1060 AIBs directly competing with ref. 480s in price

>1060 AIBs directly competing with ref. 480s in price

Seriously, who the fuck would buy a ref. 480 over a AIB 1060?

Is AMD fucking serious?

Other urls found in this thread:


>europe pricing
>blames AMD


I'm glad I live in a country that doesn't have fucked up prices or taxes

>Retailers are demanding a premium for something that's in limited supply
>What were the manufacturers thinking?
This is what you're asking. It makes about as much sense as a bag of eels. I thought Germans were supposed to be logical?

this is what AMD deserves for not starting with a high end chip and then cutting it down from there

269€ is the price recommended by AMD. The 480s are widley available. 1060s not so much.

>269€ is the price recommended by AMD
Got a source for that? Only figure I can find is the American one. With current exchange rates and adding the German VAT of 17% I come to €247.52.

>AMD recommended Euro prices
Whats the source on this.

+etailer skimming


>*May not actually perform as well as a 970, price applicable to participating country only. 4gb limited to 100 units

Hey look, aftermarket 480 is considerably cheaper than the 1060.

But the 1060 is faster in most current games by around 15% (AMD fanboy here BTW). If you don't have Freesync and the 1060 is available at prices only slightly more than the 480 get the 1060.

Europe has a retard tax for AMD. AMD products are always overpriced.

>x is cheaper than y
No it isn't, here look
>Oh yeah well x is better!
That wasn't the point and arguably isn't the case.


>""""""considerably cheaper"""""
>6 shekels
>reference housefire

>shows 4 random cards

OP picture shows cards released 2016 ordered by price.

>Ignoring the 8GB version beside it that's also cheaper than the cheapest 1060
When was your last eye exam user?
>Thirty four pounds is six shekels
Wow, the shekel is strong nowadays. Or is the pound just that weak?
They are ordered by price.

I don't understand this thread. If you can get the 1060 and are not tied to AMD in anyway (Freesync) just get the 1060. If you can't. Tough titty.

what game do you wanna play on these?
I think a used gtx 480 is adequate for all games. if you dont have money, buy a gtx 480 if you have money, why are you on Sup Forums, why do you care, this thread is pointless

>GTX 480
Not everyone can afford fire insurrance.

Playstation 4 had the same price in euros and dollars. I expect the same from graphics cards.

thanks to the suckers like you the prices of second hand graphics cards are low. gtx 480 can play any game in the market at high settings.

Should I just buy a used 970 off Ebay? Or will I find a 480 at $200 within the next couple of weeks?

>But the 1060 is faster in most current games by around 15%
No, it isn't. It's maybe 5% faster and already loses by more than 20% to the RX 480 on games with proper low level API support, like Doom running with Vulkan. This gap will only increase with time.

Only a massive idiot or an incorrigible Nvidia fanboy would buy a 1060.

Even a GTX 970 is better than a RX480 in some cases, like GTA V.

The 1060 is always a better choice.

>thanks to the suckers like you the prices of second hand graphics cards are low
It performs worse than a 750 ti.
>Nvidia game favours NVidia cards
>Also the NVidia card is always better
Wow, fanboy much?

In most of the DX11 games out there the RX480 loses against the GTX970/1060.

>b-but muh futureproof DX12-V-vulkan

When DX12 becomes mainstream your RX480 will already be obsolete.

Face it AMDrone, your card is a piece of shit

Go for 970 if you can find it under $200.

>In most of the DX11 games
>Some is now most
Hahahaha no.
>When DX12 becomes mainstream your RX480 will already be obsolete.
DX12 is becoming mainstream now so unless you know of products being launched within the year that will replace the 480 then no, it won't.

Seriously, I try to remain as impartial as possible but as per usual NVidia just don't do as well as AMD in the mid range line up.

>AMD fanboy here BTW

t. (((Nvidia Fanboy)))

>RX480 loses against the GTX970/1060.

Average over 23 games on the left, most of them are DX11


Another one mostly featuring DX11 titles:


>Face it AMDrone, your card is a piece of shit

>I can't back up my claims with any benchmarks so here's an insult to cover up my own incompetence :^)

>AMD fanboy here

This divine and conquer bullshit between AMD and Nvidia fanboys is so tiresome.

I just want to know what card to put in my new 2016 rig, the price isn't that big of an issue - I just want a fucking decent card.

How long do you intend to keep the graphics card, what resolution(s) do you see yourself running in that time frame, do you feel comfortable turning down settings or are you an ULTRA MAXXX autism kinda guy?

