Convince me to upgrade to 10 Sup Forums

Convince me to upgrade to 10 Sup Forums
Is the botnet real or just autistic gentoofags talking about shit they don't know as usual?

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Gentooman here!

The botnet is real, you're not tech literate, you shouldn't use windows at all by now, start learning.

It's literally all just a meme.

It's pretty much autistic gentoofags.
>inb4 that "botnet" wireshark which is literally random net traffic+updates
>inb4 that "muh inconsistency" windows 10 screenshot compilation
If you're going to deal with few things here and there not being perfect, it's pretty great desu
also better than 8/8.1, personally I think it's better than 7 but mostly because 7 is now the new XP

First you need to ask yourself if you really need to upgrade. You're going to have minimum 4 more years of updates with previous versions of Windows.

Second, you need to ask yourself if the new "features", like the forced updates, forced spyware, forced windows defender, and new style apps made for tablets and phones are going to help you do your daily tasks more efficiently or not.

For me, the answer was clear: I can do everything I need on Windows 7 with far less annoyances that if I were using Windows 10.

If you want to use it for your main OS, don't do it, it's shit. If you're on Linux otherwise, you might as well for future compatibility, especially if you play any games.

yeah it's just autists the OS is fine

i've been using win10 for a few weeks now, and i see pretty much no improvements over win7 and it's actually been more of a headache since every time i boot up a game their xbox app will automatically turn itself on and sap my performance.

Dx 12

The only thing that wants me to upgrade is this. Ive been using 8.1 for the past 2 years with most botnet features disabled.
How much will the performance impact be on 10?
Can I de-botnet 10 like 8.1?

I tried 10 a year ago, it was literally garbage back then, how is it now?

Perfect outside the extra botnet

>Windows 10
Pick one

No one interested in tech would consider getting 10 in it's current broken buggy state, botnet aside

>since every time i boot up a game their xbox app will automatically turn itself on and sap my performance.

so just delete it?

Do whatever you want. I myself don't trust it but I'm not the one being spied by microsoft if my paranoia happens to be justified.

I'm spied by google tho. I wish some snowden tier leak would happen at google so we can have an idea of what shady things these shenanigans are doing behind our back while we're buzy capturing Zubats and walking kilometers to take care of pokemon eggs

No one cares about your data

Uh-huh. Why are they obsessed with collecting it then?

It is literally spyware. If you were older and remembered using DOS, you'd realize that this Microsoft telescreen is so horrific in its violation of the user's privacy that back in the day the mere idea of such spyware OS would have been laughed off as something that could never happen in reality.

Statics and service improvement

>It is literally spyware.

...says the android user


It's not just "a curious intern searching for nudez" I'm worried about. It's the capability to link all my internet identities to the real me.

Consider this example.
>There was this guy that used to post in desktop threads. People kept mentioning him and his stuff. Dude was publishing all his dotfiles on github (this guy also put his irssi config file with nick / password there for anyone to see). This linked me to his resume, with his real name and address. This also linked me to his reddit account. This guy, who seemed to know his shit was unironically preaching hateful stuff like "muslims bombs themselves, it's in their religion", blaming refugees, Islam, whatever related every other thread.
In the meanwhile, this dudes continues to shitpost on IRC about korean drama as if nothing happened.

Now, I'm just a dude who was curious and don't have real means of investigation. But imagine I was in the same company as this guy, I would just have had to dump the logs and bam, he's fired and I can meme myself to take his post.

Realizing that any google employee knows more about me than I know about this guy scares me.

I use my PC for gaming.

"you shouldn't use windows at all" is a crap argument when it's the better platform for gaming.

Do you have cool janitor powers or was it just a blind guess?

Anyway, my Android use is limited in scope. I don't consider it an OS in the sense of a desktop computer OS. This tablet is a toy for sleepy reading and shitposting for Google archives.

That's fine if you keep it at Sup Forums. Now it's just sad.

But Islam is very dodgy, and I'd have no problem saying it in real life. Years ago I decided to see what it's about and studied its scripture and doctrines. It was worse than I expected. Also, Muslim cultural norms are very different, and Muslim refugees have committed sexual assaults and worse in pretty much every European country. So while it's possible the guy in question is hateful, I certainly don't buy the generic Islamophobia type smearing. No doubt he'd be fired, but facts might actually be on his side, facts that are politically and societally inconvenient.

I don't know mate. It's quite easy to be biased on the question.

As for the sexual assaults, I think it's too easy to jump to conclusions. Thinking "Muslims refugee" are the root of everything bad that is happening in Europe is as accurate as "cis white men ruling the patriarchy" claimed by the sjw or seeing rednecks and assuming these represents the occidental world.

Also, if I was a Syrian, Muslim or not, I'd be on the road trying to escape this shithole.

Anyway, my point was "There employees in a company that know enough about the majority of us to be able to destroy our social image".

