Hey guys I have looked everywhere online and cannot find out how to fully charge my 100v 470 microfarad capacitor...

Hey guys I have looked everywhere online and cannot find out how to fully charge my 100v 470 microfarad capacitor. Anything you have will help, thanks in advanced.

Attach 200V to it.

What's the difference between these and ceramic capacitors ?

ceramics are higher quality and aren't polarized but cost more

Just different materials. I don't know too much about ceramic but electrolytic are usually aluminum sheets wrapped around an insulated core.

why don't you just hook up a DC power supply to it?

or if you're a shitskin with no tools use a battery

I don't have a 100v battery.

9 9V in series will almost get you there.

>electrolytic are usually aluminum sheets wrapped around an insulated core.
Theres a chemical paste in there too.

it's got electrolytes

That's why I blend and drink capacitors after every game.

charge it with 100v m8.
you will never "fully" charge it though

Why not 11? (+ 1 AA)

Its what plants crave

Eesh. I can feel the heat from that post.

Capacitors need Brawndo?

Everything needs Brawndo

Because I can't do math.

heheheh... sorry.. meant kek.

>apply DC current
I gotcha user

>charge capacitor manually
Your building a rail gun aren't you.


Yeah the dialectric, that changes the permittivity of the space between the two plates of the capacitor, and hence it's capacitance

How do I attach one of these to my motherboard?

wtf? why are you even trying to charge a capacitor manually?

plug it into a wall outlet

If you measure it with a resistive volt meter it will slightly discharge it then it will not be "fully" charged. I can usually tell if they are fully charged if the top blows off and it fills the room with electrolyte dust. That is the only sure way of knowing.