Beautiful Graphics Cards


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can that thing be used to put cheese over my pasta?


not only is it sexy, it doesn't show up on radar either

The cutest









I liked it better when GPUs were meme-free.

Hot but the so beautiful

>posting giant blocks with fans

was better before they transformered it and charged $100 more

>A literal fucking cassette tape


oh look a car engine


there's something oddly erotic about this card

>A E S T H E T I C

Can I stick this in my VHS player for 4k graphics?

it's one of the best card ever made in my book



I bet you jerk off to animé.

how dare you.
i jerk off to traps.
no joke

>this meme

>what is a degenerate?
that's not an improvement

> takes up 3 slots

come one asus


Why was XFX so based in 2012? these things were beautiful.


this card got my ass to mars

XFX still makes decent looking coolers.

This card, despite some fags stating the fans don't take up the whole shroud is actually the lowest temperature running 390.

vhs tape


Kill yourself literal faggot


The addressable memory in that thing is NUTS.

Oh god that 1tb memory

Why do AMD cards always look so much better than nvidia cards? nvidia cards always have this disgusting extreme gaymur look to them.

Not trying to start a nvidia vs AMD war I promise.

I remember when nvidia stuck 2 gpus together and called it innovation.

AMD is a real nigga GPU company, that's why their products look very serious.

Its the minimalistic astectic bro , it look so damn clean and sexy but not autistic

MSI has a really nice 10X0 card.

>tfw preordered nitro today

I assure you it's cheap and plastic to sell at under 800$ compared to FE

>nitro 480 isn't on newegg yet
s o o n

About that...

>passive cooling
absolute madman

this will be a nice upgrade to my 5750

The thread isn't about quality. It's about looking good.

It's not passive

is though

You still use a 5750 too?

My 690 is still going strong

Pretty much what Zotac did

yeah, it's been decent for gaymen but I want to play some actual games now.
It's going to put the 660 ti I use for my windows vm to shame

With all the attention on perf/watt how come we don't see as many fanless gpus

This looks so good, if only it existed...

>removable heatsink fans
Cool, but pretty gimmicky. Wonder why they did that.

Fanless still relies on ambient airflow.

The problem is idiots buy them and stick them in confined, zero-airflow HTPC cases and as they heat up to surface-of-sun temperatures, it obviously throttles to unusable levels.

The idiot then leaves negative reviews and the company suffers so why even bother.

Aesthetics aside, fans are super quite nowadays. No real reason to go passive.

So you can easily replace them if they fail. They added it to the Sapphire and XFX 480 cards recently too.

easily replace/rma
I dont want to have to re-do the thermal paste on my card every time i want to clean certain parts of it.

not necessarily. Unless you're talking the oddball one off gtx 680's that were single slot/passively cooled. This R5 230 I got for a person I work with because the various windows 10 animations and such proved to be a bit too laggy for them to handle and for their C2D machine with motherboard iGPU to handle as well.

Thing never hits more than 65C in a run of the mill optiplex case. Playing facebook games and youtube streams. Not bad for $40

that's actually a good idea.
fans fail or get 2 loud over time.

i accidentally stuck my finger in one and broke a blade off once.
that plastic did a lot of Fucking damage to my finder.

I have one of these. The fan blades are about as thick as paper and it sounds like a lawnmower at 40% fan speed.

literal and objective perfection

DANGRE: serius gamign on wekr :-DDD

Damn all these nice cards. I miss the singleslotted cards. I just wish AMD or Nvidia made one, specially now when they have reduced the power consumption part and increased performance along with it. Surely it can work out?