why use this garbage when mpc + madvr does everything better already?
and having to learn the command line for a fucking video player? why do linuxfags like purposely making things hard on themselves? do they think it makes them more 1337 or something? because it's just a waste of time.
Lincoln Collins
Landon Nguyen
>why use this garbage when mpc + madvr does everything better already? Because you use macOS or Linux. Because you've been using MPlayer-like players for ~15 years and don't want to change. Because you're sick of popular meme filters and you want to try a video renderer that has a better grounding in signal theory. Because you want native ICC support and high-quality color management. Because you're sick of DirectShit and all the nightmares that come with it like codec merit and buggy abandoned subtitle renderers. Because you're sick of installing multiple software packages to do the job of a single program. Because you want to automate some aspect of your media player with scripts.
>and having to learn the command line for a fucking video player? It may surprise you, but a lot of people here are already proficient with the command line and do not need to learn much to use mpv.
It's not just linuxfags either. Some of the biggest changes in Windows 10 are to improve the command-line experience (like WSL.) Not knowing the command-line makes you a novice user on any platform. You're missing out.
Justin Cruz
holy h*ck nerd you expect me to read all that? no thanks, i'll just install mpc and double click my videos like a SANE person
Matthew Clark
Consider posting on instagram instead of Sup Forums.
Alexander Kelly
what? are you having an autism attack because that was the worst insult I've ever seen
Bentley Perez
>tfw fell for the mpv meme >can't even take screenshots of certain videos NEVER AGAIN
Dominic Rodriguez
>why use this garbage when mpc + madvr does everything better already? Because it doesn't. MPC + madVR lacks functionality, customizability and portability.
It doesn't even run on Linux, for example. So it clearly can't “do everything better already”.
Luis Hernandez
It seems linear isn't a option for tscale for me. What else is good? Here are my options oversample spline16 spline36 spline64 sinc lanczos ginseng bicubic bcspline catmull_rom mitchell robidoux robidouxsharp box nearest triangle gaussian
Grayson Russell
why bother making software that only 2% of people use? exactly optimize it for the most widely used operating system, and make it way better as a result, unlike your freetard garbage.
>oversample linear catmull_rom mitchell gaussian bicubic
Juan Cox
Your post is fallacious on multiple grounds:
1. More than 2% of people (at least on Sup Forums) use mpv. I'm not sure how mpv's popularity compares to madVR or MPDN (its two direct competitors), though, but it's probably also more than 2% of that user base.
2. There are good reasons to make software only used by an extreme minority: For example, I develop a media player which is used by maybe 3 people worldwide, and I also develop an email client that's only used by another 5 or so. That's not even 2%, compared to e.g. thunderbird's user base that's like less than 0.0001%.
In fact, I even make software only used by me and nobody else, and I don't even publish it. The reason is simple: I primarily write software for my own personal gain.
>exactly optimize it for the most widely used operating system You're free to learn C and do it yourself. I have no interest in developing for a garbage platform that I don't even use. There's nothing in it for me but pain.
Either learn to program or stop whining.
Connor Lewis
Is there a big difference between opengl and opengl-hq? Especially concerning CPU usage?
What would be a decent settings for Intel 3000 HD GPU?
Does settings effect the SW decoder?
John Watson
>holy h*ck nerd you expect me to read all that? no thanks, i'll just install mpc and double click my videos like a SANE person Well... that's the way you (can) use mpv too...? Install and double click videos...? Just that you don't even need to "install" mpv, unless you consider unzipping the downloaded archive as install.
Kevin Martin
>It seems linear isn't a option for tscale for me. What else is good? Here are my options linear == triangle, just faster
Austin Baker
I'm on Debian Testing, and when I pause a video, it flashes back and forth between the current frame and a frame about a second before. I don't have anything video-related in my config file besides video-sync=display-resample. Other things on my screen seem to do the same thing during playback and when paused. It does away if I shake the mouse for a few seconds, but that gets annoying when I want to take a quick screenshot.
Jonathan Murphy
When did it start happening, and which GPU and compositor/WM/DE are you using?
I know Debian testing switched from the old Xorg Intel drivers to the modesetting drivers recently.
