Hey Sup Forumsuise, lookie what I just bought!
Hey Sup Forumsuise, lookie what I just bought!
>it's not supermicro
No, put down gently on the ground.
The mobo is probably supermicro anyway. There are like only two companies that make server boards.
Haha, no.
So are you gonna post more pics or what? Let's see that shit.
Also what're you gonna use it for?
You know what else is supermicro?
Your penis.
Supermicro is fine.
any company that requires you to have a support contract to download a fucking BIOS update is cancer
Why micro?
Here he is, formatting a 4TB drive. Damn this takes fucking forever.
Right now he has a 120GB Kingston SSD in the optical bay for system drive, and a single 4TB WD Red.
After formatting is done, I'm planning on using him for a NAS/Seedbox thingie with OpenMediaVault. When the formatting of the Red disk finishes, I'm gonna transfer my 1TB WD Blue from my rig into him, removing moving storages from the room ,and leaving only an SSD in the rig.
I'm also planning on using it as the DHCP server for my network, and setting it up with nginx for iLO redirection, with the *drumroll* second NIC plugged into the iLO port.
Feel like a mad scientist.
1. I'm a poorfag
2. I need to have the option to run any OS I want on it
3. I need low power consumption
4. I need it to be silent
5. I need it to take up a small space as I'm living in a really small apartment (45 square meters)
>I'm also planning on using it as the DHCP server for my network
okay, but why
Because the WLAN modem provided by my ISP is incapable of reserving IP addresses, and forwarding ports, and basically anything else. I'm surprised it has an option for declaring a DMZ host.
As someone pretty ignorant to networking and wanting to learn, how would I go about making a home media server? I have a about 2 terabytes of media and I want to be able to stream to everybody in the house devices, including Xbox ones and smartphones and shit. I looked into plex but I'm broke as fuck and would rather make one at home with spare parts.
most of those usually have a bridge mode that turns off all routing, firewalls, and pretty much everything, and turns it into a dumb modem that you can plug into a real router.
This one doesn't, and if it would, the only other router I have is a 100Mbit one.
Also another ignorant retard, but with a slightly better setup
I've got a poweredge 2850 and a powervault with 15tb
picked it up cause I felt like fuckin around, and backin up my important stuff, maybe hosting an anime server for a friend in japan
Congrats on your brown box, OP. Sure looks nice.
Download Openmediavault, and read up some guides. Once you get the basics, the rest is really easy and streamlined.
Thank you, it sure is nice of you.
Thank you, do you have any other resources to check out for more advanced server stuff?
Well, there are alternatives for OMV, namely FreeNAS and NAS4Free. These are BSD-based OSes, I think that sums them all up. Some people swear by them because muh RAID-Z, but honestly? I don't see the point.
Thanks, I'll also check those out
Haven't they made a new model yet?
No, I think they've ended the Microserver line. I guess it's an agenda to push SOHO buyers to the more expensive mid-tower formfactored Proliant products.
I'd take the great difficulty in finding software to not have to deal with Dell's fucking garbage documentation.
You need a real gateway.
buy a fucking real server you poorfag pice of shit