Wtf I love AMD now

wtf I love AMD now

So sorry Amada! I betrayed you! I have an i5 and a GTX 960, how can you forgive me!

sell the 960 and get the 480 silly

AMD shooting for the pedo weeb audience

Amada is cute! CUTE!

Goddammit. Preferring AMD used to be rational. It used to be about paying less money for the same performance and not giving a fuck about brands. Now Sup Forums is making it about anime.

Anime = Trash
AMD = Trash

Not seeing the problem here.

I don't think i'll ever switch from intel but I love AMD anime mascot

t. triggered Nvidiot


Is that rule34 I see?

Dump Amada


You know, these kawai mascots look like the most generic things there are.






whos the techno bitch



AMD used to be about performance per dollar, but now they're even losing on that front. Not gonna lie though, the 480 sold like hotcakes, making it a successful product. This weabshit is putting me off from buying AMD again though, so I'm not sure if it's just an autistic AMD fan spamming this shit on Sup Forums, or a false flagging Nvidia fan.

>he doesn't use AMD

AMD has always just been a front to market Amada

Maybe from Hyperdimensional Neptunia. No idea desu senpai

Are you also going to stop using Windows because of the windows 10 OS-tan being too week for you?

Post MSI-tan

Trips always tells the truth

windows 10 is so fucking shit not even anime can save it

also nanami is perfection, w7forlyf

>mfw about to upgrade from a HD 6870
>mfw don't want to be associated with these kinds of retards
Looks like I'll go with the gtx 1060 then...

Anime is fine as long as you're not being an autistic fuck about it

>i'd like to obtain completely private piece of technology and no one will know what i bought but people who already have it it are retards so i won't buy it
i don't think you're in position to call anyone retard, user

Wow check out where her skirt is. Her ass is all exposed down there. What a slut!

You do realise how autistic this thread is, right?

Amanda is very moe, very very very moe, housefire level moe

she's hot

not fermi-tan hot, but quite hot anyway

I still prefer Ruby

Her favorite food is grilled meat, so it shouldn't suprise anyone that she likes it hot.

It's pretty hilarious

I like this Ruby.

let's compromise

How about now?

her twitter is Scholatatumi
dont know what she represents



What's with her outfit. why does it make me so hard?

It's a school girl outfit, but it has rivets holding it together so you're sure she's pure.

she has stockings made for footjobs

Post Tomokos and Amadas


Literally the most generic designs and AMDrones eat it up

I'd eat her up if you know what I'm sayin'

Now you really have to explain further

Why kokoro though? Amada is obviously AMD with 2 extra a's thrown in to make a semi-common japanese last name but i have no idea about the other one, is it just because it makes her cuter?

>deviant tier art
>bland design
amdfags having no standards as usual

That speech bubble makes her look like she has a dick.
Just saying.

That's not how dicks work, at all.
Hell that's not even how skirts work.

kokoro means heart

Duh nigga, i want to know why her name is heart.

because her kokoro makes housefires

i want to kokoro the amada

and i want to amada the kokoro


i have such low libido, this repulses me.

grow up and stop rubbing your dick like a monkey

You should masturbate more, it cured my low libedo.

>AMD has to pander to the Japanese PC market
>which may as well not exist seeing how most Japanese games don't even come to PC
>nevermind Japan's cracking down on powerhog systems
>of which AMD hardware is guilty of

This is like asking for donations as a synagogue.

The Japanese market made Amada so they could sell AMD products, not the other way around.

Some store in Akiba basically decided "man nobody wants this poo-in-loo currytech that'll fry your motherboard and burn your house down, better design an anime girl so we can clear our stock"

Then AMD rolled with it and hired other artists to draw her.

Why are they even selling GPUs in a country where PC gaming, as I said, practically doesn't exist? It's like opening a plumbing company in India.

They're actually aiming for the western market, they know that cute anime girls are our weakness, remember that PC gaming in japan is limited to visual novels and the few 3D titles they play can be run in a potato from 2008, their houses and apartments are small and expensive, they can't afford to fit a desk in their 4x4 room, meanwhile a flatscreen and a PS4 fit nicely in a corner, so does a macbook.

They're hoping PC gaming catches on, look at microsoft and their nanami family.

They buy PCs to play Western games and MMOs, consoles to play Nip games.

Just like we do.

explain further

Literally eat her like that one Splatoon doujin

>consoles to play Nip games.

So whatchu sayin is that Sony has a monopoly on Japanese games?

How many neptunia and atelier games are on the XBONE again? That shit is for shooters and sports games.

insecurity at its finest here

I want x but the others who use it are all y

Then go back to Twitter/Facebook instead of this website full of autistic losers who watch those uncool Chinese cartoons, friendo.

Or maybe it's because Japan is literally the only country in the world where brand loyalty isn't just a way of life, but a business model as well. Why are western games on all platform, but Japanese ones are not? By your logic, GTA, CoD, and whatever would be exclusive to the Xbox, and I guarantee you people would be up at arm and scream MONOPOLY on the top of their lungs. They did it with Nintendo in the 80s and 90s, but apparently Sony got off scot-free. Compared to what Nintendo has done, Sony got away with far more 'anti-competitive' practices such as buying out third party studios (Naughty Dog, Psygnosis) and locking an entire country to their platform.

But he said he wants nvidia?
Are you retarded?

Porn games are notoriously unoptimized and they're going to need something to run those waifu VR games on

Xenophobia is also a major reason, remember when they put a shitload of JRPGs on the 360? And how it still failed to sell more than 100 units a week? They had to port all those games to the pstripple and PC, and even then only the console version sold, i dont know man, japs are weird like that, if a cute girl doesnt sell AMD cards then nothing will.

You're a japanese developer with a very small budget.
Who are you gonna develop for?
Fuck no, you're going to sell your games on PS4, because nobody wants to buy 2 game consoles, especially not in japan, where people have barely any space in their house.

Says the guy posting on the biggest anonymous chines cartoon discussion site.

>Hear about some edgy website for autistic weeb faggots on Twitter/Tumblr/Facebook as the source of all those dank Drake memes you love reblogging
>Come and complain about how much they're weeb faggots

Normies are literally the "refugees" of Sup Forums. You have to go back

>Clearly a high-schooler or adult

Who are you directing his towards

Doubt the artist wouldve known being locked in his room for 10 years and drawing anime

All the nignogs complaining about anime
Its a clear sign theyre a normie that got dropped off from social media

I don't understand

I use AMD but I like MLP better than anime. What do I win?


How do you know? Do you wear skirts user?

A lifetime supply of virginity

Same prize as the weeaboo kiddos then. Sweet
Tbh I have pulled in potential pussy at cons but the last time I was about to the nasty ass hoe had herpes sores so I avoided that shit like wildfire



Lower bubble looks like it's convering a dick

so where are all the lewds?

nowhere to be found and in desperate need of

Don't sexualize amada!

>posting in Sup Forums
>not liking anime
Get out you poser.