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Technology #559
An i7 is bullshit for gaming
BSD And Other Things
This triggers the poorfags (read: AMD users)
Linux Distro
Does anyone here own the new Macbook? What are your impressions after using it for a while
Why didn't you tell me about this? I can even add filter lists
C vs C++
Snowden, wat do now?
Once you go FLAC you'll never go back
Will arcades ever make a comeback?
Longest mice
How to make i3 feel more like a desktop environment?
What Linux Distro do you guys use and why?
1997 laptop and Linux
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
ISPs doing deep packet inspection, selling data to advertisers
You have more processing power in your pocket right now than the entire world had when we sent the first man to the...
You must be considerably above average IQ to be a worthwhile developer at any level (that even includes web dev)
Why aren't you using CubLinux yet user?
Write a manual for my server users
AMD Bankruptcy Celebration
Red flag for programmers
Why isnt there some kind of a program where you write C-like code and it translates it to Assembly...
Is there a logicalincrements-like website for buying televisions?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What kind of phone do you have?
For fuck's sake, do I have to browse Sup Forums to find interesting stuff?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Ubuntu 16.04 distro bugs
Do you use password manager?
HTDP2e Introduction Book
Ubuntu is again, the best Linux distro; it's over, pack up your Arch-shit, and your Gentoo, Ubuntu is Linux...
How do i learn C?
What does Sup Forums use to instant message other people on your LAN?
Is moving to Linux permanently a wise choice?
GTX 1080ti
This is why Linux sucks
Apple A10 SOC
How can they make money, Sup Forums?
"All I need is Windows 7"
Ublock doesn't block ads
Adblocking is doomed
Windows 10 better?
Which one and why?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forumsuts
As far as large software programs go, is Excel the highest quality...
What do you think Steve Jobs would say about this?
GAPPs are bad, install MicroG
Rx 480
Why are other operating systems so ugly compared to OS X?
UBlock and uMatrix are USELESS for privacy
GRRRL KODERS meme/hate thread
I've been caught pirating in Canada, they sent me an email about it, what should I d?
Which is the greatest smartphone that has ever existed and why is it the Nexus 5
Did i make the right choice?
FLAC is the best audio format
Hackers and pirates should be shot dead
Ylyl Sup Forumsents edition
ITT: Anons post their desktops and other anons deduce as much they can about that person
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
USB 3.0 has retroactively been renamed "USB 3.1 Gen 1"
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Speccy thread
This fuck is this?
Lonux so better than Windows
Tfw US Americans still measure the world in feet and armpits
Systemd the bad guy
Just installed mint with mate as a dualboot with windows 7 on my chinkpad t420. First time trying any linux distro...
Why do LG and Samsung override Google's Android emojis?
Got a 64gb/Usb 3.0 flash drive for $12.99 USD for school. How should I encrypt it...
Tfw failed at linux
Tech sins confession thread? Tech sins confession thread
Where ya at Moot?
I mailed my resignation minutes ago. What could I do next ?
0 seeders
Is it possible to "rice" w7, w8.1 or w10 to use around 600mb of ram in cold start?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/wdg/ - Web Development General
How illegal will torrenting be by 2026...
Steve Jobs fucked Apple's future?
/dpt/ - Daily Python Thread: What are you working on?
Thoughts on the Endless?
Gtx 1060 vs 1070 for 1080p
Broke my phone. Anyone else feel my pain?
Which Linux distro do you dislike and why?
GTX 1060 cards are over $300, some even priced at $400
Sup Forums Humor/gore/wtf thread
So when did Hiro start doing this shit?
Finally saved up 2 months of welfare cheques to buy myself a budget midrange gaming PC...
Basically the vi of browsers
Have you considered that it's possible to be tracked through your DNS requests?
How good is my PC?
/mkg/- Mechanical Keyboard General
What's your thoughts on clojure?
Nuke, the desktop
Please, please, try to be honnest. You're anonymous so it shouldn't matter
What are some cool tech related tv shows/series?
How come you haven't bought it yet, /o/?
The best part about using physical media or hooking something up is almost always the actual connection...
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Linux Mint Thread
Is the Ballmer Peak real?
Any computer engineers here? As in hardware engineering. EE or CE. Not software engineering
What would be the most Sup Forums way to kill someone?
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Why don't we ssh into each others computers? What can possibly go wrong?
$20 128gb Flash Drive?
Is desktop programming dead? is JS the future?