I know you're just being passive-agressive but if you're interested in an answer just read their terms by yourself, every person has a different criteria on what is acceptable and what is not, if you agree with their terms and you like it go for it dude.

When did it become acceptable for Sup Forumsedditors to freely roam around this board?
Fuck off manchild

It sends unidentifiable data even after turning everything possible in our power off and using third-party blockers. "For experience improvement"

And how it was pushed on people

How about someone proves there's nothing to be paranoid about?

"hey user, you are good with computers right? My son wants a gaming PC for his birthday, according to my research it's better value to build a PC yourself, could you set one up for my son? I have a 500 dollar budget. I'll give you a blowjob if you do this for me."

>buy thinkpad 2nd hand
>install gentoo
>keep the change

Nothing to worry about.

Most of the "spy" stuff you disable during the installation. This one setting is all the "botnet" you are going to get, which is way less than what Google/Android take from you.

I've been using it for almost one year exactly, there is litterally no improvements over 7. Acutally, a small downgrade like extra ram usage.

Plus it's a pain trying to disable all the spying shit which probably didn't even work. kek

What about 8.1?

Prove it

Don't fucking do it you retard, don't listen to MS shills here, and this comes from MS-loving person

Win10 really is bad

>that font rendering
Truly Windows 10 may be the worst Windows version ever created.

8.1 is the perfect sweet spot.

Windows 10.1 AKA Anniversary Update is the next one

>mrw just sitting here watching this shit go down


What does it add/fix/botnetremove?

More tabletshit that no one asked for!

And few bugfixes and that's it.

It just really depends if you have a system that can be benefited from DX12, for example, a dedicated gaming rig with a quad core processor.

My brother asked me this question some days ago, alongside his main rig, he has a mid ranged laptop, with a low voltage dual core with a mid range dedicated gpu, in those laptops you'll have a barely noticeable improvement over your not-that-good hardware, specially if you consider it is a laptop that he uses for mundane things like occasional gaming on mid settings or low demanding emulation, it won't be that much better with dx12 and you'll pay the price for upgrading to a SO that has roughly a year of being out, plus all of its downsides.

tl;dr, as long as you have decent hardware to be benefited from it, go for it, other than that stay in 8.1.

>Can I de-botnet 10 like 8.1?
Nope. It either bypasses all blocks or breaks something in the system if you try anything.

If you disabled the botnet in 8.1, it's kinda the same thing here.

Look, I don't understand you Windows fags that refuse to upgrade, as if 7 or 8 are these holy grail operating systems that you don't want to lose.

Holy fuck, if a Windows OS is already your primary operating system, just do the upgrade. Everything Microsoft is doing to improve Windows is being done in W10. All the security features and updates are W10-focused. You'll have greater customer support on W10 moving into the future, also.

Just do it, there's no reason not to if you're already a Windows fag. You trust Windows so much already, what the fuck do you have to lose by upgrading? I never understood this.

>. Everything Microsoft is doing to improve Windows is being done in W10

Every "improvement" there is tablet-focused and will be. They've done nothing but degrade desktop-experience.

there seems to be a sleep mode issue on certain chipsets with win 10. where even if you disable hibernation and sleep the machine will go into a sleep mode that it cannot wake up from.

>just do the upgrade
>Everything Microsoft is doing to improve Windows is being done in W10
All the new "features" in W10 have been a step backwards and user hostile. With Windows 10 you basically lose control of your own computer. You can't even disable the fucking Windows Defender for fucks sake. I love getting my CPU raped when I'm working because Windows thinks I'm retarded and I need an AV scan every 3 hours. I love that MS upgrades my video drivers to new buggy ones without my permission and having me to manually uninstall them. And let's not talk about these new UWP apps. My computer uses a keyboard and a mouse and I don't want fucking tablet apps.
> All the security features and updates are W10-focused.
Windows 7 continues to get security updates. And not really interested in the new "updates".
>You'll have greater customer support on W10 moving into the future, also.
I've never used customer support for Windows and I've been a user since Windows 98.

I know you shills are trying hard to convince us but it's not really working. Tell Microsoft to fix the issues and maybe some people will consider upgrading. Meanwhile, W10 will continue to get disappointing upgrade numbers, the PC marketshare will continue to shrink while Macs and even fucking Chromebooks gain marketshare.

I'm not a shill, you winbabby. I'm a freetard Archfag. I just don't understand why you losers think you're going to lose something so great by upgrading your shitty OS.

So to sum up, you have absolutely no idea of what you're talking about. Thanks for the clarification.

>I'm a freetard Archfag. I just don't understand why you losers think you're going to lose something so great by upgrading your shitty OS.

You tinfoil fagman, if Microsoft is as evil as you conspiritards say, and all the conspiracy theories are true, then they've already got you if you're connected to the internet, regardless of whatever shit you think you did to stop them from backdooring their own OS.

So you really have nothing to lose by upgrading, except maybe your "I still use 7 because I'm smarter!" neckbeard superiority.

Got more?

