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First for C++ is shit.
C++11 is actually good though
>lying to user
Java is bad
it's not Java
it's not bad
>Can't even into basic logic
Jesus christ, Sepplesfags are retarded.
Java === Bad
C++ =/= Java
C++ =/= Bad
Yes, as I said, your logic is completely wrong.
"Denying the antecedent" is the particular fallacy, if I'm not mistaken.
int get_version(int version)
if (version == 1)
return 1;
else if (version == 2)
return 2;
else if (version == 3)
return 3;
else if (version == 4)
return 4;
else if (version == 5)
return 5;
else if (version == 6)
return 6;
return -1;
if (Java == C++) then Java
else (C++)
Is nurses portable?
Humans are mortal
it's not human
it's not mortal
toop cake
No, if they were portable they'd be called paramedics
What about ncurses? Thanks autocorrect
for i in itertools.permutations("wew lad"):
I see you have a master's
I know bait when I see it, kys.
>everything is bait
could you be any more obviously from reddit?
Why are types necessary? Why not just halt execution if no further reduction of an expression is possible?
I don't know if Sup Forums is going to strip any of these symbols:
∀x(is_java(x) → shit(x))
has exactly the same structure as
∀x(human(x) → mortal(x))
Wew user. Please teach me you logician ways. Is "is" haxxor-logic code for "this and only this"?
What is the square of opposition? What is the difference between "Every S is P" and "Some S are P"?
But humans are the only mortals, user.
>be on Sup Forums
>see faggy /dpt/ filled with dev wannabes
>read their opinions
how's that career going, user?
I swear to fucking christ if I'm given the option of trying to adapt my shitty fucking coworker's code into a general-purpose API one more fucking time I'm going to go postal
Why are curryniggers so fucking obsessed with global state everywhere? It is impossible to detach this code from its context and I don't want to rewrite 5,000 LOC on my own time
[spoiler]types aren't necessary[/spoiler]
You can't just make assumptions like that in logic.
x is x means x is x
They aren't necessary, but being able to actually reason about programs is nice.
Please elaborate, fuckwit.
>I am Steve
>I am anyone called Steve
You can reason about untyped code too.
But humans are the only mortals, ever since they were cast out of Eden.
>>I am anyone called Steve
∀x(steve(x) → x = me)
My statement said, "Everything that is java is shit".
What's a good name for a functional wrapper for WPF UI? I'm giving a go.
>Why are curryniggers so fucking obsessed with global state everywhere?
I thought Java discouraged global state?
Exactly you fucking retard
Not feasibly. Without types, you can't use what you know about programs A and B to reason about a composition of A and B.
Yeah user, you sure got me there with your inductive logic programming, if only I could "into unicode" as much as you could. I get what you're saying, Java IS shit in that they perfectly overlap and as a consequence anything that is not Java cannot be shit, yes. While your formal logic is spot on, your informal fallacies are off the charts as the many anons have tried to underline.
I recommend you get in a squatting position then rapidly snap into an upright position. That popping sound you will hear is the sound of your head being dislodged from your cavernous asshole.
OOP encourages shared state.
Also, singletons are literally thinly veiled global variables.
>one god object with 10,000 methods that all call each other
>no methods have any arguments, they're all fucking public void
It's hell.
I have commited no fallacies and am guilty of no crimes save for the correct usage of the English language
Those statements aren't similar at all, you fucking idiot.
Is there only one thing that qualifies as 'shit'?
Jesus christ, learn logic before you try to argue about it.
Eh, maybe that's not quite the right way to go about saying this.
Types are a useful mechanism for reasoning about code, and internalizing them in the language lets the compiler act as a proof assistant.
Nice informal fallacy fagtron, you sure convinced me with those hot opinions
Learn English and then you might be capable of Logic
Java Shit
Shitty quantification tier
forall x. Java(x) Shit(x)
>misunderstand basic english
>accuse opposition of 'informal fallacy'
The "informal" in informal fallacy is code for "argument I don't like but isn't really fallacious"
#define kek(s,t,u,m,p) m##s##u##t
#define top kek(a,n,i,m,e)
int top()
printf("no main needed!\n");
return 0;
>Java Shit
The original statement did not say that.
I don't know how the fuck you would extrapolate that from "Java is bad".
Java IS bad
They are one and the same
>only 2 levels of indirection
>They are one and the same
>Java Shit
So the only thing that is bad in the world is Java?
Fucking idiot.
Your whole argument falls apart is Java is NOT indistinguishible from shit. You have yet to prove this. A sound argument is a valid argument in which ***each premise is true***. I sure hope you didn't waste learning all this in a bachelors or masters.
>Java is NOT indistinguishible from shit
Shit is isomorphic to Java.
Lmao, fucking retarded currynigger
Can someone help me with django?
I'm creating my first app, from django doc, 'pools' app.
This shit aint working.
