Advertising and the future of the internet

Reddit just announced a plan to allow companies to sponsor posts made by users as a form of advertisement, reddit will then make these posts more visible to users.

>inb4 reddit
With how the web is slowly being condensed into a small amount of large websites and with sites like reddit eating up smaller forums this concerns everyone. Will the future of the internet involve being so completely surrounded by shills and advertiser promoted posts that it becomes impossible to know if you're getting good information?

Other urls found in this thread:

What the fuck

Good thing I never fell for the reddit meme

>With how the web is slowly being condensed into a small amount of large websites and with sites like reddit eating up smaller forums this concerns everyone. Will the future of the internet involve being so completely surrounded by shills and advertiser promoted posts that it becomes impossible to know if you're getting good information?

funny how the reddit poster is all too familiar with this

Wait how? Does it bump a shill-post up the thread or something?

Windows 10 is great, why haven't you upgrade?

So this is a new tool for soros and the others to push their agenda on everyone else

>With how the web is slowly being condensed into a small amount of large websites and with sites like reddit eating up smaller forums this concerns everyone.
This doesn't concern me.
I might visit a reddit link maybe two or three times a year and I can never make out the OP post or follow the thread discussion.

I will never understand how the reddit meme caught on.

And if the trend of smaller websites getting eaten up by reddit and other larger websites continues? What then?

Smaller websites? What are those?


damn... I didn't come to Sup Forums to feel...

>And if the trend of smaller websites getting eaten up by reddit
I don't know shit about rebbit but has the actually been happening? Any examples? If so then we're bretty fucked

fuck you

>implying this shit will end without ending the Internet too
Nice feel, but other Sup Forums-like site will continue to exist for 3 or more times my life time

Imagine being sponsored for Sup Forums posts...

>he's a big guy
>this post is brought to you by Pepsi Cola

It's already a thing on Sup Forums, which is why spam is deliberately left up for an hour at a time while other spam gets removed instantly.

The creepy pedo threads get left up too though.

even though i know it'll never happen like that
i still felt hard af

>implying it's not since more than a decade now

Literally creating a competition to see who can be the biggest shill
I just can't believe it

no, they don't. they usually get deleted within 10 minutes.

it's left up because the Sup Forums mods are a nigger and some sjw cuckold. it's the same retard spamming that shit every day.

i imagine they would use Sup Forums's equivalent of the upvoting system AKA "this" replies, you know the ones, basically someone would come into a thread, like i dunno a "Hey Sup Forums whats the best program for this?" kind of thread, tell OP to use that one product, them some other shills would reply with "this" to that post for the internet bucks, and anyone who tries to call them for their bullshit would be meme'd to death, similar to today but in a more organized way to the point where you wouldn't be able to trust any opinion here because the majority could easily be shills

And this without considering the possibility of the moderation staff getting into these projects, imagine entire 300 reply threads forged with the purpose of advertising? intentional shitstorms with the objective of promoting something? Using reverse psycology to have all the scared neckbeards going full black and white, thinking that side they picked is the "good guys", really makes you think

paid shills on reddit's AMA and Sup Forums confessions have admitted that calling people who call out shills "tinfoil hats" and letting the mob do the rest is a legit tactic

€0.03 have been deposited into your Sup Forums Gold Account

>Using reverse psycology to have all the scared neckbeards going full black and white, thinking that side they picked is the "good guys"
Fucking brand loyalty, they could even create a march of tyranny scenario with the side picked doing something questionable, giving it the image of bad guys, them create a few "why haven't you switched to (X) already?" threads pointing everybody into the next cool thing they want to advertise, with all the anons being too busy doing company wars to realize they are being manipulated

It's somewhat less shitty than it sounds. They have an existing ad slot at the top of the page that looks similar to a normal link/thread listing (see pic). The change is to let advertisers put a "real" user-submitted thread in that slot, instead of putting an ad that the company made up themselves.

The worse part is a separate change they're planning, where they move that "promoted post" slot down the page, mix it in with normal posts, and make it less obvious that the post an ad.

I know that , i was thinking about a more universal kind of thing rather than just a few boards

>I don't know shit about rebbit but has the actually been happening?
It's cheaper to have a subreddit than it is to actually pay to host a forum that doesn't get many visitors.

>Any examples?
Not off hand, just an observation of there being less smaller forums and me getting directed to subreddits more often when researching things. For the general point of the internet condensing into just a few large websites, there's an infographic out there somewhere from a couple years back that shows the amount of websites that certain percents of internet traffic went to over the years since the late 90s, but I haven't been able to find it for a while. I'll try again, but I can't guarantee my success.

