>monitors way a ton
>let's keep it on top of the computer

>monitors are light as a feather
>lol desktop form factor is dead

What's the real reason this form factor is not even remotely common anymore?


People don't like having towers on their desk really, even if under a monitor.

I'm not really sure what happened. They went to towers before light monitors though.

Before computers were supposed to be an additional productivity tool. Now they are the productivity tool.

Components are too big and need too much cooling for compact desktop cases. It doesn't make much sense to put a full-size tower on its side and stick a monitor on top of it, since it's an inefficient use of desk space and puts the display too high.

>Components are too big

Only if you have a gaming rig.

>Components are too big and need too much cooling for compact desktop cases
that was the case WHEN they were doing this
modern shit runs just fine in desktop cases, and most computer labs have shitloads of said desktop form factor machines running 24/7 without issue

Nigger, workstations these days have slim mini itx cases attached to the back of the monitor. Small enough to be completely hidden and out of the way, with enough cooling headroom to run a mobile i5 at 2.5ghz silently.

T. Someone who uses a dozen of them at work every day.

Because monitors are huge these days, so you don't want them that much further up off your desk. Also because minitower has better cooling.

lern 2 spel fgt

I know when I went to school, a lot of the newer computers (Core 2 Duo) still were in this form factor and the lcd monitors sat on top of them.




Guys listen

I have the best idea ever


I'll put the COMPUTER



I'll put the COMPUTER
guys listen here

I'll put the COMPUTER.... inside the MONITOR.

That was more to elevate the CRT

>a laptop you can't take with you

Fucking brilliant Jim, let's get it to marketing.

That form factor is still useful. I use that type for my living room build. Fit's nicely in the entertainment center

Get a used lenovo thinkcentre or dell optipliex. Even has rubber padding on the sides.

>that was the case WHEN they were doing this
No it wasn't, where the fuck does this meme come from? In 1993, laptops ran desktop components, and 16 watt CPUs were considered housefires.

yeah you can
it even CRT's
>do you even lift?

>tfw nobody makes pizza box style cases anymore
>tfw you just want an attractive, modern equivalent of a SPARCstation 20 or Mac LC with an i5

clean your keyboard jesus fuck man

That wasn't an AIO, it was meant to be portable. It was just before laptops were a thing.

then get a fucking laptop to take places with you. Don't bitch and moan about an AIO and say its not portable enough.

What's the point of one though? It's like all the bad points of a desktop and a laptop in one.

Like a laptop it uses more miniaturized parts that cost more, are less upgradable, perform less, fail at a higher rate, and overheat and throttle more.
Yet like a desktop it's heavy, requires mains power and is not portable.

Bigger display than a laptop, saves space, less cables, better aesthetics depending on who you ask, easy enough to shift around when needed. It's really mostly the space-saving aspect, however.

>less upgradeable
This was maybe a good point in 1999 when a noticeable upgrade didn't require a complete board+CPU+RAM+disk swap anyway.

Smaller or same size display than a desktop, one that you can't replace if something goes wrong with it. Saves only a little more space than a SFF PC, which you can hide behind the desk or wherever.

More RAM, bigger HDD and newer GPU still make a very respectable upgrade today. And if you don't buy the cheapest CPU you can find, the next generation ones will only be a couple percent faster anyway.