Hey Sup Forums I just got the Note 7 yesterday. I the iris scanner is amazing and really quick. I'm still not truly sold that it is real iris scanning technology. It works too flawlessly for new tech and being the first smartphone with it. What are your thoughts?
Hey Sup Forums I just got the Note 7 yesterday. I the iris scanner is amazing and really quick...
enjoy being datamined by the PLA's SIGINT directorate :^)
Enjoy having your unique patterns being integrated into the botnet?
>rounded edges
i hate samsung and android but damn that's a sexy phone.
If it's not the 6GB model you fucked up
>Prefering edgy edges
>Can't display Huntington Beach on its entirety
Touchwhiz is truly poetic
he shrunk the widget size you dumb fuck
Nice phone. I wish I had that much money to waste
Isn't that china-only?
It just... looks like a launcher with a custom icon pack touchwiz is still not that good, what it's advantages over nexus except iris scanner
Wait. did I miss something? Was there even a Note 6?
>It just... looks like a launcher with a custom icon pack touchwiz is still not that good, what it's advantages over nexus except iris scanner
Holy shit go kill yourself
>more ram
>beautiful edge (subjective)
>better camera
>better processor
>samsung pay
>water and dust proof
I prolly even forgot half of its advantages
Nope but they couldn't release a device called the Note 6 alongside devices called the S7 and S7 Edge because no one would buy it.
Normoid brains only see that 6 < 7 so the phone must be worse than an S7 and they wouldn't buy it. Hence it's called the Note 7.
>>more ram
1 GB more ram, but also bloated touchwiz
I wouldn't use it, subjective
>>beautiful edge (subjective)
like you said, subjective
>>better camera
I don't know anything about cameras but they both have same MP, probably software improvements
>>better processor
because it's more pricey
>>samsung pay
not sure if it's working on east europe
>>water and dust proof
nice feature, I'll admit
considering nexus has 50mah less battery, but it's unbloated, it'll give you more battery life
but nexus 6P is 450 dollar, note 7 is 978 dollar (england price) and with nexus you'll get the latest updates much faster than samsung, and a huge custom rom support (multi rom, ubuntu os, kde plasma). I don't even own a nexus btw, looking to upgrade my S4
>Normoid brains only see that 6 < 7 so the phone must be worse than an S7
Fucking gonks. Are normies this stupid really?
>I don't know anything about cameras but they both have same MP
>current year
>still believes in MP meme
>and nexus you'll get the latest updates much faster than samsung
Yeah, nexus has to rely on its "latest updates" to catch up to Samsung's years-old features. You get what you pay for I guess.
Yep, this. This gives them the chance to release the next Note and call it the same number as the S series next year. It was always one number below and it really was geared towards a certain niche market until like the Note 4 came out and it became ubiquitous with the trend of carrying around phones that are 5.5" and above.
The Note 1 and 2 were called behemoths simply because of the screen size they had when people thought that even 4.3" phones were pushing it.
Its still just another poo droid that lost 50% of its value when you opened the box.
>screen touches the edges of the phone
>it rounded edges
>on a device intended for drawing/note-taking
Am I the only one who thinks this is retarded?
>being so poor that you care about the resale value of a $1000 object
Touch is disabled when it detects the pen.
It's a Wacom tablet, so there's a cursor when you hover the pen up to 2cm above the screen.
>Using plastic peice of shit
>No updates
Everyone knows the the real way to spot a poor fag is by their Android phone.
>shit battery life
>massive so impossible to fit comfortably in your pocket
>shit software
why even bother.
>first smartphone with iris scanner
Android users are poor because they spend all their money buying the newest flagship every year because its the only way they can stay up to date.
The issue isn't the pen; it's that something intended as a writing/drawing medium isn't completely flat.
>b...but user I pay for its software
then why don't you buy iPhone
>Samsung's year old features
You meant split screen? That was in LG phones too.
Wacom sucks at the edges anyway so they might as well just bend it there.
Is it comfy for one-handed operation?
i hear the edges make it hard to use the phone, haven't really played with it though. otherwise looks great
still more excited for the s8 tho
I phone this size there is no one handed used.
The edges are not as deep as you would find on the S6 and S7 edge. It's more for aesthetics. Still have the edge features.
He just needs to resize the widget you absolute genius.
>no really you're a moron
I'm sorry you have girl hands.
Nice phone, desu senpai kawaii baka.
Are you literally retarded, it's made of glass and metal fucking mong
are we talking about the same samsung here?
pretty sure it's always been plastique friend.
>samsung is still using squircles in icon design
jesus fuck how do you people live with that shit?
>water and dust proof
That'll only last a few weeks. All "water proof" devices I've ever had (including phones) only stay water proof for a month or two. Watches are the only thing that actually stay water proof.
How is the RAM management?
Your a fucking dumbass.
Different user
I tried telling people in a thread on the photography board once that MP doesn't matter that much and it's all about the lens and the sensor. They told me I don't know what I'm talking about and cursed me out. I mean like wtf
It's alright. TouchWiz doesn't take up as much RAM like the S6 and Note 5. You have about 2.3 gigs to do what you will with.
how sway?