DirectX 12, which can access pure hardware like graphics cards

that's the reason why RX 480 beats 970/980 in DirectX12 games

>inb4 "DirectX12 is only used in like 3 gaymes

Did you guys say the same thing about DirectX 9,10,11?

its real enough that the french fucking goverment had enough of its shit

>tinfoil hat
kek good goyim

just this

I drew it in MS Paint© on Windows 10©

You are moving the goalposts. My main gripes with Windows 10 are different that ">muh botnet" (as I posted here ), although not being able to disable telemetry is of course another valid reason.

Some of these new W10 "features" do get in my way and make my work harder that it should be. Therefore I refuse to upgrade because from my viewpoint Windows 10 is worse than 7, and because some of us do real work on our computers. Of course Arch users usually aren't employed so you wouldn't understand. Is it now clear, retard?

oh idk, I didn't read your post man.

Those are legit gripes I guess, I was just addressing the botnet meme

No problem m8 and sorry for the tone but every time I remember the few weeks I spent with Windows 10 my blood boils.

yeah I'm the same with 8, I hated that shit

Nowadays I only have W10 in a virtualbox for Visual Studio, which is always a pleasure to use

The botnet is real, but it doesn't matter.

You should install Windows 10 if it will fill a niche not met by your current operating system or systems.

>if it will fill a niche not met by your current operating system or systems.
Such as?

Is Windows 10 truly free (gratis) now?
Just bought a new motherboard, cpu (skylake) and ssd and decided to do a fresh install of Windows 10, at setup I didn't input any key, and now it just says Windows is activated (with the license being 'digital entitlement"), the fuck is going on?
Did Windows actually scan my other harddrive (which is a cracked/activated Daz Windows 7 installation) and make me a "digitally entitled activation"? (Which was installed on a completely different motherboard - x58, lga1366, i7 920)
I had prepared using one of the KMS activators, but apparently I don't have to now.

Just use it. For the stuff you need privacy/security use a laptop with some other OS.

>it's really good, honest! just use something else for normal stuff

Is it true that as long as you upgrade to Windows 10 and then go back to the previous one, the free upgrade will remain available to you even after the deadline?


i have pirated windows 7, so it would be good for me to upgrade.

My company upgraded. Roughly 500 licences bought and paid for even though it's free. What the flying fuck man...

If the data is unidentifiable, why should we care about it?

As the data is unidentifiable to US. We can't tell what that data contains or where it goes. And it should be a concern seeing they are pushing very hard to get that data.

How do I SSH into my Windows 10 machine from work

Install a SHH server and add an exception to your firewall.

Windows 10 license is now attached to your MSA

it's only free on not bussines enviroments pajeeeet

I think the window snap has actually improved my desktop experience quite a bit. I have two monitors and can easily have like 5-6 windows open at the same time, showing me what I need to know. Usually with just a click or two to achieve it. And swapping stuff out is easy, too.

That being said, I'm still holding out on deciding if I'm going to go back to 7 on this install or not.

Win 10 is perfect software, but it comescwith bloat and some botnet

If you want the truth about the NSA spying you will not find it here. Just leave this place full of baits and do some research.


>being this stupid

wait for Anniversary Update next month. It's great.

>paying $120 for something that's free now

why wait

Just look at all the touch-shit most of us won't give two shits about and nothing else it's going to bring!

once you see "Windows 10 s activated" on your PC any future version will be free forever.

>my little user can't be this ignorant
-truly universal kernel
-improved TCP/UDP speeds
-improved memory management with -compression support
-improved multithreaded process management (optimized for browsers like Edge and Chrome)
-Extensions for Edge
-Windows Subsystem for Linux
-improved Settings
-better performance
-improved support for SSDs (now with 1/2 write accesses)
and so on

>Windows Subsystem for Linux
This is a game changer.. Can't wait to the first stable version.

>-Windows Subsystem for Linux
tell me more

it runs ELD64 binaries natively. Anything you can imagine (apt-get, git, ssh, Redis, Python, gcc, Rails, cmake, ncurses...) works on WIndows without any emulation,
Canonical provides the Ubuntu packages.

ELF64 binaries. And also graphi

have fun

What is the actual use of that?

go back to >>/v

what are you doing here?

>What does it add

Native linux shell

Is it possible to upgrade to Windows 10, get the windows 10 key for future use, then go back to Windows 8.1??


Can you even pirate shit like i.e winrar?

Will it fuck up my dual booting with ubuntu 16.04?

Why would you pirate quality software? I think WinRAR costs, what 30 bux or so?

Fuck it I'll just get 7-zip and You didn't answer me

Filthy pirates don't even deserve answers. Scum like you have ruined my life.

Pirates made adobe go to subscription

as a hobbyist Photoshop/Premier guy that really fucked me in the ass, hard and I can't find any decent licenses of the non-perpetual type- it's like my only option is to pirate an earlier version. Makes me rage because I really want to be above board and the only way I've been able is to not run any adobe products.