What is Sup Forums's drink of choice? Surely it's Golden Monkey Black Tea with Hershey's Chocolate Creamer...

What is Sup Forums's drink of choice? Surely it's Golden Monkey Black Tea with Hershey's Chocolate Creamer, you're not a casual are you Sup Forums?

kill yourself now


Is it frozen?

Could you be any more American?

tesco instant coffee
fruit juice + tesco lemon-lime zero

Water or Coffee

>not strawberry

Coffee, beer. Pepsi Max if I'm in the mood for soda, which is rare.

>Drinking anything other than alcohol or water


>drinking alcohol

i fix it

Before personal or office work: coffee
At the end of the work day/weekend: cider because weekend
Before I sleep: 2 glasses of water to fill my quota

don't drink water before bed idiot


you're supposed to you melt

>don't drink water before bed idiot

Fuck off

Shut up nigger we know that's chocolate milk with your 12 year old ass.

Self made ice coffee. it's delicious.

I always put a few scoops of ground coffee into the French press, then I add some water, honey, milk and whipcream and I let it stay for two days. After that i'll drink a little espresso cup every two hours or so. Delicious and keeps you awake on a hot day.

Water. Now leave and never come back.

Yerba Mate and adderall

milk + pepsi

>letting honey milk and cream stay for 2 days
I hope you put it in the fridge at least
Made regular cold brew a few times, it's pretty good, also with some almond syrup or something but honey doesn't sound too bad either

>drinking alcohol
I don't have a spare liver.

Koskenkorva Viina and Orange Juice

breast milk from my wife

penis milk from my wife's son

Coffee, or tea (black, red, green, white, etc.)
Stout beer or irish whiskey on good days.

I always keep this stuff cool, usually i add the Whipcream later on but i've been drinking a lot lately so i don't think it'd matter a lot.

Why can't amerifats into drinking Water?

Nice blog faggot.

food shills on Sup Forums confirmed


I am spoiled for choice in Japan.
My preference changes every day.

>he fell for the japan meme

>shilling 3 brands at once
Clearly pleb

Diet cola, because I'm a fatass and it has just the right amount of caffeine.

I don't know what you mean. I have all the best drinks here.

>using creamer of any kind

Jokes on you, artificial sweeteners cause weight gain. Or rather, they trigger you to turn more of the other calories you eat into body fat.

Cocio chocolate milk is the best.
It's made of milk, cocoa, sugar and nothing more.

Black coffee made in picrel.
I don't drink sodas or any type of sweet drinks because I'm not an obese American child.

When I'm at my computer? Water of course

>they trigger you to turn more of the other calories you eat into body fat.
He'll still loose wight if he eats less and gain weight if he eats more(than optimal).

Finn here.

Our milk is the best. Outside of the nordic countries milk tastes like shit and everyone is lactose intolerant.

There is nothing better with food than a cold glass of low fat milk.

I like drinking ice cold almond milk.

>not drinking water or soda or carbonated water exclusively

Degenerates all of you. Enjoy your diabetes or cirrhosis later in life.

Exclude soda from that list. My mistake. Meant just water or carbonated water