Henry Bennett
Yes, if opengl-hq too taxing for ur cpu, opengl should be enough If opengl seem very smooth, add deband for better viewing experience
Cooper Hernandez
>deband video filter?
Nicholas Lee
All the opengl based software are completely irrelevant for today computers. Only nvidia cares and it's still very bad.
Blake Wilson
I think mpv is not optimized for amd cards at all. >four year-old amd graphic cards >mpv/angle Barely usable (stats.lua in red most of the time) with opengl-hq:no-deband. >madvr Jinc for chroma and spline36 for luma upscaling. High debanding and crispen edges (0,4) for image enhancements (pre-scale). Smoothmotion motion enabled.
Ryan Reed
Update mpv
Gabriel Campbell
how do i make right mouse click do nothing or just act like left mouse click
Owen Parker
Can I use these presets with Baka MPlayer? Also, how do I set autoplay bluray cds?
tscale is an optimized triangle, anyways update to latest git master for linear. Anwyays, there is no "best" tscaler, it's like this
jittery but sharp smooth but blurry oversample - catmull_rom - linear - mitchell - gaussian
Kevin Bailey
Sorry for being retarded, but how do you use this? baka mplayer was an exe so it's simple enough for me.
Adrian Bailey
If you need a desktop GUI and a windows build I think there are nothing better than smplayer. videohelp.com/software/SMPlayer
Charles Morales
>tfw try potplayer have like billions of options capture images consecutive without stuttering with png >video capture that can make webms if it wasn't because of the 5 thousand filters that appear on my tray icon I think I would use it instead. AMD isn't the greatest company when it comes to other things than gaming, I remember seeing a chart where 1060 smoked the 480 on HEVC. You need to compile it.
I think it's with cygwin and some other software, but why not ask the dev.
Xavier Lee
You can disable tray icons... Less than 0.00001% of people know what compilation is and maybe 5% of them compile their software.
Jose Long
Trying it out right now, and there's a problem. I've edited the keyboard shortcuts to my liking, but upon applying and testing it the shortcuts are still mapped to the default ones.
Noah Harris
BTN1 cycle pause
Parker Perry
>Update mpv Is there significant changes? I'm still on 0.11.1
Connor Long
it already pauses by default
Nolan Wood
I use 2 SMPlayer portable 64-bit setups:
1. MPlayer for Windows - Movies, TV and general stuff 2. mpv (lachs0r) - Mainly Anime
Easton Johnson
Why do fucking weebs make installers for MPC-HC and add all their fucking bullshit settings and backgrounds? installing ranphas build gave me brain damage.
MPV wins in the installation department.
You mean right click do nothing or right click pause the video?
Aiden Johnson
Looks like I managed to solve it, I was just dumb.
Where are these setups found user?
Carson Butler
Previously, I'm mpc fags and fell to meme and using mpv for awhile. When I try to come back to mpc, it looks ridiculously bloat. Why
Aiden Baker
>When I try to come back to mpc, it looks ridiculously bloat. because you realized you have to install a billion of fucking filters
John Gutierrez
>2 SMPlayer portable 64-bit setups Why though?
Aiden Peterson
>Where are these setups found user? You have to make them yourself.
Adam Roberts
liner would work
William Watson
Ethan Allen
Eh? Then why are there names for those setups? Surely there's a saved setup for download?
Logan Price
Is there a way to make mpv keybind to download files?
Carson Brooks
I also changed the shortcut icons to match what player each build uses.
Then every once in a while just swap the "player folder" into a new one and change the player to a new version in preferences.
Evan Torres
where does mpv + youtube-dl stores videos? mpv is open but I want to save it to watch later.
/tmp is empty
Anthony Bennett
download what exactly? youtube videos?
also I tried 3DYD Youtube Source videofor potplayer it was pretty good, actually better than youtube-dl+mpv imo, just takes longer to open the youtube videos it seems.
Levi Jackson
Whatever I watch. What I want is something similar to converter script. but mostly youtube videos.
James Thompson
What VO should I be using if I use SW decoder? CPU Core i5
Xavier Moore
>I think mpv is not optimized for amd cards at all. This is bunk. mpv's shaders are *very* optimized for AMD cards.