Should I go with the gtx 980 TI or the gtx 1070?
Is becoming a Sys. Admin worth it?
Sup Forums CLI reader
Hear how great CM is because it de-bloats your phone and the ROM is designed to give you more freedum and power over...
Lets discuss Linux desktop customization, themes, window managers/Desktop environments, and more
Program puts a sub-folder in My Documents
Sup Forums is Tom Araya actually Richard Stallman?
After trying out the fiasco that is Windows 10, I decided to go back to Windows 7 and install it fresh
/csg/ Chink Shit General
There are people on this board RIGHT NOW that don't have at least an i7 microprocessor in their computer
R9 480
Install Debian
Is SSD a meme?
Experience with Debian GNU/Linux
Holy shit, is this real Sup Forums? How do you explain this?
Why is Arch loved everywhere except Sup Forums?
Turn old time TV on for the first time
Any miners here? Need some advice
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/retro/ - Retro Computer General
Sup Forums gaymer manchildren BTFO by Stallman
RIP Sweet Prince
I'm planning on turning my Raspberry Pi into an mpd server
Bought a PSP from some lady and found her porn on it
GTX 1060 MSRP is $250
Is it enough to disable laptop's camera from bios?
If Linux is so powerful, why can't it run games?
Dude onion lmao
You're not forgetting to switch your monitor from horizontal to veritcal when browsing the web or programming, are you...
What are some comfy IT jobs I can do from home?
Flat design
Which browser is light on resources but still fast?
Sup Forums literally BTFO
I need some advice Sup Forums
Donald Trump confirmed for macfaggot
Hackers are now infecting thermostats with ransomware
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is there a point to sound cards at all? If not then why do they still exist?
Is this the future we wanted?
What was the angriest you've ever been at a computer or a piece of technology?
Laptop stickers thread
/csg/ Chink Shit General
MS updates
/edc/ Everyday Carry
ITT: Tech words that have been deprecated
Linify thread #2
Shitty GPU
ITT: Dead Companies
Why does Sup Forums hate the AMD FX8350?
Who the fuck thought this was a good idea
Potplayer thread/
So I hear you guys like black market technology
Why do people hate Windows 10?
Zen officially pushed back to 2017
How do you pronounce this?
He doesn't have an iPhone to make phone calls, text and lurk
Macfag hate thread
Holy fucking shit, Sup Forums. You were right
/dpt/ - daglig programmeringstråd
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What are some hard tech truths?
Linux Distros
I try to su in Ubuntu
So what do you think about this recent trend where every kid should learn to code?
Simple question
I know static electricity is much less of a concern nowadays
Japan's tech lag
What kind of algorithms are implemented on this site?
Hi Sup Forums, does it happen to you that you want to program but you don't come up with any idea...
Linux on Windows Exposes a New Attack Surface
Do you know what?
Replace the 1080 with the new Titan X and this is literally the epitome of futureproof
/wasm/ Web Assembly
IT'S OVER ANDROID - 900 million devices vulnerable
Sup Forums tells me there's no good Android browser because they all have weaknesses
Is VR already DOA?
If you didn't
What do they do better than anyone else?
Gorshill and other adblocker makers HUMILIATED by new method
Programming Exercise!
Nvidia might be fucked, their entire line up of new GTX cards are causing DPC issues...
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
/gcg/ - Graphics Card General - Ghetto mods Edition
Post 'em. fam
Best laptop for ~$500?
/old/ technology thread
Self-proclaimed tech guru
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Go for a walk at midnight last night
What time is the RX 460 supposed to be released?
Sup Forums wasn't helpful with this
Have you read this book Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
ITT: we post timeless tech
My PC tower went for a bungee jump
What's your opinion on ruby on rails or ruby in general?
/wt/ - watch thread, quartz master race edition
Is it time to bury the SSD meme once and for all yet...
What ROM do you use?
He has a case that mounts the motherboard vertically
DotNET developer here. Have a very young guy sitting behind me who wants to be a developer...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Come on Sup Forums we should design a VR hentai game where the system networks to a server somewhere and connects you...
What are the most important coding languages to learn?
Intrusive Pop-Ups?
Can your faggot text editor do this?
Oh, Ubuntu, you are my favorite Linux-based operating system
Nostalgia thread
Linux Server Distro
Is that possible?
Tinfoil hats on suicide watch
Are external hard drives a meme?
/bmg/ Ball Mouse General
Does Sup Forums play video games?
