Isn't the Fairphone 2 everything Sup Forums wants in a phone? Disregarding all the stuff about being ethically sourced and manufactured, it's totally modular so you can repair it yourself and it's all open source too.
Isn't the Fairphone 2 everything Sup Forums wants in a phone...
Sup Forums is full of poor-fags buying thinkpaks and chinese phones because it's cheap
The first fairphone was pretty cheap iirc, the second one is moderately priced. €530.
has some feelgood bullshit, but it's not more open or featureful as most other phones. all open source is certainly not true
Isn't being modular a feature though? I thought Sup Forums liked thinkpads because you can replace almost all the parts.
but it's not actually modular
you can get spare parts... well, ok i guess
the Pyra would be closer to the Sup Forums phone
I want to like the idea, but honestly it just doesn't seem like a step up.
The whole modular thing doesn't seem to imply anything beyond being able to replace broken parts (how many of you have actually had a phone break without it being totaled anyway?)
I just skimmed over the website, but I'm not seeing anything that's remotely interesting about this. There don't appear to be different versions of parts, so it's not like you can e.g. pick a cheap or expensive camera, choose the amount of ram, or anything like that
It's literally just a phone you can take apart and put back together while sitting wherever. Spoiler; you will look very autistic while doing so.
>FLOSS hardware
>not shit
Choose one
You know, that pic would actually be rather useful as a portable interface-with-anything device.
Why would you need to interface with completely obsolete technology?
A lot of businesses and government agencies run hardware and software up to forty years old in specialized applications. A lot of the time it was a custom solution that costs less to keep running than to replace. If you're called in to service these establishments you have to bring like five separate laptops and a bag of adapters because who knows what they'll have.
Also, check the retro Sup Forums threads - people messing around with C64 and Amiga (and older) stuff usually have to go through some intermediate 90s PC shitbox because the modern ones don't have parallel/serial/floppy ports.
They're niche applications but applications nonetheless.
I'd like something like that, maybe not obsolete interfaces, but at least more than one USB port.
If you can't replace the screen, all of this is pointless.
Some industries have perfectly good machinery from the 80's and 90's that run on those completely obsolete technologies.
Before 2000 CNC anything generally runs on parallel or serial. Funny thing is, USB-serial adapters don't work for these scenarios. There's something about the USB protocol that is partially incompatible with the serial protocol.
Worst thing is, CNC machinery worth keeping is generally well-made enough to last longer than you.
>moderately priced
pick one.
>how many of you have actually had a phone break without it being totaled anyway?
It will be much better if they invested in proper protection of internal memory chip(s). Eg use raid1, put them in sealed aluminum can, add io protection and make it interchangeable.
This feature might be worth 530 euro. But not this lego shit.
Google's ara phone isn't going to have replaceable screens anymore either because apparently normalfags don't want it
All these modular phones are trash
>FOSS hardware
>Free/Libre Of Speech Software hardware
Nice one.
>how many of you have actually had a phone break without it being totaled anyway?
Considering the screen is by a very big margin the part on a phone that gets damaged more often, I'd say a lot of people.
>Free/Libre Of Speech Software
That makes no sense.
It's Free/Libre/Open Source Software, so I guess hardware would be FLOSH.
I originally wrote it 'excluding battery and screen' actually, couldn't really fit it into the sentence fwr.
Regardless, my point stands. If they're not going to create different versions of the parts, there's no use at all for puzzle-shit internals. Just give it a detachable screen.
But then they don't get to falsely claim to be all revolutionary and crap.
You have to wonder, should you get one of the countless phones that are already available, being able to pick one that suits your needs best- and face the fact that if you crack your screen you'll have to have it replaced by the factory or whoever// Or should you get that one phone which sports the sole feature of allowing you to replace the screen by yourself?
Some people choose not to buy white shoes because they know they'll look dirty more quickly/more easily. This phone is not the equivalent of that. This phone is the equivalent of buying one specific brand of white shoes that comes with a tiny can of white paint. *extra paint sold separately. Also the sole can be detached for seemingly no reason.