are antiviruses a meme, does Sup Forums use them?
Are antiviruses a meme, does Sup Forums use them?
Anti viruses are a meme if you use adblock, because that's where I get most of my viruses from - ads.
It's nice to have an anti virus with some sort of protection though just in case, even if it's free. I've been using Avast Anti Virus because I've been with them for years and I never had a virus for years.
the thing that really pisses me off is that people of Sup Forums not only don't use them, but are proud of the fact that they don't.
they seem to think that all viruses are still of the 90's-early 00's type which have a neat little L0LZ UR H4X3D :-) type window which then formats your hard drive, completely disregarding the fact that 99% of all modern malware is asymptomatic and designed to gather and steal information in as clandestine a manner as possible.
It's like someone going "LOL MY CAT STAYS INSIDE WHY WOULD I TAKE IT TO THE VET OR GIVE IT MEDICINE?" and then it dies of heartworm and anemia
you have to realize 90% of Sup Forums is 14 year olds from Sup Forums who think putting the blocks together to assemble their gaming pc makes them computer gods. this is where the "common sense antivirus" meme comes from - literal children who know nothing about security. they think that because they're obviously so smart, using an adblocker and "not downloading shady torrents" is the greatest line of defense. they don't know anything about how viruses are written and spread or how they even function. they'll swear up and down that their system is perfectly fine when their system is still riddled with previous 0day drivebys that everyone else removed long ago. i guess braden, the 13 year old dayz player and serial masturbator, definitely has a handle on cybersecurity and can just sense it to avoid them every time.
so no, AVs aren't a meme. their heuristics are a lot smarter than you
I use Linux :^)
So which antivirus do would you recommend for windows?
>run mbam every other month
>not a single issue over the course of four years
I must be doing something wrong then. Where are my 0days?
No, but I should.
Something like ClamAV. Too lazy to do it, though.
I need a name for this penis milker
A firewall whitelisting the shit you use and weekly/monthly mbam runs is enough.
Do you keep Windows and your software updated?
Congrats. You're free of most 0days!
Btw I have Windows 10 gaming rig without any AV or firewall. Something like seven months old, I think. If this dude theory is correct, when I install AV I will get tons of positives.
Let's test this theory, shall we?
This is wrong as shit.
>0 day drivebys
What is this 2004? If you spent the time making a zero day you will make much more selling it or attacking someone who is actually worth while.
Attacking tons of people with a zero day is dumb as shit as every researcher in the world will soon have eyes on what you are doing and it will become useless.
That being said if braden didn't get ransomware he's probably set as nothing on his computer is worth shit to the people who would be that aggressive.
I have an anti-virus program running in the background, it doesn't have to do much since i don't download "musicfile.mp3.exe"
>group policies not configured
>user sitting on admin account
>UAC isn't at highest level
>no EMET
>has Java installed
>still asks about AV software
How about securing Windows itself first?
Nah. I just run a full scan weekly from MBAM. I'm primarily just programming on it so it would be exceptionally difficult to even get infected.
I have windows 7 with updates disabled and no AV and I'm perfectly fine. I did 3 formats in 7 years.
I'm using Linux but I'll be installing ClamAV on my VPS and plugging it into exim later today.
Not that I get a lot of mail (though inexplicably there are a lot of login attempts already), but I'll be switching to self-hosted mail from gmail quite soon, so I'd better prepare.
fail2ban and iptables ipset for DROPping China seems to keep most login attempts gone for me. I've also forbidden root login and allow key authentication only.
If it's a personal server you could probably just drop any packets not from your home country for extra security.
Just remember to unblock them if you go overseas or something.
I thought we were talking about home computers? Why would you have a group policy, or even a domain, at home? You are confusing me user.
Group Policies still help stop malware from doing nasty shit, even on a single computer.
I just have clamAV running on my PFsense firewall and it checks all my downloads.
Here you have it, folks. First AV scan since 2016-04-01.
It detected my pirated Crysis 3 install. Wow, so fucking useful.
Sir , I think your little theory is bullshit and you understand even less than
>13 year old dayz player and serial masturbator
>never get any viruses
>only things that get "caught" are KMSPico and the likes
Not just a meme, they're a full-blown scam, especially Defender that's built into Windows as it removes keygens and other "unwanted" software. Fuck off.
Yes. Haven't used an antivirus for at least 10 years and never got any malware.
>those games
DNS filters, adblockers and common sense
it's not just defender that does it.
[spoiler]Дык. Из нoвья чeгo-тo дocтoйнoгo мaлo, шпилю в cтpaьe пoтихoнькy. Boн Black & White 2 пpoшeл, зa кoлoнны coбиpaюcь взятьcя.[/spoiler]
I think that so-called "ordinary users" have almost supernatural ability to find and install harmful shit on their computers.
Don't allow them to use admin account and you will be ok.
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
"Live protection" is a meme
Running an antivirus and antiadware once or twice a month is not a meme
>_______ is a meme
what do they mean by this?
That's like saying, "Yes. I haven't used a condom for at least 10 years and never got any STD."
AV is good on a windows machine as some times things slip by adblockers, but AV is really only a complimentary product to both good practices and preventative measures (software restriction policies, your own DNS servers, traffic management etc, standard user account for normal usage).
On Linux, it's good to set an hourly/daily scan for directories you may download things (or people may upload things) to. On my home server, the transmission folders are a target for clamav, on the production server - the uploads folder and my NextCloud folders are targets, but they're used alongside OSSEC, iptables, fail2ban, other stuff for protection, monitoring and system integrity.
Anti virus compliments your usage.
If your usage sucks, you might as well not have it.
I stopped caring to have an AV installed since I don't use software cracks downloaded from random blogs, don't have a browser without ublock/umatrix, and am not retarded about what I install and run
it's like saying i've never got STDs because i never leave my house, never date people, and never do anything dangerous.
steam sales for games kinda killed whatever chance there was of getting infected game cracks for me (because i have a little income)
>not using lrzip
By the definition of 0-days (an *exploit* that hasn't been seen before) this is not true. Not that it matters, since you'd have to be very unlucky to actually encounter a true 0 day before a security firm becomes aware of it (updating your AV and making it no longer a 0-day).
Nigger, you sound too well-spoken to be on Sup Forums. You may want to include an anime image or some racism next time you post, otherwise people may just ignore your otherwise good points.
I use Norton Antivirus, my computer is hacker proof! :)
Hillary got hacked because she used McAffe
Unless you have sex with multiple people for hours a day yours is nothing like what I said.