Linux Mint Thread

What's your favorite distro and why is it linux mint?

Mint was my first distro. friend used to have it on his computer in middle school and we laughed at him for not being able to play games. years later, shit I should have asked him so much

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does anyone here have any preferences besides cinnamon for the environment? I tried Xfce but i found it to be so lightweight that it was pointless.

Cinnamon is heavy but I think a bit buggy. What other environments could I try that are more stable?

Chiya is a Windows person get her out of here



>Cinnamon is heavy

Cinnamon + nemo takes up 330 MB on my machine.

>from freedom
>second most proprietary distro in existence

Even a retard can install Arch and it's 40x better in every way.

Cinnamon isn't too bad m8
I personally use Cinnamon on Arch for my Desktop and MATE on Arch for my laptop.

i like mate more than cinnamon

XFCE is best user. I haven't found something in another DE that doesn't have something similar for XFCE.

Otherwise MATE is another pro choice.

My friend uses latest Gnome. He also wants to commit suicide. Issues may be related

Arch is unstable as fuck. Prove me wrong. I'd never use arch in a prod environment or even as a desktop OS. Every other month I'm having to hack together solutions to random bullshit after updating packages.

Arch is a great distro for high school/college kids who don't actually have any responsibilities and can get away with running janky code.

What is this scale¿
I notice it sliding from light to heavy, is this LOC in thousands?

I have been using Arch for the last 6 years as my sole distro on my computer. Have not once had anything not work after an update.

iirc, it's idle memory use in MB

Is that marijuana!?

my first district was debian back in like 2003

distro *

Quit listening to bullshit ubuntufags excuse their self with

I find that very hard to believe. Not once? Not even once?

Never ever borked a kernel update in the last 6 years?

The kernel updates itself and updates the initramfs for you in grub its fucking bombproof, theres also like 5 utilities to compile your own that do the same thing.

Gat damn man, seemingly every other update something breaks. Don't get me started on Java. I'm just running arch in a VM to use whenever I need grown-up Linux but I can't imagine using it for a daily desktop environment.

>installing java
found your issue

>>installing issue
>found your java

>postulating an initial open ended question then changing the question to one that seeks validation for your own opinionated answer to the initial question disregarding that the initial question is open ended and has no definitive correct answer

I don't 'get' Mint. I thought it was a buntu version shipped with cinnamon (which I loathe desu)

What's it use as a package manger?
What is it based on?
Is it really any good?

Oh look an arch troll.

The entire point of distros like arch is to be cutting-edge and rolling-release

Not that guy, but I've been using arch as my daily driver for the past 12 years - never had an issue with it.
Of course, this stems from my superior ability to troubleshoot and solve my own problems. I actually know how the linux system works, you see.

this & anti tracking features were enough reason for me to switch

people complaining about mint being "heavy" are using shit devices or something more obscure with less driver development support

comes with everything I need +superiority over noobuntu

>lonux so better than Windows

There are 2000000 distros and even linux autists can stop arguing about how every distro is shit

Manjaro is pretty good if you're too retarded for "real" Arch. I was running Debian for a while and it was OK. Then I tried Mint and it was pretty shit even after I disabled all the adware tracking crap. The default package manager has fuck-all compared to pacman.

I actually really enjoy the package manager that comes with it. Sure you can just sudo-apt everything but I kind like the stability that comes with a package manager

Mint is based off Ubuntu.

It lets me get work done and I can play some of my steam games so i'm not complaining

Manjaro seems nice, but I don't think it would have the same support base as say Ubuntu or even Mint which still has a sizeable forum.

I can only imagine the horror trying to google for answers on problems with manjaro if someone hasn't been kind enough to post about it.

I don't get it, what does the killing and death that happens between Israel and Palestine have to do with Linux Mint???

c u c k

Sup Forums pls go

Jewcucks BTFO


Why does gtk even exist these days?

Oh Shit wrong tab kek


this sounds like more of a whiny bitch thing rather than a legitimate complaint.

like who cares if nomenclature starts to overlap. it's not like people on debian are going to be suddenly installing mint applications by accident. Same vice versa

what a cuck

>they do not care about copyright and license issues and just ship their ISOs with pre-installed Oracuck Java and Adobe Flash

Or you could just not opt to install with all of the 3rd party codec trash. It's not that hard. even if you did install it. It's not like you can't uninstall it.


>It's not that hard.
You mean for Mint users?

You don't have to master building arch from scratch to unclick one check box during a distro installation lol. especially gui based installs.

if you are pissed about 3rd party applications and codecs being installed on a distro which gives you the fucking option plain as day you must be retarded.

Only wincucks and Macfags would be stupid enough to install something through gui and then complain about it being there.

Mint is trash and nobody should use it.
It's a poorly hacked together distro, which needs to block updates so it doesn't fall apart.

Enjoy your broken and insecure system. If you didn't already download a backdorred iso , enjoy your security holes which didn't get updates because of the blacklists.

>all the horror, when you just can install Cinnamon on any other distro

>comes with all sorts of codecs and flash by default

>You don't have to master building arch from scratch to unclick one check box during a distro installation lol. especially gui based installs.
And mint users are capable of doing this?

>doesn't know how to uncheck a box during gui install

arch is for dumb kids with no job

mint is god tier

it was pretty easy desu

>god tier

you fell for the "latest updates are best updates"meme?

why do you think your $10,000 discreet GPU keeps crashing? pro tip: arch rapes you

>can't make own opinion
>reference another shit post full of shit opinions

you can't have it all dude