How do I clean this

How do I clean this


Spray it with water

Pull out components and blast it with canned air

Don't touch what is not broken.

You don't, you buy a new one.

Spray a little WD40 on it and you should be g2g.

Compressed air, be careful with the fans as to not spray it and make the fans spin

This pictures actually pretty old. I'm just too lazy to open it up and take a new one. PC is still trucking along just fine though, if a bit hot.

With fire. Lots of it.

Take everything apart, clean case with water, clean the boards with a brush and the heatsinks with water.

Blow canned air inside (not recommended to vacuum) and then submerge the components in alcohol. I am not sure about the last part though, maybe someone can offer more informed advice?

Fuck off and bring updated pics.

Just wash it and let it dry for 24 hours.

First take a gun , load it with one bullet and kill urself:3

Blow in the case

take it to the nearest dumpster and toss it in, then go buy new computer

Leaf blower.


I use this micro set. It's worth it.

Why do people get scared? Little electricity is produced, not enough to harm your computer.

compressed air is enough

Here is a cheaper option.

>the battery is put in the socket

Yeah, the mini attatchment just for gaymerz

Soak it in the bathtub

Do a Tech Yes City treatment

Is there a Sup Forums approved vacuum cleaner?

I have an older one of these that overheats and doesn't have very good suction.

Spotted the aussie. Wd40 is the fixer for everything m8

i actually did this (held under tap), i figure this is what killed it

not that. it can force the fan into an awkward spin and slightly unbalance the fan causing coil whine.

I thought the same thing

Dont use vacuum cleaners! Thats how i killed half of my old computer.

The only ones worth having were the old upright, all-metal Nilfisks. Alas, everything under the Nilfisk Consumer name these days is Chinese plastic.
In fact, the industrials are the only ones worth owning. Even second-hand they are good. There used to be one in every IBM mainframe installation.

With fire

The owner was a smoker wasn't he

wd40 is available worldwide


get a small miele with a rotary brush head

ive had mine for seven years and am only throwing it out because the hot water cylinder leaked on it and its cheaper to get a new one

My Miele S2 is five years old, no issues at all with it.

Just take it apart and soak each component in water. Water itself won't damage it OP. Trust me. I've done it loads of times.

Just make sure to let it dry yeah?

with a fucking hand grenade

I use a air compressor


Piss into it, if it's as durable as my iPhone 4s is should still work fine

Take the parts out, then spray them all with an air compressor. Get all the crap off, if anything is sticking wipe it off carefully with some cloth/ toothbrush.

>not using rp7

>Spray it with water
but not before smothering it in soap.



Smoker here. Can confirm dust combined with smoke is a pain in the ass to clean. It gets sticky as fuck.

>not buying shark