Pokemon go is skynet

>pokemon go
>google startup
>all data location goes to google
>tfw google now has the power to move masses
>its over

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none of this is new except ability to move the masses, but why is other people moving about an issue for you?

We need you to.. uh.. catch Pokemon. That's right, catch Pokemon.

>Nobody understood the lesson of the chinpokomon episode

Has anyone gotten injured or killed while playing pokémon go ?


>implying all data location didn't already go to google

who the fuck cares.
every single piece of shit app is sending info back to corp servers.
every fitbit, exercise watch, map and app that find people nearby is collecting your gps positions and time and is then selling it to advertising companies.
runkeeper recently acknowledged that it sends pos info to ad companies.

Multiple people.


...What lesson, the ability to control the masses?
Why do you use Google maps? The internet? Own a smartphone? Have social accounts?
You do realize that nothing new is really happening but the fact that people are going outside and getting some excercise, right

Yesterday 3 people got stabbed over pokemon

>yfw Pokemon Go is a Japanese psyop to accelerate the breakdown of America's unstable society

>Why do you use Google maps? The internet? Own a smartphone? Have social accounts?
but... it's not the same? like... at all?

Like it needs help.

>people already play lots of video games instead of work
>those games are all sedentary
>release pokemon go; people walk around and get exercise more
>somehow this is a conspiracy!
lol Sup Forums


While you worry about harmless basement dwellers going outside, intelligence agencies have created ISIS to kill you. Thank God you warned us.

Pokemon GO sends your location to the "botnet"
Owning a phone makes you traceable
Owning a smartphone even more so

considering how much easier it is to get robbed/jumped/tracked bcus of this stupid game.

it's easy to see how this will fuckup a lot of people psychologically.

If you're older than 13 and play this game, you deserve to be put to death.

>Google already has your data location

What is your point

pokemon go can make people go certain places

Look up more info on niantic.

It goes deeper than this.

What is Ingress?

>playing pgo on your smartphone and getting tracked
>leaving your basement
>not having a raspberry pi with the python bot running 24/7

You have no fucking idea how data analysis actually works, clearly.

Anyone I ever see criticising people who mention Google collecting data ("YOU'RE NOT IMPORTANT ENOUGH" "AS IF THEY COULD FILTER THROUGH ALL THAT DATA LOL") have been morons that have no idea how analysis works, or that large companies already sort through MUCH MORE DATA than Pokemon Go provides.

As if the fucking US government can't filter through their databases of over 350 million fucking inhabitants.