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^polls/', include('polls.urls')),
from django.conf.urls import url
from . import views
urlpatterns = [
url(r'^$', views.index,name='index'),
>make joke at the expense of Java
>called currynigger
Build your own dreams, or someone else will hire you to build theirs.
o :: shit -> java
o' :: java -> shit
(o, o') = (id, id)
I'm working on dockerizing a small Django blog. I've never done this, but I'm sold seeing how infinitely easy my deploys have become. inb4 deploy scripts. The irony is I still need some kind of basic install script in order to set up some packages (mainly and Make). Momentarily all my Docker image building and running is being managed by my Makefile, but I would like to migrate that functionality to a Bash script. Any tips on writing Bash?
Literally why
>reddit.jpg >but it's ok because le ironic name
That sounds like a web thing
You're not talking about web things, right?
write it in perl
why do people on Sup Forums hate java
you include('polls.urls') but the filepath is actually pools/
A pool is an artificially made body of water, a poll is the process of voting. Get it right
Verbosity mainly
have you used ANY language besides java?
You will quickly come to realize why java is a bad language
Because they have taste.
Maybe he tried Go
dear newfags
we're not going to explain shit to you every fucking thread you fucking cunts get the fuck out
no regards,
>dear newfags
>we're not going to explain shit to you every fucking thread you fucking cunts get the fuck out
>no regards,
fuck off you fucking NEET
>attacking NEETs
clearly you don't belong here
integrate or leave
Pascal and C
Java is more usable than either
top kek
come back to this thread when you have written a compiler to a programming language, or a fucking raytracer
are you from the 70s? Start here
install haskell platform ( if on windows
You still have time to reach Satori
Portability mainly, because I can just 'docker build meme/website && docker run meme/website -p 80:8080' and have it up on any leenux box that can get Docker, without going full autismo with some shit server provider about what kind of box I want
No, user, it's not web things, I'm writting the backend; I know it's written in memethon, that Sup Forums dislikes, but whatever, this is a programming thread after all. Some other guy is writing the frontend
Should I worry about portability? Or is no sane provider gonna not have perl on their box. I guess you're right user. If I am gonna be full autismo about "muh portability" I really should have considered sh, not bash
Docker is a disgrace and immensely wasteful
>Haskell will never be as performant as C++
>C++ will never be as comfy as Haskell
Why live?
why don't you kill yourself then?
i'm immortal
We had to choose between Docker and a full blown VM for containerization / compartmentalization of the project. Docker is just Linux Containers on steroids. Yes, while more wasteful that a good deploy script I prefer it to a fucking VM
Or you could just not fall for the containerization meme.
Management fell for it. I don't care. I can work on my other shit while docker builds. What do you recommend for a good server deploy, user?
Daily reminder that windows is not open source because their code is a horrible mess and they don't people to see it.
>>not wanting to rewrite your entire OS
That's a genuinely good alternative, thanks user. However, if I have multiple projects on the same dev machine, how would I go about isolating them then? Vagrant and the like is the same shit from a different asshole
You... write them so they don't conflict? I'm not sure I understand the problem.
At my last company we had multiple different apps running on each of our blades, and we didn't use any sort of containerization or anything.
Working on a hardware renderer abstraction library in C/C++, starting with DirectX and a little bit on Vulkan. Currently working on the Matrix and Quaternion library, SSE intrinsics of course.
>ask direct question
>don't get a direct answer
>instead get told to learn academic bullshit
is this incomprehension the reason why everyone here is stuck with 'hello world' and 'fizzbuzz'?
I made a extremely basic pong clone.
>tfw been programming for 2 years and i don't even know how to make something like this
C++ isn't shit. It's the OOP methodology that's shit.
I can't rage enough at the autists who decide to, in proffessional long term products even to make thousands of files and put literally god damn everything in classes no matter what it is. They have absolutely no idea of what a virtual table pointer is yet still get amazed when a memcpy crashes and act as if everything that happens on the assembly level is 'just magic' and that makes my blood boil.
Modern C++ programmers act like they want it to be Java or C# instead but still talk shit about those languages because '''its not as good as C++'''.
Also fuck the STL.
I could have been more explicit. I just received some bullshit app written in python 2.4 with some quirky versions of some libraries. Luckily, all of that is hidden in an virtual-env. This month we were working on another bullshit python app that ran on 3.3 with some other shit. Sadly, it required odd versions of ubuntu packages for compatibility reasons so just chucking the python shit into a venv wasn't gonna cut it, the packages would bleed out system-wide so the team-lead and the autism squad experimented with linux containers. And here we are now where we had to choose between containing our projects with Vagrant or Docker. Docker had the added benefit that your contained dev space is also a valid 2-command deploy image. Our workflow is that every member of the team has 2-3 of these projects runnable on their dev machine and as such you can't crap it up (and after wipe it) with whatever bullshit packages the next app needs.