Come on Sup Forums we should design a VR hentai game where the system networks to a server somewhere and connects you with another person of your sexual preference and using a variety of sensors and custom peripherals transmits thrusts and vaginal, anal, or oral contractions over the internet to your partner!
Come on Sup Forums we should design a VR hentai game where the system networks to a server somewhere and connects you...
is there an sticker that doesn't reek of autism?
this one and I would like sauce on it
This would be great. Another reason to never leave my house
Which is why we should make it.
what about that software that turns you into an anime gril in real time?
some guy recorded his face while masturbating or something
you could sync facial expresions or something
If someone has a link.
I need it.
don't get it, what is so good about that?
is it a reference to something?
I will make a logo
Found the newfag
>even the date is right
Why must you tease me like this user?
Too much effort. Would rather just shit post.
I'm on board for this, I'll design the dildo peripheral.
Hello, /o/.
>cool ass stickers
> edge
>obvious irony
[emotional rollercoaster intensifies]
If it makes you feel better, it's running coreboot + GalliumOS.
I fucking knew it.
It's not helping tho.
Do people ever ask you why you have hentai on your laptop?
I don't take it anywhere other than my friends' or fiance's houses so no.