>112 days uptime
112 days uptime
Cool thread
fuck your shit
i ran a xubuntu live cd for like 108 days back in 2011
Absolutely haram
lol micro$haft winBLOWS am I rite?
lol us linux dudes man, us linus dudes!
woops..i mean GNU/Linux dudes
kek kek kek
>2 coars
>8gb ram
what the fuck do you use it for
you're such a twit
media server\torrent box\occasional light encoding
do you have a real reason to pay for a windows license on a server or you just like to be a special retarded snowflake?
Wat :D
If dubs I do it
kek wills it
fuck this gay earth imo
ITT: People with ridiculously out-of-date kernels.
Enjoy the vulnerabilities boys!
The absolute madman.
What am I vulnerable to? Other than your low quality bait?
rebooting to patch kernel :^)
I prefer init 6.
I'm using a g3258 with 8gb ram. It does everything something with 4 cores 8 threads does. May as well save my money.
the sadness in his eyes
wouldn't your electricity build come high as hell though
Why do you faggots jack yourselves off uptime?
What? Electricity's cheap as fuck
>Using putty
>Using telnet in the year 2016
>Not using OpenSSH in the year 2016
How does it feel to be retarded, OP?
No one cares
rebootio nigga
openssh in cygwin is a much better option on windows
putty is just a clunky piece of shit that doesn't even work with the normal pubkey authentication
I did mate
Works fine for me
I literally just had a power outage this afternoon. Fifteen seconds, just long enough to shut everything down, but short enough that the utility doesn't give half a rat's ass about preventing it.
Now I need a UPS. fuck.
wait so we hate purty now?
what the fuck Sup Forums? how the fuck am i supposed to keep up with this crap?
can't we have a sticky with all the allowed/not allowed programs?
now i have to find a new fucking client.
Use OpenSSH
>load average .27
and nothing of value was lost
KiTTY or Putty 4 lyfe.
so no tabs, no sessions and use the windows command line? I thought we hate that too?
what the fuck did I miss a meeting or soemthing?
so i'm supposed to be using the windows standard command prompt with no tabs, session management or customization?
>F1 - F8
You can upgrade your kernel without rebooting newfriend.
>5 minutes uptime
>forced reboot
>so no tabs, no sessions
That's the job of your terminal emulator and tmux
>using Windows
>concerned about only using software Sup Forums approves of
user, you're retarded.
wut? that nothing in windows command prompts
or am i supposed to have some super secret addon installed too?
>484 days uptime on home server
>power failure
>generator starts
>after 15 minutes UPS turns off
>generator AVR failure sent 370V to UPS
>UPS just went nope and never switched back from battery
>$400 later(new UPS batteries and AVR)
>1min uptime
fuck that storm
oh, dang. get yourself a real computer, kid
>tfw can't upgrade my kernel
uname -a
Linux (none) 2.6.31--LSDK-9.2.0_U10.5.13-GST-A4 #8 Mon Aug 26 14:35:32 CST 2013 mips GNU/Linux
see, to americans that just looks like a really cloudy day, because rain is green-red in the us radar
2.6.31 is windows xp of linux kernels
not much changed in the kernel though.
(except regressions and a stupid version change because of linus)
You do realize that PuTTY also supports SSH connections, right?