Bars vs Balls

Which progress indicator should I use for my app?

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Dancing animu grills


I like you
You have balls
I like balls

none. dont let a the existence of a progress indicator make you justify a slow app. create a thread to load stuff in the background then switch the view.

The thing is, this app fetches a JSON from a web site, and depending on the size it may take a while.

If it's a real program/app, the native one. If it's web-based one that blends in the design you already used for the rest.

Show an actual numerical percentage that indicates progress instead of some bullshit spinning gif.

Circle with a notch is what I use.

Click in the anime girl

I agree. It's 2016, this is the only way to go.

Rage face that cycles through various stages of rage

>create a thread to load stuff in the background then switch the view.

That's the same shit, if you're loading stuff in the background you want the view to update while you're viewing it


ok then. use progress icons. you know better

Neither. Try a loading bar that actually displays fucking progress.

Think I got this one from Azure.

Use mine.

(Can somebody animate it? I want to see how it would look animated.)

Oh, it would look awesome if the square at the third stage spun and threw the cubes one by one.



I don't like it. Your circle is not right.

Use dots ......45%...... Going across with percentage in

balls.bars are fucking ugly

Dancing lolis.

For the love of all that is holy use the default for your OS so that it doesn't look like a cancer-inducing turd.

Out of those two? Balls.

Personally I prefer something like:

You can't go wrong with the progress bar from Windows XP.

This one

that's not minimalist enough


I thought a progress bar showed progress

How about one that shows actual progress, and doesn't just spin in circles leaving the user clueless?

You'll never get a job at Microsoft thinking like that.

I'm not trying to. I just want proper user interfaces back.

Stupid modern indeterminate progress bars.

Clearly MS should take a leaf out of "desktop linux" book on error messages.

Suck bars lick balls

I recently had to make an internal app for a company to fetch data from weather stations. I used a small picture of a barometer. The weather nerds appreciated it.

I guess what I'm saying is you could use something to do with the app.


That only works on a countable job where you can estimate the end like data manipulation. If however you're communicating with a sever for a unknown amount of data then this doesn't work.


The only real option.

I like how the old picture appears for a frame after the circle disappears.

jk you're an idiot

Not necessarily for You could just make like one character bounce around from left to right and back again.


pixello dick sort of looks like a glider

1) Don't use such shitty word like "app" for software.
2) Use just text: loaded x%

yeah I like that one best
depends on your aesthetic tho OP

those aren't progress indicators. they're just placeholders for loading content. a progress indicator should actually show the progress (so the user should be able to see that the task is, say, 60% completed).
if you want an actual progress indicator, just use a progress bar.