Install Linux mint on my laptop
Post your wallpapers/desktops, lets go
Why do people call GNU+Linux "Linux"?
Be honest with me, are these headphones a meme?
Please help anons
Can we have another one of these? I missed the last one and I need to wave my dick around a little
Bash on Ubuntu on Windows
Itt: non-jerkoff versions of pic
Does your laptop have a 4K display, thunderbolt port, and a 1 terabyte solid state drive? No, I didn't think so
If Windows '95 came out in 1995, then how come it isn't called Windows '15?
Ok, Sup Forums, i need help. My computer is a fucking fire starter...
I have 8 gigs (DDR5) of ram an I5 @ 3.3 ghz and Intel HD 6000 graphics what could I play on PC??...
Xfce vs LXDE
Using a laptop with thicc bezels in 2016
Download file at home
Is freelance a scam?
Does anyone know of a wget script I can use to scrape video links from certain subreddits?
Is CodeAcademy a good way to learn JavaScript or is it a meme?
Does anyone else here actually enjoy these types of aesthetics...
I feel im in a great deal of danger...
Let's have a UseNet thread
WHERE IS WIN 95/3.11 .CSS user?
UBlockOrigin statistics
Hey Sup Forums, is there a way I can get into someone else's Twitter account? I think my SO might be cheating on me
What are the best looking up do date android phones I can buy right now?
What's the next hot memecoin?
How much longer?
All hard drives are eventually going to run out of good sectors
Wow thanks for the tip microsoft
Linux Distro for newfags?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
General Purpose Mouse
/sqt/ Stupid Questions Thread
Is getting a SSD worth it on a new PC?
Its too late
Dead on arrival technology
Is this shit usable yet?
Why did scene BBS' in the 90s have the best names
Userbenchmark Thread
Do we live in a simulation, Sup Forums?
Which university degree would make me learn how to build mechas/exoskeletons/cyborg implementation?
When is it too late to learn programming?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I use windows 7, so theres no way the NSA can spy on me, unlike those of you with botnet windows 10!
I see always the same threads here, let's make a
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Sup Forumstorrent Day 2
IPhone hate thread
FizzBuzz obscure edition
Tfw another bug introduced in 16.04 versions of Ubuntu
So the iphone 7 series won't have a 3.5mm headphone jack. Surprisingly there are people who are defending this choice...
/gcg/ - Graphics Card General - "Can we discuss them like actual human beings?" Edition
Will this kill Windows? Or does Microsoft have their hand too far up the developers asses?
Sup Forums builds a cheap ass Linux machine
/mpv/ - what's next?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Is the sloppy fit of the army's battle uniform intended to hide America's growing waistline?
Was this scene accurate
What are your thoughts on the new Blackberry phone, Sup Forums?
What Sup Forums-x and/or OneeChan/StyleChan setups is Sup Forums using?
Windows 7
Is there any reason not to buy the compact versions of cards like 1060...
Helloworld.exe (153.51 MB)
What's with all the Microsoft and Apple shills?
ITT: god tier propertiary software
Any recommendations for a good Sup Forums app for Android? chanu doesn't seem to be cutting it. what do you all use?
Tfw Linux advocate for years basing argument solely on UI/UX superiority
What do you think of coding bootcamps? I'm debating whether or not to enter one...
After being a burnout NEET where i haven't played a video game properly in 3 years...
Fedora Project Feedback Tour: Sup Forums Edition
What's an alternative to Javascript? Apparently it's shit
Is it autistic to convert .mp3's into .flac's?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
I'm a technology expert because I spend thousands of dollars a month on useless gadgets
Red pill me on bill gates
He uses android
Post your 4 most used apps Sup Forums
Hsg - Home screen General
What's the best Linux music player? I tried amarok and I couldn't get it to play any music
Delicious Non-Free Pizza
Name a better OS
I'm getting sick of Firefox
Nexus/Pixel General
Cac Imaging
Is sending a resume in odt format a guarantee that your application will be ignored?
Hey Sup Forums
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why is Windows font rendering so bad?
FlOENS! When is your next release coming out? Is it going to be this month? Answer me floens...
Windows and Linux: a side-by-side comparison
He unironically says 'gooey' and 'earl'
Why do people even use anything besides Chrome?
Decent Web browser for Android
/wdg/ - Web Development General
The current Bittorrent protocol is outdated. What should the next generation protocol do?
