doesnt count if it just boots to cmd line. has to boot to DE!!!!! OK? go.
Which linux has the best boot up speed?
KDE Neon.
Hannah Montana Linux
What does this have to do with Linux? You're asking what desktop environment boots faster, not which version of the kernel.
What's wrong with a CLI?
take your dubs and shove up your ass
Arch linix
I'd expect they're all about the same since they're probably all using very similar systemd setups these days. Fedora might have had an edge once upon a time when they were doing their 20-second boot time thing (fedora 11?)
Retard, it depends on SSD.
Arch + LightDM + Cinnamon + SystemD boots
so does windows 8 with an actual de
Except when win8 is 'done' booting, it isnt really done yet.
Weird, because you can use it exactly as it was.
With low performance until it's done
>which linux has the best boot up speed?
>S-So does winpoo, wakes up just as fast as linux boots from the scratch
Fuck off rakesh
Nope, not at all.
Is it weird that I literally just watched this?
Alpine Linux
Well, you can tell me what is it then because I've seen it posted a lot of times.
Watch it's a scene from Mr. Robot
thanks m8
You're welcome
In my experience, Dedian + MATE or LXDE.