What are some comfy IT jobs I can do from home?

what are some comfy IT jobs I can do from home?

fistfucking ur mum

stick your computer parts up to your ass and sell pics and videos

Correct The Record


LMAO. It's like we're fucking living in bizzaro world. I have a weird feeling that a big change is due.

>*anything* engineer
lol yeah right. Soon enough we'll have marketing engineers and social media engineering like the pajeets.

this is not engineering.

I wouldn't know because I'm not a slave. I'm a NEET, not some mindless sheep.

All engineers are "anything" engineer. Like computer engineering, industrial engineering, mecanichal engineering, civil engineering. Please define your idea in a better way.

soon wage slaves in mcdonalds will proudly call themselves "burger engineers", mark my words

>be sandwich artist
>get promoted to Sandwich Engineer

At the rate we are going You'll nees at least a bachelor's to get a job at McDonald's.

at the rate we're going I hope you die

I agree with this. Education is important.
Except they should cut out all the meme degrees, and crack down on grade inflation so the average grade is a C or D or some shit.
Then make the graduation requirement 3.95+
fuck brainlet morons

Are you using the real definition of wage slave or the meme definition?

Meme definition, we're on Sup Forums after all.

shill GPUs on Sup Forums
shill microsoft windows on Sup Forums
shill cheap chinese goods on Sup Forums
shill thinkpads on Sup Forums
shill mice and keyboards on Sup Forums
the possibilities are endless

All those jobs are taken by volunteers.

Call centres are always looking for new talent.
And you can work from home.

I worked at a company once where one of the owners assigned some new guy to taking out the trash. The owner called it Sanitation Engineering.

it's not far-fetched at all, since having a degree in this day and age is less about proving your intelligence than it is about proving that you can show up on time, put your butt in a seat, and do what you're told for four-plus years.

You have to provide a better service than the volunteers. Make your shilling worth paying for.