He doesn't know why &argv[1][1] = &(*(*(argv+1)+1))
>BST - RichFagEdition<
Want up upgrade my 900p monitor to a meme 1440P 144hz+
Bravo Tesla
Happy MacbookPro owner
GTA download is slow
Hey Sup Forumsuys, anyone on lumia 950 here? Is it really that bad? Have you tried continuum...
I get a "you're banned" msg when posting on Sup Forums every now and then...
/acg/ - Apple Circlejerk General
IT cucks
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
I don't get why people always have to start "What's the better OS ?" Thread
Sup Forumsuts
What do you think of Tek Syndicate?
ITT: Tech gripes
Monitor Thread
Tabs vs Spaces
Hey guys do you know how to hack a facebook account?
Things you hate about Python, I'll start
DP vs. HDMI vs. DVI vs. VGA
French billionaire founded free code monkey university for talented individuals aged 18 to 30
I feel safer already
Using a rolling release distro (like arch linux) as your daily driver
Help me decide Sup Forums. I am about to pull a trigger on a gpu
Worst Tech Company
What's the most expensive piece of software you've pirated?
Pc build
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Do you encrypt your disks?
Tfw can't decide which mouse to keep
Jesus fucking christ
/mkg/- Mechanical Keyboard General
Is OS X the best OS?
What Linux distro is the best for someone who is new to Linux...
What the fuck is this shit
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
It's the weekend. And life is passing you by yet again. While everyone else is getting their fuck on...
Yes, we know everything already is from China but in here we discuss the no/low-name cheap shit you see on Gearbest...
OP3 or Mi5?
Where does he find the time to run a popular YouTube channel and maintain the Linux kernel at the same time?
Sup Forums integrated advertisements
Post you're desk
/hpg/ - Headphone General
PC Case General ( The 7-Seas Edition)
Wind and solar farms? effective alternatives or no? does it actually costs more harm than good? is it just a meme...
I joined the darkside lads
He writes login/pass
When was the last time you installed a new distro? What was it? Why wasn't it Debian?
Removing torture issue from encryption
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
If I were downloading a file via Tor, disconnected in the midst of it, and then reconnected again...
Camera Phone Thread
Hey Sup Forumsuys. I heard that PCI 3.0-oriented hardware can work (reverse compatible) in PCI 2.0 slots. Is this true?
Is Windows 10 tracking as big of a deal as people are making it or is it overblown?
Where do I go for torrents now ?
I'm 30 years old, is it late to start learning programming?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread:
When you disable ads in the advanced settings in utorrent, do they really get disabled or just hidden from the ui?
Fitbit charge hr is shit
How did we go from this
Sup Forums-Torrent
Intel fucked up 10nm and delayed it and put Kaby Lake in as replacement
Install piratebox on rpi
No one on here is actually still using Sandy Bridge, right?
Does Sup Forums believe in free speech?
How do you Sup Forumseniuses use Linux as your daily driver?
I'm newb
Is this rendered in realtime or from a pre-rendered animation?
Does anyone actually believe this has been running autonomously for the last 20 years...
Should I read this book? is it shit or not?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Redpill me on duckduckgo
Previous thread: >>55946704
Stable rolling release distro
CPUZ Thread
>the Polaris RX460 is slower that the 270x/370x/HD7870
Mfw Sup Forums shits on Macs
What OS should I install for my 'new' thinkpad?
Any rational reason not to use a MacBook Pro other than being poor?
/edc/ Everyday Carry
Sticker thread
Post yfw this
Mfw Nvidia is going to make a Tegra chip that destroys the PS4/Xbone in terms of power and performance for the Nintendo...
So when did you all stop using Google service?
Programming jobs suck dick
If you're sick of arch elitists telling you you're not good enough, try this:
Minimum Specs for Music Production
Why is the HDD market dead? Nothing interesting is happening...
Lets seem em'
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Firefox is now multi-process
Wtf Vulkan is black magic or what!?
/wt/-Watch Bread and general Seiko circlejerk
Torrentz Shuts Down, Largest Torrent Meta-Search Engine Says Farewell
When did you install your first GNU+Linux distro?
00111110 01101110 01101111 01110100 00100000 01110011 01110000 01100101 01100001 01101011 01101001 01101110 01100111...
Want to talk family since i didn't for many years
/csg/ Chink Shit General
"Technology" board
Onboard Graphics and Sound Questions
Freetard "security" destroyed by script kiddies
So I visited my parents a few days ago and they gave me some of the old desktops we used to have because they would...
