How do you Sup Forumseniuses use Linux as your daily driver?

How do you Sup Forumseniuses use Linux as your daily driver?

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>Blizzard games don't run on it
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
>Themes are old and dated
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows

What the h*ck

Took me at most about a half-hour to setup a debian/dwm setup, complete with autistic anime setup and all. Then again it was a laptop so take that for what you will.


Prepare to have a ton of angry NEET permavirgins tell you how much better they are than you.

But yes. Linux is a hobby OS. Only autists use it for anything other than servers.

OSX is far better as a development environment, and most games are developed for Windows.

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
try uninstalling IE and use steam on windows
>Blizzard games don't run on it
whew, glad im not 12 anymore. also wc3 and wow run on linux.
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
sounds like you suck at settings things up or your expectations are too high
>Themes are old and dated
linux doesnt use themes. maybe try reading up on some things next time before installing ubuntu in a vm.
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
just as unsafe as downloading shit via http. in fact, it is mostly just http(s)/ftp - except its signed by the people who manage your distribution.
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
so you want features or you want a lean OS? which is it now? also debian 8 needs like 250mb installed. idk to which windows you could compare that. maybe 98.

I installed Ubuntu 3 times in the past 2 days.

>Suspend lid close does not work
>Feels slower than Win 10 opening browsers
>Uses more ram than Win 10
>Minimizing music player hard-locks entire graphics for 5 minutes with graphical glitch
>every start up the log in screen appears and there is a fucking huge POP from my headphones
>gimp is SHIT

I'm done with Linux for this year, I shall try again in summer 2017.

If they pley geimus they run them in Windows, either dual boot or VM.
They buy hardware specifically for GNU/Linux compatibility.
They like ugly shit.
They believe time wasted setting up their esoteric operating system is time well wasted.
They're posers who don't actually care about much except looking like mystical computer druids.

Real Sup Forumseniuses use OpenBSD.

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
I honestly haven't had much problems on it, but then I haven't used it in months, not to mention when I did I hardly used all its features.
>Blizzard games don't run on it
Don't really play games, so w/e
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
Only because you're not used to it, and you're obviously still learning how to use Linux. If you commit yourself, it becomes second nature. But it depends on what it is you want out of your OS.
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
Again, depends on the hardware. Generic drivers for Linux are great. A lot of stuff works straight out of the box, whereas with Windows you need to make sure you install all the correct drivers.
>Themes are old and dated
Depends entirely on your distro and where you're looking.
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
And you don't feel the same way about installing software on your Windows machine?
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
Simply not true.

I understand this is probably bait, but I care very little at this point.

i sometimes wish i could go back to my old, ignorant self, and just happily use whatever operating system everyone else is using

>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
>I don't understand it
>Must be unsafe

Sup Forums

First of all, forget about videogames. Linux is not made for you to play CS:GO and rip off little kids for internet guns.

Also fuck themes. Why do you care what it looks like? are you a woman?

>>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>>Blizzard games don't run on it
I grew out of gaming a few years ago. I wish I haven't wasted money on a gaming PC
>>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
Things come ootb but I prefer setting up my desktop from the scratch anyway
I don't see any difference
>Themes are old and dated
You can make Linux look EXACTLY like windows or Mac and yet people choose from hundreds of the avilable themes to install
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
True but what repo are you talking about
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
True and that's why I use Arch and Ubuntu mini

>Steam is a buggy shit
>Blizzard games don't run on it
Blizzard is cancer.
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
No it doesn't. In fact it takes less effort than Windows ever did for me.
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
Not really. AMD graphics cards I guess, but then again >AMD
>Themes are old and dated
What fucking themes are you looking at? There's Arc, Numix, Paper and a bunch of others that look modern.
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
Propose a safer alternative and before you do that read up on reproducible builds.
Also remember there's source based distros like Gentoo.
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
I stopped using OOTB distros when they were still less bloated so I can't comment on this.

Oh yeah, please don't shitpost with the new games.

>Sup Forumsirgin Sup Forumsutist can't setup an os the thread
>censoring heck
kys underage weeb

Your ignorance is in thinking you cannot.

It is you hindering yourself. Enjoy that red pill.

>Use your computer all day
>"W-Who cares what it looks like?!"

Just gonna say... my retard brother-in-law who jerked off in history class when we were in high school, got Steam to work on Linux.

If you can't spend some time getting things to work the way you need them to, then you really need to either:
a) Pay someone else to do it.
b) Go back to Windows you cuck.

Not him but I am pretty content with how my PC looks. Linux lets you choose/make your theme and that's why there are so many themes

FreeCiv and OpenTTD run great on GNU/Linux. What other games do you need?

I don't. Linux-libre on a T400 is comfy as fuck.

>wasting life on muh gaymen
>linux is difficult to setup meme
>lusting after hardware you never utilize
>muh themes
>trusting multi-nationals over FOSS
>using pleb-tier distros
What the fuck are you doing on Sup Forums normalfag?


Stop being distracted by trivial things.

>What other games do you need

Dorf Fort

wew lad waddup with that 5 year-old with big tits

The beauty is in the function. I guess that is something a weeb could never comprehend.

Half of these issues that people have are just because they're unfamiliar with Linux. I'd have the same complaints if I installed Windows, desu.

