Why would computer usage or slowdown cause a video that was being encoded at the time to stutter when watched?

Why would computer usage or slowdown cause a video that was being encoded at the time to stutter when watched?





There's your problem.



Kek yeah only vlc does this shit and it basically will no matter what. Makes seeking painful

Ive literally never had this problem with VLC. You must have it set up wrong.

>VLCnormies will defend this


Your pc is trying to do you a favor sabotaging your weeb shit, fucking homo

>MPC BE masterrace

You are using a program which doesn't make effective use of hardware acceleration, or you have a shitty computer incapable of hardware acceleration.

fucking rofl

>980 ti
>still happens
>happens on amd pc's
>happens on mac
Its vlc

If it hasn't occurred to you its because you haven't used a video yet that causes it. Its VLC in combination with certain encoded video. Usually avi or flv if I remember correctly.

Some people claimed my hardware is not up to the task.

However it felt pretty magical when i tried this thing...

It as no interface. I'm a dummy, can't use it. Besides MPC what would you recommend to me?

what else would you need that is not already here

Where do I go for volume adjustment?

you press 9 and 0 you silly goose

but if you don't want to use os volume control, you can use 9 for volume down, 0 for volume up in mpv

is dxva work with h265 ?

>uses vlc on windows
>not a single problem
>uses vlc on ubuntu
>video chokes when i skip to any part of it
Good thing SMPlayer exists

I don't know but fucking VLC sometimes caused blue screens on my old laptop.

The funniest thing is there are still people believing "VLC is a meme" is a meme.

My fucking sides holy shit

Never had this problem with VLC senpai so I don't really care. U feel me dawg?



>not +
>not -

Open source UI design, everyone.

good thing windows exists

it's consistent though, other numbers increase/decrease contrast, brightness, gamma, saturation so it makes sense that volume would be controlled the same way

>2010 was 6 years ago

>still was a promising youth


>decrease volume
>press minus key
>increase volume
>move finger over one button
>doesn't work
>need to hold shift
Did you also complain about WASD in your video games? Did you remap "forward" to F, "backward" to B, "left" to L, and "right" to R?

>other graduated controls exist
>might as well fuck up the mostly likely to be used controls

I'm sorry, I got lost there.


>implies +/- key labels too confusing
>implies anyone expects Volume Up to require Shift+=
>advocates random controls instead

>why don't they use - and + for valume
>because that would be retarded
>b-but what about - and = they're the same thing t-two buttons right next to each other are too hard
You already know it's 9 and 0 for volume. You're not going to forget it.

No, I remapped them to esdf, because it's objectively better in every way.

Possible if watching h265/x265 video, but with h264 dxva will active and no performance hit at all even with igp like igp or low end GPU.

It's actually due to the video encoding. It's what happens when an i-frame is corrupt or missing.

You're assuming rationality. Never do that with this variant of homo sapiens.

Shiet I mean low end igp, or like Intel hd.

>he criticized my Hmong cave painting slideshow

ciao salve

Okay, I think everyone missed what I was trying to say.

If I make a movie in Adobe Premiere, then encode the movie to a video file, and while it's encoding I do some other computer intensive tasks, then if I play back the video after it's done on any computer or any media player, it will stutter or have other issues.

Yes, this is because you put too much stress on the CPU

Either encode or do your other tasks on a separate machine. The one encoding should be untouched for the duration of the encode.

That's because you posted a bunch of troll pictures.

You never came here to ask that, you came here to troll.

Why would that be a problem? Wouldn't it just encode slower?

I made the original post, went to sleep, then woke up just now.

I set mine to the mousewheel.
Then I made shift + mousewheel skip forward and back.
Then I made ctrl + mousewheel move back or forward 90 seconds. That was I can skip OPs if I want to.
Finally I made ctrl + shift + mousewheel go forward or back frame by frame, for that moment of QUALITY you just have to screencap.

The the only change I ever make to MPV, and that's just because I used to use MPC and liked the mousewheel controlling volume.