Why aren't you as autistic as me?
For nostalgia sake, I wanna get a old Mac Pro abd max it out
Want to order pizza online
What went wrong?
Let's get this started people
An engineer who is designing a car makes a mistake and one part is prone to breaking
Can you motherfuckers stop using the word "reformat"? It makes you look like fucking retards
Video codec of choice
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
mrw I didn't update the period tracker on my iPhone since I switched to Android
How often do you upgrade your phones?
EVERY TIME I go on Sup Forums and Ctrl+F "PAJEET" there's always at least one ocurrence. Really makes you think
Explain why the fuck you still don't know how to use vim
Linux subsystem for Windows
A monad is a monoid in the category of endofunctors, what's the problem?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
"Notify to restart computer for updates" has been removed from Windows 10 Anniversary Update
People seem happy with getting haswell performance in 2016 or quite possibly in early 2017
1. USB Type C is an open standard
Front page malware
Desktop rate thread
GTX 1050
What are you doing right now, /g?
Linux is trash created to hurd the brilliant young minds in computing into a giant wasteful clusterfuck of an operating...
Windows 10 upgrade questions thread
Random deep thoughts while listening to T.R.A.M. and thinking about Computer Science:
Would not paying for electricity make an ASIC miner automatically profitable...
My 6870 just died, literally 10 minutes ago and i am currently on built in card. What card would complement my build...
No session manager
I turned my computer on this morning to find that Windows 10 had downloaded and installed a whole bunch of crapware...
/cyb/ - The CyberPunk General
Any solder tips or tricks?
BBC to deploy detection vans to snoop on internet users who watch TV online
Sup Sup Forums
Why the fuck are they still using this OS?
I am sure there is one of this every day but
Just bought my first 144hz monitor. what should i expect coming from a 60hz
Be neet
Is CyanogenMod any good?
Run powerful magnet over HDD
Hey Sup Forums I just got the Note 7 yesterday. I the iris scanner is amazing and really quick...
/csg/ Ching Shit General
Non Opera browsers BTFO
ITT: tech things that only Americans would do
Will this handle 1440p?
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Do you guys remember this?
C++ Books
Does anybody have a worse primary pc than mine?
Top 10 GPUs on Steam
Spend an hour carefully putting together a new rig
Advantages of Mac
>This tread again
Is the v10 the best sounding phone on the market?
Did i fuck up
Code snipets that you are actually proud of
Be me
Best Aftermarket Card Supplier
Does anyone really still use Windows XP as a main os in 2016?
Fucking Jews ruin everything
What is the best Aero solution for Windows 10?
Is university necessary to earn a decent salary in programming/IT?
Cheapest compatible motherboard for pic related?
Is it a meme?
Is 2GB RAM enough for an Android phone today?
Public trackers are dying
I just spent 5 years getting a biomedical engineering degree and yet every single employer I go to tells me that I've...
Windows 10 Anniversary Update Sticky Notes
Is it hard to install?
Hi Sup Forums, why is there such a big fuss about diversity and inclusion in the tech industry?
Why are motherboard drivers for Linux so bad?
He fell for the useless flashy RAM heatspreader meme
Is torrenting dying?
/fg lt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What do you guys do with virtual machines? I want an excuse to actually use one
Hear about the new Nexus sailfish
>Denuvo would NEVER EVER be cracked
Will we ever leave polygon-optimized GPUs behind? Surely, polygons were an easy way out to get forms in 3D...
Best Torrent Software?
So with Kaby Lake confirmed for Q3-Q4 2016 do we have any performance details yet...
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
ITT: We try to trigger Sup Forums's autism
Hello, fools. It is us, Anonymous. We grow tired of your little "technology" board...
What host name do you use on your Linux machines and other servers?
Windows Subsystem for Linux
Ruby > Python
"just works" linux doesn't get any better than mint 18
Do you believe in the HDR hype?
How do I clean this
What's a good browser /jee/?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Tfw you will never live in a cyberpunk mega city
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
What's your excuse for not using Pale Moon?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
God tier hacking music
Thoughts on tixati? Is it a decent torrent client?
Invasive Ads on 4chin
Write program in python
Are smartwatches a meme? like seriously have anyone ever used one and felt it was worth the cash?
Ideas on what this is for?
Hey Sup Forums, how bad is my internet? I feel like this is really shitty...
