
What are some skype alternatives, skype just started to lag on me and it's been doing it all fucking night and it's pissing off to the point of I'm thinking about just getting rid of it.

Rest easy tiger killer


Discord. It's a newer VoIP app, but surprisingly fast with good audio quality.

no, just no.



I stopped using that pile of shit in 2007. Fuck off normie, don't you have some facebook messages to read?

Set up a mumble / teamspeak server.

His friends on Sup Forums told him Discord sucks, so he has to follow suit


Literally perfect unless you need video calls.

This is a pretty depressing tank pic.

I usually go on k and pol

Rest easy tiger killer




it's free and efficient

It installs itself to fucking appdata, it's installer has no option to change that. the installer doesn't even pop up a windows installer. You just click the icon and then it's open on the screen.

Sound quality is fine, but the more people you are in a channel with the more likely you are to run into an issue where people are muted unintentionally, and you have to restart to hear them.

Raidcall maybe

Discord works great, fag. It's nice to be in a lot of channels, each with its own community. Honestly, I love it.

Discord definitely. Screen sharing is coming soon then there will be no reason to use skype, at least with friends.

How many people? I consistently have around 8 and we don't get this issue.

It happens at 2+ on the web version, on the downloaded one it's common with 20+

>don't use the web app
>have yet to be in a Discord with 20+ people and don't have any desire to be

Yup I think I'll keep using Discord then.

I guess I haven't been in any calls nearly that big nor do we use the web version. Still a minor issue because 20+ shouldn't be common unless you're in calls with a huge community

thats the fucking point you mastodont sperg. Installing to appdata is a new standard in windows so programs dont unnecessarily ask for admin access.

MMOs and Strategy Games mainly.

sounds turk unfriendly

Installing to appdata is a fucking whore thing to do. And that's not the point, the dev is just too fucking lazy to code the installer like every single other fucking installer in the history of time. And he thinks that because he calls it an alpha that means it's ok.

Name a single decent fucking program that doesn't let you install to a location of your choice. I fucking dare you.

Do you think discord is in alpha and has only one dev? Because they have like 40 people working there.

I read that you can just move discord out of appdata and it'll still work fine.