who is your technology hero?
mine is anal turing the inventor of the computer
who is your technology hero?
mine is anal turing the inventor of the computer
Other urls found in this thread:
Steve Jobs, the ultimate technology inventor, developer and visionary.
Richard Stallman, we wouldnt have the modern technology we know without him.
Bill Gates, he invented the Internet
moot, founder of reddit
Bjarne Stroustrup for creating the least pajeet language.
Mine's Tyrone deBlack Tyson, he invented space
That was Al Gore
Your hero was also a degenerate faggot. He got what he deserved and I hope with the new UK prime minister they bring it back what they used to do for homosexuals.
>trusting a Jew
Have you learned nothing?
Inshallah, brother
I was thinking more jail, mental institution, or forced chemical castration, but killing him is also an option if that's what you want.
back to stupid stormlrina
Go away tumblr, GPL is degenerate communism. Use BSD if you're not a cuck.
back to eating shit, nigger
The high priest of God's third temple
Lovelace a cute!
>taking a joke that's not even actual bait this seriously
>Use BSD if you're not a cuck.
But BSD is the definition of a cuck.
He gave the world so much and when he died everyone was too busy ejaculating on Jobs' corpse to care.
>not posting the edited version
But permissive licenses are the definition of cuck, user. Case in point: the way Apple abuses BSD.
GPL forces you to release the source, that's not true freedom. That's communism, a major form of cuckoldry. BSD lets you decide how your software is released, true freedom.
Grown ups are talking. Keep your infantile opinions where they belong
haha i get it
it's because he's gay
>anal tuning
GPL ensures the user the freedom to do what they like with the software, including modifying it as well as reselling it. At the same time, it makes sure those freedoms are preserved - this is what BSD lacks and as a result, BSD licensed software is open to abuse by people who do not pass on the freedoms given to them with the software.
Truly, permissive licenses are the purest form of cuckoldry in the sofware space - it really is like asking it in the ass of your wife, or more aptly, your children - asking commercial corporations to abuse you.
Different user, but there is nothing inherently wrong with permissive licenses, BSD is just an extreme example. Art for example, one of the creative commons licenses is the one everyone uses, not GPL or BSD or MIT etc.
BSD means you are exploited as free labor. GPL means you get code improvements in return and forked software respects your freedom.
Freedom is not Anarchy.
>this license noone has even heard of is what everyone uses
Actually GNU and MIT are probably the most popular.
>Nobody has heard of creative commons
Bullshit, I see assets in games and art and whatever released under a CC license all the time. The game for example would be under GPL, but assets would be under a different license
>Steve Handjobs
Retarded Middle-aged Semite
Bills Gated
literally who?
good one
He's got the key to the internet, didnt you know?
Dennis Ritchie - a true hero.
mine is Linus cuz he doesn't give a shit about proprietary software but supports the open source development
dolan trump, inventor of neo-stalinism
mine is hillary clinton, she was a true illegal hacker able to make emails disappear
He's a kick ass youtubers also
Johnny Lee Miller