What dpi do you set your mouse to?

What dpi do you set your mouse to?

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i dont because the software to set dpi is bloated as fuck i just use the DE adjusters


Having more than 1200 is aids.

t. csgo player

What mouse is good?


>using a mouse
stay pleb

Steam controller actually has a perfect trackball mode if you're into that

3400. I don't like large mousepads so a high sensitivity is keen for me.

You can change your mouse's DPI?

>900 dpi
>sensitivity set to 1.8 in csgo
>sensitivity set to 6 in overwatch
>>>inb4 Sup Forums

200, better when playing muh gaymz.
Inb4 "back to


Idk, just whatever th default is. I just change sensitivity in the input .confs

OP do you have sauce on this webm? He looks like one of my coworkers


He's a major /ck/ meme.


only correct answer
have some teen titties, I mean titans

12000 like any pro gamer

how do i check my dpi??


I don't like just moving my wrist, makes my arm sore if I don't move it.

i don't know if this thing has dpi.

Usually 1000, but I have my toggle button set dpi to 12000 (G502 is mouse) so I can do cool spinny things in front of my teammates in video games.

What kind of sensor is that o_O
Doesn't look like laser or regular.

Zowie FK1
800 dpi

Usually 2500 actually LOL

800 1000 and 2400 depends on situation.

Very high DPI is 100% marketing meme anyway

The default

800 in vidya, 1200 in Windows

1. 1dpi.



450dpi with 500 polling rate


There are no mods, no rules. These things are spooks. They are artificial and non-corporeal.
btw that's a ball mouse, they use rollers instead of lasers or other optical sensors.

I miss cleaning them sometimes.
I miss being on 8ch and spoilering sometimes.


400 DPI @ 125 Hz

Using this bad boy

Hi jordan, we miss you

tfw my friend has sens set to 6 in cs go, acceleration to 1.05 , windows acceleration on , razer naga acceleration on and frikin 2500 dpi set on the mouse.
i can literally do a 360 awp on full zoom with one hand move there. And he is bretty good.

600 and 1000



8200dpi 1000hz

1600 for most things.