Is Python a meme language?

I am on chapter 10 of Learn Python the Hard Way...

Have I been memed?

Other urls found in this thread:'s_law

>learning a slow as fuck language only because you're too dumb to learn a proper one
Yes you've been memed

In many cases (esp. at university) its better to write something 2x faster and have it run 2x slower.


that's true for meme CS assignments but it's not like that in the real world or in the hard sciences. when you have to run 10,000,000 iterations of an IMEX integrator it's either C++, C, fortran, or some GPU/parallel shit. Try to bring python in and you will never get your results in time and you will be kicked out of school.

also true

It's a good introductory language, although its also a shitty and slow language. Not that your code is expected to be fast at this point in your career.
Also it forces you to indent properly and be consistent between tabs and spaces.
>inb4 fuck tabs
Tabs are superior.

>what is cpython

>Learn Python The Hard Way

Meme book. Don't listen to that old fuck. Go ahead and download pycharm and fuck around on your own.

In hard sciences python is used all the time
Not for computationally heavy workloads obviously but for analysis, plotting and some other not intensive shit
Still a good knowledge and a great language to learn

I am too retarded to fuck around on my own, I need to learn from a book / site... what should I use?

Also I am learning 2.7, have I been stale-memed?


You've been t r i c k e d.

That's why that book is a meme book. Just use several books, several resources.

2nd-year CS major detected

python is absurdly easy to learn and extremely useful in numerous fields. being a low-level purist doesn't get you far in a job market that prioritizes flexibility

2.7 was good.
3 is a bit shit but you might as well learn on the more recent one... Print statements are a bit different, but you probably won't notice that many differences in your early days of python.

I like the flow of his book so far, I would like something as readable to replace it if possible

Python is a cool language for getting small things done quickly. When you need something friendlier than bash or perl but don't need a full blown application then Python is great.

However anything more than ~30 sloc and python isn't what i would use.

but for small lighter tasks nothing is quite as good as it has loads of functionality built in and getting a third party module is easy with pip

it's also good for a quick solution in a tech interview due to its proximity to pseudo-code.
>for i in that_list_you_gave_me:
> i.that_thing_you_told_me_to_do
>return that_list_you_gave_me

Python is one of those good servant terrible masters kind of language. Its great to derp around in it, make a cancerous django webapp, do some shitty semantic analysis, some numpy
(look mom, I can into statictics).
There's nothing wrong witht the language per-se, it suffers from newbs who learn one lan guage and don't move on.
It's easier to understand and forces you into good practices as says. If you really wanna learn it, get the rat book (Learning Python - Mark Lutz), 2.7 is stale.

Most of the time numpy and scipy provide more than necessary speed, even for the hard sciences. I do computational physics and python has become my goto language for most problems. I find it expecially good for statistics and machine learning. Ofc you have to write some routines in C from time to time, but python is a good start.

>not praising our lord and saviour: unicode string by default

Go get a different book from a competent technical author.

Suggestions welcome

>There's nothing wrong witht the language per-se
Its semantics forbid a fast implementation and a moderately performing implementation requires a ridiculously complex JIT compiler.

you shall try automate the boring stuff with python.. much efficient then the hard """meme""" way..

Yes. Python is ridiculously overrated.
But hey, it's still an ok tool that you can now use, so that's pretty cool!

This mindset is why shit keeps getting slower and slower.'s_law

C Programming - A Modern Approach

Go download PyCharm Edu. It's an educational version that gives you hands on examples

Oh dear lord. I feel smarter already. Thank you for your glorious insight, I had never known what incredible power I was missing out on!

I now know how my computer actually works, and I now don't rely on a silly machine to handle memory for me. I have been enlightened.

I now control my machine, my machine doesn't control me!

But really though, he probably wanted to learn Python for a reason, and C solves completely different problems than Python. At least smugly suggest a scripting language.

contrary to what most people on Sup Forums will tell you, learning another programming language doesn't make you a worse programmer.
python is shit as your only programming language, but knowing how to read a python program can't hurt if you know other languages as well.
never decide not to learn a language simply because someone on the internet doesn't like it.

You could use C to implement a vm that runs your own scripting language designed by yourself.

>Have I been memed?

You can do that in any language though.

Don't believe the memes. Python is a great utility language.

you just got MTFO

How would you do this in Python?

//Convert degrees to radians
using namespace std;

int main()
const double pi = 3.14159;
double degrees, radians;

cout degrees;
radians = degrees * pi / 180;


> Python being good is a meme
> Python not being good is a meme


Honestly, some of you people are fucking retarded. I hate these bottom of the barrel discussions. With that being said Python is great for general purposes. I fucking hate when people compare languages like Python with languages like C/C++. They're all great programming languages.

Learn python the hard way is the meme - unless you're a mong who learns by writing shit out with no explanation.

Take an EDX course.

import math
print('{0:.2f} rad'.format(math.radians(int(input("angle in degrees: ")))))

>that formatting
I almost threw up. Is your name Pajeet perchance?

Yes sir that is my name.
Please let me know if you would like any more help.

print("Enter an angle in degrees and I will convert it")
print("to radians for you: ")
degrees = float(input())
radians = degrees * math.pi / 180;
print("{} = {} rad".format(degrees, radians))

Yes you have been meme'd
>Learn Python the Hard Way
more like
>Get Meme'd the Hard Way

The only "book" anyone should ever read to learn python is

Python for scripting, C or C++ for anything else.

Please don't use LPTHW. I did and it massively fucked me over in the long run (he's incapable of making something as basic as classes seem simple).

main = readLn >>= print . (/180) . (*pi)

Maybe you're the thing that's simple?

nah, because I found way better guides for shit like that that weren't retardedly phrased.

C in 2016 is a meme
C++ 2016 pre C++11 is a meme
C++ for anything other than graphics programming is a meme
"Python for everything else" is a meme

Honestly, if you use any language in 2016 than requires you to manage the memory of objects, you just got meme'd the fuck out

is "haskell in 2016" a meme?

Well, what should I learn from then? I have that rat book, but that seems kind of long winded


google ocw mit 6.00sc
is a very basic intro course on computer science that also teaches python in its first unit

Haskell succeeding is a meme. See: The language however, is actually pretty neat.

No, not a meme, it's okay if you already know another language, but it will fuck you up if you are learning it as your first language because it's 100% ass-backwards from everything else.

>it's 100% ass-backwards from everything else.
How so?


> C in 2016 is a meme

works as well as anything else senpai

Learn Python, then try to learn C/C++/C#. You'll be utterly lost and using horribly bad habits until you completely oust Python from your mind and start thinking in those languages which are MUCH more ubiquitous than Python will ever be.

Well, I am asking from the perspective of someone who mostly writes in JavaScript and Java these days.

I don't know Python, but I know Ruby and Perl. I've always thought Python was basically in the same vein as those two languages with slightly different ideals, which is why I was confused to read that it was so backwards compared to everything.