dropdowns

>Combines influential works from modern poetry & Pokemon

>Support Network is a cooperative card game for 3-5 players about supporting your friends and being supported by your friends.

i mainly hang on chan related programming irc channels
and i recently noticed that a large number of users are trannies.

i tend to dislike trannies and was wondering whether trannies are generally common within IT/CS or if its just because the channels are related to various chans

Hahahahahaha seriously


Ad campaigns that inspire underprivileged cultures not to be all shitty and barbaric but actually contribute something trigger you user?

Or are they just not genetically capable of handling your algorithmic complexity and anything that insinuates that they ever could be challenges you.

You owe only yourself for being rendered purposefully null by pajeets and tumblristas.

people get mad about this shit because their undeserved confidence and sense of greatness over being able to do shit like writing bad html is an insult to the profession. They spout memes and do nothing good at all yet they think theyre revolutionary and everyone praises them like crazy. IT has been reduced to a mockery/parody of itself by these wastes of oxygen

>spend years of your life learning a skill
>all the time, people mocked you for choosing that skill
>all of a sudden, some chick spends 1 hours "learning ruby" and is instantly loved by everyone/hired by top tech company

Yeah, i would be salty

Exactly why I'm mad.

It's because IT is full of beta.

As a tranny, I think it's the same thing that's drawing many trannies to chans and programming, namely society withdrawal during adolescence and early adulthood.

become better at "selling" your skills.

Does someone have the kodewithkarlie screens?

How does "Experience in installation and maintenance of devices running the Gentoo Linux operating system" sound?


Found it.

>wanting to be a code monkey

Be my guest

Good af for me bra :')

i'm /MAD/ r9k that a fucking succubus can do my job so well

cd ..

youre hackd now kiddo

>a fucking succubus can do my job so well

So you checkout a git repo and run the shell script from the source all day long? Sounds like a dream job - but something anyone can do, indeed.

not so fast fgt



$> whoami
> coldsteel
$> kill $u

nothing personnel!

normies gtfo

wow, some people just make the stupidest crap.

meanwhile, redox is being developed by a core team of less than 10 people, and by the time it's actually something, these "koders" will jump in with the audacity to think they should be able to influence engineering decisions

>no attack helicopter


This isn't liberalism anymore. It needs a new name because liberalism used to be entirely different back when the founding fathers were alive.

I believe the term you're looking for is, "retarded."

post yfw you realise that girl koders will never be in ML and AI and thus CS is saved

excellent keep these "code" monkeys in their containment


Write a manifesto, kill people, become an hero and a legend.

Unfortunately, influential professors like bengio and lecunn explicitly state they want more womyn in ML.

>five years from now
>all pajeets in my office are replaced with instagram-posting, party-going, high heels-wearing, nice-smelling, glass-using, knowledge-seeking babe qts
>tfw atheist fedoras, java programmers, supreme gentlemen, red piled templars, furfags and haskellfags leave tech because it's ridden with "lesser beings"

Shit like that only gives feminists more ammo as proof of evil misogyny and why we need more special laws to protect females and for diversity.

>write a manifesto
In what language? C, Python or...?

as this progresses firms will simply offshore more programming and web 'design' to more productive countries

Xe is literally raping me right now. Right in my muffler.

>no attack helicopter
submit a pull request

There is no Apache Helicopter as gender option....

>i have no idea what I'm doing but I do some html

this is why people think web devs are fucking retards

Err, no. Webdevs are clinically retarded. Just go check /wdg/. They literally, unironically, have no clue how to swap 2 numbers (that is, temp = x; x = y; y = temp;). Their average strategy to scalability issues is "just throw more hardware at it" and "just let the memory leak, it's no biggie".

>instantly loved by everyone/hired by top tech company

Tumblr is not "everyone", and I have never heard of a serious tech company ever hiring someone for reasons other than that they have at least somewhat marketable skills, or nepotism.

Your swap is fucked you list the y value.

I didn't want to believe that web devs were this retarded...

Top fucking zozzle I just realized this too.

But on a non-meme note I just want to be left alone to program in piece I'm so tired of this fucking SJW political communist shit.

This is what happens when you give retards an ability to talk about their Bulls hit instead of telling them to fuck off.

Sup Forumsros love you always. Post dick.

As soon as Lord Trump is elected into office this freakshow will all end. SJWs and LGBT freaks will be thrown to death camps

Exactly fucking this, this shit is happening in CS, engineering, basically anything remotely "nerdy"


Google and Facebook have quotas, just to name a few of the big ones. Additionally, outside business, academia definitely does diversity hires.

>tfw video editors are the code monkeys of Media & Production
>nobody cares who you are or what you like as long as you edit right and quickly

Get a feeling so complicated.

What's with the Facebook Feelings Man meme?

degeneracy and IT doesn't mix

>needing a temporary variable for swapping 2 numbers

time to end your life

Did they use an 'o' instead of 0 for 80?

I think that's just the font. Compare it to the 'o' in 'code'.

All the numbers look kind of stylized.

That's part of the point: things like xor swap are billions of years out of their league. They can't even do naive swap like this.