>the price isn't that big of an issue - I just want a fucking decent card.
Tough shit. Despite what the fanboys will have you believe, AMD and NVidia have been caught price fixing together. They're two sides of the same coin.

If you are buying for the future, the 480 is a better buy.

I'm going to run it into the ground, no plans for reselling all of my cards previously owned have died anyway and I've spent the better half of a decade with low frame rates and shit settings on top of that.

I'm looking to meet in the middle at 2556x1440 because I'll be buying a screen that will put that res to good use.

I want to treat myself to the ULTRA MAXXX autism kind of life for once, as you put it.

So I'm already estimating it will be in the 1.5-2k region.

if you can afford a 1080 buy that
if you only afford a 1070 buy that
if you only afford a 1060 buy that
if you only afford an rx 480 buy that

I recommend the GTX 1070 or waiting for the RX 490. RX 490 might be much better long run once DX11 is phased out. RX 490 might also be garbage or wildly overpriced. We know the GTX 1070 is not garbage and is rather reasonably priced. If you are comfortable waiting, wait, it can't get any worse. If you don't want to wait, don't, just get the GTX 1070. While it may not be the better purchase compared to the RX 490 it will definitely work. If you waitfag and the RX 490 turns out to be shit, sad trombone.

What about Vulkan


How long until the 1000 series gets up to Ti status?

Speculation or actual dates welcome.

This, I'm hyped.

>reference 480
>benchmarks created with release drivers that were shit

Don't even bother, just buy an Nvidia. I did.
Never trust a dirty Pajeet.

At least 6 months from now.

When AMD releases their Vegas

amdfags on suicide watch

My current card is on the way out, do you reckon it's worth waiting for the Ti releases? I imagine it'll be a mad increase over the GTXs.

Then I suppose I've got to wait for the ridiculous supply and demand to equalize, so add another 1-2 months on top of that for prices to become a bit more reasonable.

So almost a year in terms of waiting it seems.

If you want 1440 now then Nvidia 1070/1080 + G-Sync tax.

Seeing how new titan x turned out to be, I wouldnt expect 1080ti at all

What do you mean?

Given the impact the 980 Ti had over everything else wouldn't you expect Nvidia to release a Ti for the 1080?

Makes sense, once people have bought reference through to GTX cards, suddenly a Ti appears and everyone starts trading in the old for the new.

>Amd sells GPU to third party
>Third party decides if it modifies reference as well as well as the logistics of distribution
>Blame amd

When are people going to stop buying from a third world company ?


I hope you realize now how retarded your statement is

I personally will be getting an EVGA 1060 due to the international warranty and a friend will help me acquire one.

Even with tax I'd be paying £210, I'd like to test the viability of the 480 for DX 12 but Sapphires warranty is balls.

>about 85% score
>71% score

what gives?

480 prices were fine on launch, but it destroyed Novideo so hard, everyone ran out of stock, so the prices went up.

Meanwhile, I'm waiting for the meme60 paper launch to finish.

Yeah there's seriously no reason to buy a 480. 1060 just destroys it in price and performance.

I think all benchmarks posted should have the accompanying processor stated next to it.

10xx have massive flicker issues.

The cheapest 1060 I can get in my country is a 6GB PNY for 359.
Will I regret this?


I've never heard of PNY so this makes sense. Thanks user.
Being in Canada sucks

PNY is an OK brand, he meant you would regret buying a 1060 for that price

Just cross the border and buy a 1070

You've still got to contend with international shipping to return it to the original purchase vendor.

Brit here, have family living in America.

If I visit and buy all my components, bringing them back with me won't be an issue.

Are there any drawbacks to this? Do I have to consider anything?

I was told by EVGA I can ship it to the nearest EVGA returns place which is in the UK.

I understand RTB can be for a while or so as opposed to the manufacturer but I explained extenuating circumstances of travel.

Every other manufacturer said they would require it to be sent back to America. I would go RX 480 for experimentation but with this 1060 £210 vs £250 and a better warranty than Sapphire.

no RMA

Luckily I secured one with EVGA, I just hope the representative wasn't bullshitting.

How many quidlies do you reckon you saved by getting it over seas than here?

I've been looking into getting things elsewhere lately, although I can claim my 20% back off my company before Sept.


I saved £60 even with paying tax, it's fucking ridiculous.

newegg, 25$, friend paid for shipping as a birthday gift though so that's 30$ off.