How do I pay with cash online...
When do you think VR headsets will start to replace high end multi screen setups?
What browser does Sup Forums use and why?
GTX 750
What does Sup Forums code with? I used to code with Visual basic (i know) and want to move unto something better
He only fell for the 16GB meme
ITT Tech
What's the stupidest/most roundabout/most inefficient code you wrote when you were first learning to program?
Now that the anniversary update came out the
Windows 10
I use iphone and I love sucking cocks
Hey Sup Forums, what is your favorite desktop environment?
Which screen capture application do you use, Sup Forums?
How to counteract planned obsolescence in earphones?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why is samsung such a shit brand man
Mfw turned 20 yesterday
How come early microprocessors looked so cool and shway while microcomputers/minicomputers looked like monstrosities...
What age did you first build a computer?
Would you do it Sup Forums?
/fag/ - Friendly Apple General
What would you rate this computer
India is 97% Android
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Moving from Ubuntu Gnome to Manjina KDE, what should I expect?
Windows computer
Just post battery usage
WTF I love Windows now!
He uses Windows 10
Rip in peace Linux
Home screen thread rms edition
There's literally nothing wrong with BSD
Question about audio signals
How do you feel about this man and his effect on the software industry?
He knows about BSD
100 000 RX480's shipping to vendors in the next two weeks. Are the supply problems finally solved?
Mysterious box
How much would this worth? couldn't find enough info on the webs
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Why would computer usage or slowdown cause a video that was being encoded at the time to stutter when watched?
Windows Discussion thread
Who would win in a fight?
Best distro for a beginner?
Reason for you not to kill yourself
New imageboard software
CPU for virtualization
WTF I hate Apple now!
Literal Housefire R9 290
Sticker thread
Can you guess who is watching your live video on Facebook in mobile?
I had a HUGE argument with my dad...
Just pulled the trigger on this
Is this what they learn when they Kode with Klossy?
In Mr. Robot, there is an extremely secretive, infamous and dangerous hacker group called The Dark Army
Mfw xvideos has implemented a player that keeps segments of a video loaded before youtube
Daily reminder this is the truth
Does a hacked/modded spotify premium actually work? Or is it just a meme?
Why the fuck would anyone buy a PC
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Stupid Questions Thread
Come back power users
What ya do with your raspberry pi Sup Forums ?
Problem coding Pyhton I need help
Why does he hate the CIA so much?
Where did it go wrong? Why did they even try?
I just ordered my alienware 15 laptop!
Why do people pay thousands (+ 4 years of life) for a degree when you can learn anything you want on the internet for...
Post your Watch it Again's from Youtube, Sup Forums
Two additional feature updates expected in 2017
GNU Icecat
Why can't a gtx 950 play doom at 60fps on 1080p but a ps4 can for like 90% of the time...
What does a real hacker look like?
Is AMD marketing braindead
Which Windows is lightest and takes less RAM than 10...
Richard Stallman appreciation thread?
Started coding in c++
Switching to Linux
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Whos at defcon
Why aren't there more female Linux users?
You power on your computer one morning and see this on your desktop
So, I bought a pre built gaming PC, and before you judge me...
What is your preferred desktop environment?
Why is porting games to PC such a difficult process?
Anyone else feel like AMD dropped support for cards like the HD6970 too soon? Search Engine Mysteriously Shuts Down
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
What are peoples' complains about this? It's called shit in every Apple thread
I have a dual opteron board that won't post but will startup the fans as normal and has the ASB4 hearbeat led going off...
I rooted my phone
Mint, the only operating system with three update options, and just one of them is supposed not to break your computer
How long are you going to keep your iPhone?
How does Sup Forums partition their hard disks?
Post your disk benchmarks
Where my Opera bros at?
Post the very best of IT humor
My LG G4 screen is already burned in
He doesn't own a Windows phone
Please Sup Forums, redpill me on Python
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums-chan, daisuki~
Why exactly does privacy matter if you're not a cyber terrorist?
Cut my life into pieces
Got a new thinkpad T430
Remember the innocence of the internet?
He has an anime ringtone
I have 230GB worth of music, what is the best site that one could use to backup such a large amount of music...
Home screen thread?
Last piece of software you paid for
Instead of all the hate bromanchu
Home theater thread
Mean clients and managers
Memes aside
The joys of being a developer
Who defcon here?
I disabled dhcp and hit release on my IP address for time warner cable as i was trying to change my IP address from...
