When will custom RX 480 cheaper cards come out ?
When will custom RX 480 cheaper cards come out ?
In 4 months
Powercolor Devil shipping now. Nitro+ shipping now (small number) and bulk next week.
Absolutely disgusting, GTX 1060 had custom cards on launch day.
Only one of the two cards that has a decent price in my country is Powercolor 480. How does that one rank with custom cards?
For 1060 it's Palit for 80€ more.
>All the PCB's are the same.
>They all overclock the same.
>The coolers are slapped on from 1070/1080 leftovers.
>No tuning whatsoever.
Nobody knows because nobody has reviewed it yet. Guru3D has one but all they did was use it for frame pacing tests. Fuck you Guru3D!
Is it known yet if AMD will fuck up with Vega too, by no having the AiB cards avalible on launch day?
>they *can* overclock
That's a fairly big difference from RX480, user.
290 owner, is it worth upgrading to this?
That wouldnt be an upgrade, wait for Vega.
The 480's can overclock too. They just need a little more voltage to get there. We all know the 480's need more power due to more vram and architectural differences. With proper DX12/Vulkan they can also wipe the floor with the 1060's. The issue is that most people other than Bethesda are only using light load DX12 coding for Pascal so Polaris rarely gets the opportunity to shine. Anyhow Sapphire Trixx will fix that for the Nitro. 1.2v will allow clocks up to 1450 as an average which will pass the 1060 in DX11 and wipe the floor in DX12/Vulkan where coded to fully utilize it (Like Doom does). The only expense will be power/heat. Swings and roundabouts really.
They should start becoming available in the US around mid august so id figure similar timing for global market as well
I really hope enough people decide to send messages to game secs demanding that they quit going light on DX12 and listen to AMD for their DX12 coding and queues and ignore nVidia's Do's and Don'ts because it gimps the true value of DX12 just to try and make their underwhelming architecture shine
>Nvidia gimpingTM
*devs not secs
That have been mostly out of stock since and the ones that are in stock are pushing $350
That's the sad part to me, we all know nVidia very we'll could make excellent DX12 h/w asynch compute cards, but they're so fucking Jewish that try try to milk the customer base for three generation releases to provide incremental steps in architectural improvements and design honing.
The next gen release from nVidia will be bringing back h/w level asynch compute, bumping power requirements up again and TDP as well, they will make ridiculously low yield large dies and charge through the ass for them and label them as King again, while AMD has been refining that type of architecture constantly, and in such case may end up outperforming every comparably transistor populated GPU due to time spent on that type of architecture that nVidia has lost out on by gutting their cards to save on TDP.
DX12 over the next two years will be the great equalizer my friends. I just hope nVidia stops jewing their customer base and that AMD forces the competition over these next two years with the requirement of asynch compute.
Cheapo 470 fucking when?
>tfw volta becomes fermi 2.0
It likely will, especially as Pascal is Maxwell 2.0.
Shrunk down with slightly better memory compression and that's really it.
The funny thing is people still think Pascal isn't a shrunk down and heavily OC'd version of Maxwell with new features here and there
The annoying this is Pascal does do DX12 better. But it uses it's leverage on devs through sponsorship and outright lying to gimp it in their favor (see Rise of the Tomb Raider). You can bet your ass they don't use DX12 to it's fullest and are gimping AC to light loads (as recommended - throwing money at them - by Nvidia to devs).
Lol it's cracks me up how hard they present cognitive dissonance for it.
Look nVidia shills, we get it, and I'm not saying that Pascal is shit, it's not, it's good at what it does and what it's designed for, it's just underwhelming due to the expectations set forth by the marketing campaign for it and the expectations that are presented by such a difficulty getting product on the shelves, indicative of bad production issues and low yeilds
That user is why pascal is inherently not better at DX12, if it is gimped to reproduce as much of a DX11 process as they can convince devs to do while still calling it DX12, then it's not because pascal is good at DX12
So anybody have any luck buying a pooinloo housefire yet? AIB I mean.
I was up real fucking early Monday and refreshing/shitposting all day and the Nitro OC I had wanted went on sale around 6pm when I wasn't paying attention. Granted, those faggots at newegg didn't even have the Nitro name in the listing, it was in the code abbreviated to NT, so I would have missed it anyways.
Thinking of just saying fuck life and buying a 144Hz/1440p and a Fury X for $400 each at this point.
t. different guy
they'te shit and only marginally cheaper than top tier chink sapphire.