You could run mpv with all max upscaling settings at 4K res on an R9 380 or R9 280X. For an equivalent experience on nvidia GPUs, you'd need at least a GTX 970 or above.
Hudson Gray
In RAM only, unless you use cache-file
Brayden Cooper
vo=opengl-hq if you have a GPU capable of handling it. Otherwise, vo=opengl.
If even that doesn't work, you're in a world of pain (there are a few things you could try, none of them will be attractive)
Zachary Cook
I use T420 with Intel 3000 HD as GPU. I have this in my config vo=opengl-hq:no-deband But even with it CPU temp reach 80-90 C I'd like to install the intel driver, but I'm afraid it will fuck up my arch install.
Jose Phillips
Relatively simple to do with a lua script that adds a keybinding that just runs youtube-dl on whatever you're watching.
Lucas Young
hey you are that guy that didn't clean his laptop's fan
Juan Martin
thanks! google didn't help and lsof was useless.
I'll use it [next time]
Noah Morales
ctrl+d show_text "Downloading ${filename}..."; run youtube-dl "${path}" -o ~/Videos/%(title)s.%(ext)s Paste into input.conf
i'm trying this out for the first time because i was told that i'm shit and that i shouldn't use vlc
Kayden James
Vlc uses deprecated technologies, you have to disable dx11 native hardware decoding (hwdec=auto) because it seems your hardware is old or unsupported by its manufacter.
James Taylor
Copies video back to system memory after it is hw decoded so the operations done on the video doesn't rely on the quirks of the hardware decode implementation
Matthew Butler
? this is a recently built gayman pc
Angel Murphy
r9 290 1140cc 1500mc 3570k 4.7ghz 16gb ram
Ryder Richardson
Most of the mpv devs don't really care about old hardware like madshi. If you have old amd card, mpv is really not recommended.
Kevin Brown
i know it's starting to depreciate but goddamn
Colton Cruz
Windows 10 has a new hw decode api called d3d11va and it doesn't play well with all AMD drivers and cards. It's not about card being deprecated or old
Aiden Smith
So don't use hwdec at all, it's only for old netbooks or laptop on battery.
Luke Scott
>AMD drivers
Juan Ross
I thought it was only on old amd cards, sorry.
Christian Johnson
will i see a difference in performance not using hwdec? why was i recommended to use it in the first place?
Jackson Richardson
Use the high preset!
Mason Taylor
is this right?
Connor Moore
its still doing it using the hwdec=high and removing the config altogether. what do i do?
Bentley Jackson
Low preset is for netbooks and oldish laptops. You should use hwdec=no (default so don't write it in your mpv.conf) because it's actually the best way (quality/stability) for decoding.
Brayden Williams
hwdec=no -same problem
Jackson Watson
No look at the first post!
Benjamin Rivera
What about this? vo=opengl-hq:backend=dxinterop
Ryan Stewart
same problem
Nolan Sanchez
sorry guys, i wasn't saving changes correctly in my text editor. the high preset works. I have the problem of not being able to drag and drop files in the mpv player tho
Jackson Hill
Reminder that interpolation is purely a workaround for incorrect refresh rates. oversample is the only acceptable default for interpolation because it's the only one that doesn't harm quality when your monitor is correctly configured.
Noah Wright
You mean SW decoder gives better results than HW decoder?
Aaron Cook
Naaaah it's better than that!
Brody Martinez
Yes! >Decoding != Rendering
Samuel Walker
Then why is HW decoding is always recommended?
Brayden Johnson
oversample is the only interpolation method that gives you untouched frames when you have integer framerate:refresh rate ratio (which you should). Considering how bad motion quality is with all common video formats it's completely unacceptable to add more blur when it's avoidable.
Colton Morris
For lowend computers (shitty android boxes) only and no it's not recommended at all.
Sebastian Long
it's literally disabled by default
Hudson Wilson
I prefer blur especially on low frame rate content like cambodian straw paintings
Andrew Long
Works on my machine.™
Jaxson Anderson
What does count as lowend computers?
Jaxson Clark
Then you should enable it yourself. No other video player adds blur by default. (and MPV doesn't add it by default either, it's only the anonymous who makes these threads pushing his weird preferences on ignorant people).
Jonathan Green
These threads are populated with anime watchers, no shit it is geared towards them.