Sup Forums, what is your opinion on Waterfox? is dead
Does anyone in Sup Forums do Amateur Radio...
AMDGPU-PRO Driver for Linux was finally released
DARPA Cyber Grand Challenge
/wt/ watch thread
What's the deal with this? can it really work?
Sup Forums doesn't like Ubuntu because it's normie tier and easy to use
So how the fuck do I get Windows 10 to let me select a specific group of images from a folder for it to shuffle through...
Is there even a point to using Hackintosh nowadays?
Sick of Windows botnet
/rqt/ - Retarded Questions Thread
Sup Forums, is buying a brand new, most up-to-date ThinkPad a meme? Or should I buy an older one?
I just installed a Linux distribution for the first time (xubuntu) and the font on my icons is already fucked up...
Women in Tech
How mentally crippled are you idiots? no...
Using my laptop on battery power for the first time while I wait for the oven to preheat for pizza
Is Macbook worth owning for programming?
Stupid Questions Thread
Ram idling usage W10 Aniv
/mkg/- Mechanical Keyboard General
Is GPL communism?
So what web browser DO you use?
Sup Forums, tell me why I shouldn't ditch my Xiaomi and buy the iPhone SE
Current year
Why did you fall for it?
Tfw I just fell for the 144hz meme
Hey Sup Forums, just got this bad boy from the """"""garbage"""""" bin at work
Daily reminder if that AMD did not exist we would still be using single core pentiums and 32 bit operating systems
Hey Sup Forumsuise, lookie what I just bought!
It says here on your resume that you have 5 years experience and you're self-taught
Why don't you use Ubuntu with Unity? It literally just works
What are some of the first things to do with a new Mozilla installation?
Will quantum computing make everything we know about computers irrelevant?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
/bst/ - Battlestation
Tell me about audio
I seriously hope you sit up straight Sup Forums
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Year of the linux desktop
Is asus a meme?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Well, get to it
Why here do not love Fedora?
ITT: Times you acted like Elliot
Place in the Internet where
Sup Forums approved everyday software
Isn't the Fairphone 2 everything Sup Forums wants in a phone...
Who's jewing who?
I'm fucking done with Windows 10. It's over
So let's speculate Sup Forums
Is there a reason to run a 64-bit OS if you only have 4 GB of RAM?
We all have that "friend"
Got the note 7 in my store. Anything you guys wanna know?
Help me, Sup Forums
Maxwell is legacy now
Chinks REALLY won this time
Sup Forums I have come to you in a time of need
Rate my programming setup
RX 480 comes out
The year is 2077. What does programming look like?
Tech placebo thread
Turns out 4GB aren't enough even for a 1 year old game in 1080p
Is it broken?
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Got fed up with Windows in general, i'm jumping to Linux distros once for all. Is Debian a good choice?
Fuck Mozilla
Microsoft requiring you get Windows 10 to use newer CPUs and DX12
The copyright lobby wants to block illegal downloads at the OS level
Has Sup Forums got BSOD lately?
What video card is Sup Forums running?
Should I buy it?
Arch Linux is bleeding edge
Dear Sup Forums
Do you instantly lose all respect for someone the moment you see they have an iPhone?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
Why is PHP looked down upon?
Dear normies, stop fucking buying the galaxy note
Which one?
How long until 8GB of RAM is no longer enough?
How to detect fake FB profiles? Any tips?
RX 470
Huawei has appointed Eva Wimmers as the new president of Honor in Europe and vice president ofits global operations
How the fuck do you completely power off internal drives without removing the cable that goes to the supply?
Y u no like opensuse? don't see it mentioned around here much
The Snapdragon 801 was the last good mobile CPU from Qualcomm
So fucking pissed off
Visited tsukumo ex, origin of Amada Kokoro. Heres some pictures incase anyone wants
RX 470!!!
Hey /g, now that kat is down what's the most reliable site you use for torrents...
Best sites to download single songs
Do you instantly lose all respect for someone the moment you see they have an Android device?
/csg/ shelter
What do you think about this technology Sup Forums?
What does Sup Forums think of Solaris?
Daily reminder that if you're intelligent enough to know what BSD is, you have 0 reason not to use it
waaaahhh i cant steal others intellectual property any more waaaahhhh let me be the stealing nigger my soul tells me...
Be honest with me Sup Forums, are thinkpads a meme?
He doesn't know how to hack through cmd.exe
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...