Found the infographic. I was way off with the dates.

If you are incapable of discerning the difference between good information and paid shilling then you have to go back

you now realize BLM is to placate the angry OWS people and suppress any ideas of reform whatsoever(not an OWS guy but same goes for audit the FED, any thoughts of finding out information at all are being shit on by distraction employees)

>If you are incapable of discerning the difference between good information and paid shilling
So you wouldn't be bothered if a good portion of the results when trying to learn about something were from paid shills? Even if you were able to tell the shills from the actual information it still doesn't change that you wasted your time doing so. This is a case of the 26th most used website assisting the shills and trying to make it more mainstream.

Part of the problem with reddit is that the posts are ordered in a ranking system, so if you bring promoted advertising posts into the mix the ranking system goes out the window.

Damn, that's pretty scary. And seems accurate too, everyone I know just shits all over facebook all day.

Shit, I wonder if smartphones had anything to do with that given the years listed and how quickly that happened.

This is probably the best thing ever created on Sup Forums.

That's not really the problem.
The problem with reddit is the upvote/downvote system, so any post that goes against the mobs will get downvoted to hell and you will have a hard time finding them.

I have no fucking idea what these are.

really? Better than the christmas Carol parody with the tsundere anime girl?

black lives matter
occupy wall street
federal reserve(in regards to the audit movement they ows people tried to start)
im just adding that the whole shilling game is not only now becoming open it started awhile ago

9gag, actually.

It's lacking the 9gag watermark so obviously not 9gag.

That's because some faggot from Sup Forums shooped it off to claim credit.

Whoa south park had it right all along...

>Whoa south park had it right all along...
gg senpai we're are fucking finished

People still use Yahoo?

>implying the internet as we know it isn't coming to an end as it slowly changes from a platform for retrieving information to a datamining and marketing platform


this infographic is moronic. the SJW movement isn't the result of some cia/wallstreet psyops crap, it's due to the rise of smartphones, normies being on the internet 24/7, and traditional media stooping to slinging clickbait and racebaiting because they can no longer compete with the old newspaper business models

just a theory, that shit started getting popular there. the real deal is bc the left failed to incite class violence bc their idol marx was wrong they try to push the same thing but with race


>With how the web is slowly being condensed into a small amount of large websites and with sites like reddit eating up smaller forums this concerns everyone. Will the future of the internet involve being so completely surrounded by shills and advertiser promoted posts that it becomes impossible to know if you're getting good information?
Deal with it, pioneer era of internet is over. I think google played a huge part in this rather than a stupid website trying to make money. Were you as offended when you learned google started putting ads in search results? They're just going to do the same thing, they're going to put a small "sponsored" tag on it and that's it.

this, anyone who thinks this SJW bullshit will get past this decade is fucking retarded, they will just go through the hippie path and eventually need to "grow up" if they want to become functional members of society

>Were you as offended when you learned google started putting ads in search results?
When did they start mixing in ads with the search results? I haven't used google for a while now.

Yeah, with the second system they could just inflate the upvote count and give it less "weight" so it stays at the top/on the front page for more time. And people wouldn't notice it.

no, SJW bullshit will only get worse. there will be some backlash, but society as a whole is becoming more polarized than ever and this will only continue.

reason is because now everyone can get a 'news source' tailored exactly to their personal beliefs that they can interact with and this creates a feedback loop where they only read things they already agree with. your basic echo chamber / safe space.

Those aren't mixed in, they're just at the top of the search results in a yellow box that says ads (unless they changed it since I stopped using google). From what I've read the sponsored posts are going to appear on their front page mixed in with other top posts and will be chosen from normal threads that the companies think will best influence posters with the help of advertising staff at reddit. There's a huge difference between displaying ads at the top of the page and messing with search results/post voting to mix in ads with actual content.

Google's ad results are also easy to filter.

I dunno if reddit's promoted advertising posts will have any markup indicator that it is an advert (though aren't you by law required to make it clear that something is an advert?).

Why are you apologizing on google's behalf? Main reason we have the "Let's change the search results and charge the people who ask for the change" view on advertisement is google's doing.

Yes the search result ads are easy to filter, but at the fundamental level they're the same with what Reddit is planning to do according to what OP has posted.

Why do people even like Google and think it's a benevolent company?

Haven't they been doing that for ages?
I was looking to do some advertising and checked out their advertising page a few months ago and that's the vibe I was getting.

The world that we're heading towards cannot suffer a site like Sup Forums to live.
We're heading towards a world where insulting someone is a jailable offense and Sup Forums is just far too edgy.
Maybe it'll exist on the dark web

>Why are you apologizing on google's behalf?
I'm not. I'm saying that what reddit is doing is a huge leap further than google displaying ads at the top of the search results (I looked it up and the no longer have them in a separate colored area, which is bullshit), because what reddit is doing is disguising the ads as normal discussion in a way that could actually be effective (since it's done by manipulating the vote weight for regular posts instead of using shills). All it does is just confirm further how I think the internet has gone to shit. Fuck, how long until that isn't even necessary and sufficiently advanced chatbots are used for shilling shit.

I think the net just became a way for normies to connect to normies they know irl. It was originally a way for those with aptitude to connect to people with interests that no one in their real life cared about

The plebs at the top layer of the internet will have to live with the shills in disinformation whilst i dwell on the lower, more obscure parts of the internet free from corporate influences. Problem is that Sup Forums has steadily been floating higher and higher.

take me with you

Well, whatever. Google invented the concept, others are building on it, users don't care. This is the internet we deserve.

It's really driven by an old concept. Build shit cheaper, sell it at a profit. With honesty gone and sponsored curated results and shills, they can make more money.

How hard would it be to host a clone of reddit? You can even say that it is true SJW, nonprofit to get the old userbase.

>your community is part of our site now
>please make yourselves at home, this is much better than phbb
>Official shill posts, censorship, data mining

theres tons of reddit clones. there have been several exodus. is the most popular

>Fuck, how long until that isn't even necessary and sufficiently advanced chatbots are used for shilling shit.
Already being worked on:

Scary thing is that unless all governments step in to regulate that, nothing will stop the shillbots from swarming every website no matter how obscure. Just have a datacenter running a gormillion shillbots and a warehouse full of Indians for filling out captchas or making new accounts when necessary. Even worse is that the shillbots would actually be capable of quickly and efficiently lurking moar and learning website/board culture to easily blend in.

Holy shit, essentially Tai'ing a Sup Forums archive and using it for a shillbot. Fucking hell, you'd be able to make it look like 90% of the users liked a certain product.
You could get people on meme value, or you could get people to think your competitor's product was a meme product, or a shill product.
Wait, a bot being able to go to ANY site and teach itself that sites culture automatically, with no human interaction. Fuck.

Remember I ran a imageboard a couple years back, maybe one human poster a day on average, but eventually the bots found it.
At first, they were only posting as much as the humans, but as the number of bots posting increased, the number of humans they thought where there did as well.
Site hit around 100,000 posts at some point.
Makes me wanna put an empty site online, give it a URL and see what happens.

That's what concerns me the most, honestly. Actually autistic kids need a place to vent their obsession without annoying other people IRL. Forums are how I stopped annoying people I know about Pokemon as much and I hate to see that opportunity lost on the next generation.

Google search results are also bent politically/ideologically/who-knows-what-ically. It's becoming a brainwashing machine for the normalfags who are none too apt with their search strings and methods. I have no idea why Googlefags couldn't just be neutral instead of starting to campaign for this, that, and the third.

The internet era made it possible to expose the biases of mainstream media. Before that people thought only Pravda was unreliable, lel. I'm guessing a higher percentage today is very skeptical about the accuracy of mainstream media reports than they were prior to the internet era. But it seems MSM is becoming even more extreme with its biases. Like you said, society is polarizing.

Also, social media is cancer. It enables all kinds of niche people to flock together to push their ideas on the general population. The general population is now continually affected by the lunatic fringes. There is no fundamental mechanism in society to stop lunatics from forcing their will on others because politicians have no ethics nor standards for rational evaluation of ideas as they're mostly just using whatever comes their way out of self-interest to get into positions of power and cash in. Hence, the way politics is done enables the lunatic fringes (acting politically as pressure groups) and disregards reason and the common good.

>social media is cancer. It enables all kinds of niche people to flock together
Um, user. That was a thing on the internet before social media even existed. Only difference is they had their own websites instead of having pages/groups on larger websites.

>tfw you will never live in the post-internet world where the internet was shut down

the internet won't get shut down but the www might

I was referring to niche groups as political pressure groups. Social media enables campaigning and mass hysteria on a level the old internet did not.

>reddit will then make these posts more visible to users
>inb4 pay more to make sponsored posts indistinguishable from normal content
Sup Forums Gold Account when?

>Social media enables campaigning and mass hysteria on a level the old internet did not.

The feels.

Weren't there empty forums with only bots talking to one another pop up here a (rather long) while ago?

I know you are joking but this place is filled with actual shills
I don't know where to go anymore...

That's why we move to decentralized networks.

Look into Maidsafe.

Is it like that Zeronet bullshit?