>NEET permavirgins
That's a good description of "adult," gamers.

>Linux is a hobby OS. Only autists use it for anything other than servers.
Every OS outside of production usage is a hobby you NEET faggot. Is sucking Mtn. Dew while you play the latest Blizzard time-sink not a hobby to you? Linux is far and away the most time efficient production option for many users, leaving more time to go out and develop skills NEETs lack, like having a social life, family, etc.

Confirmed for metrosexual starbucks faggot. Kill yourself.

Mac OS is not good for development you nu-male

>try uninstalling IE and use steam on windows
Yes, because mangling windows is the only way to let Linux compete.
>whew, glad im not 12 anymore
Not an argument but that aside, most gamers are older than 25. It's also a recognised art form.
>sounds like you suck at settings things up or your expectations are too high
Are you saying that expecting ease of use is expecting too much?
>linux doesnt use themes.
Some distros do. Ubuntu does, for example.
>just as unsafe as downloading shit via http
Which is not a good thing.
>except its signed by the people who manage your distribution.
Not the ones you add yourself.

Look man, I try to stay neutral in this shitposting but you're so retarded that I think you're an anti Linux shill. I'm a windows fanboy and even I recognise that your points are making a terrible argument for Linux.

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
The one time I needed Steam was to reverse engineer the Steam controller, and that worked nicely.

>Blizzard games don't run on it
I don't have any reason to run games, especially Blizzard.

>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
Set up the new laptop I got few weeks ago with exherbo in a couple hours.

>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
No clue about this since I don't run any hardware with Windows, but I'm using the placebo patches for Linux and I doubt it would beat them.

>Themes are old and dated
I use my own themes that I made years ago to fit my needs and tastes.

>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
That's the reason you don't use random repositories.

>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
No point in those anyway.


>>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>muh games
>>Blizzard games don't run on it
>muh games
>>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
>>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
>muh games
>>Themes are old and dated
>>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
I don't have to.
>>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
I don't use them.

>you can actually link the rules like that
Also nice trips.

I want Sup Forums to go and stay go.

>>>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
>>muh games
That point is silly, why wouldn't you want to actually use your hardware to its potential?

>the only way you can use your hardware is by playing games

>Not dual booting

That's the opposite of what I was saying

ubuntu 16.04.1 runs really nice ootb on my laptop desu senpai

wow works fine in wine aswell

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>Blizzard games don't run on it
I stopped playing PC games. When a game I really want to play comes out I'll just run it on a VM with VGA passthrough.
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
This is a lie, especially if you're not into uber ricing.
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
What do you mean? Hardware support? That's the fault of the vendor, not Linux's. Performances? Most of the software I use is actually faster on Linux.
>Themes are old and dated
This is a lie.
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
Compile from source if you're worried. Still much better than ad/malwares bundled with half of windows installers nowadays.
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
Fedora 23 took 20 minutes to install on my machine and I can boot to my desktop in less than a minute, by comparison Win 10 took almost 2 hours to install (with no progress indication, great UX there) and takes anywhere between 2 and 5 minutes to boot to my desktop with only a couple of applications installed beside the default ones.

Why would I?

>unironically using obanto

please tell me you installed a decent DE

i unironically like unity7

Exactly, there's no reason to

Once a video editor for Linux matures enough and Gimp starts to compete seriously with Adobe I'll make the jump to full time Linux. I think they're almost there, development is slow as molasses but using desktop Linux now is way better than it was ~2-3 years ago.

Like nothing really changed in the last 2 years, what are you even referring to

>tfw I use Blender for the little video editing I do


Someone is very angry
Can I get you a binky or something to help you calm down?

>Linux is far and away the most time efficient production option for many users
>time efficient

Remember that next time you spend 6 hours configuring shit or dealing with stupid edge cases and random quirks in your OS.

That's why non-NEETs use OSX. You get a unix terminal and a good desktop environment, without having to waste your life fixing stupid shit. Best of both worlds, and a great development environment.

Last time I tried to use Linux I installed Fedora on a laptop, took the laptop to a bar, couldn't connect to their wifi. Couldn't even see their SSID. It could see EVERY OTHER SSID IN RANGE, but not the specific bar I was in. Phone connected just fine. All advice I could find involved compiling a custom kernal, lel fuck off.

A guy I know installed Linux Mint on his dad's new Intel NUC. Tried the 'put the computer to sleep' option, fucking rekt his NUC because of some fucking random quirk, wouldn't power on at all. He had to take the whole thing apart, take a battery out of the motherboard, and put it back in before the thing worked again.

Linux: not even once. Anyone who says it isn't a massive waste of time is lying.

Well it didn't take long for NEET permavirgin to appear

It's gotten a bit better. Gimp still sucks ass and will continue to do so, but linux is almost usable now.

Steam is a buggy shit irrespective of the OS.

>and Gimp starts to compete seriously with Adobe
I wouldn't wait for that. Krita seems to be the better candidate to maybe match PS one day.

It's pretty good if you're already familiar with Blender's shortcuts and overall philosophy but I wouldn't recommend it to anyone that is already familiar with classical video editors.

>I don't play games
>I don't play games
>Not really
>Thinkpad runs perfectly
>Don't care about themes
>Not really
>Not really

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
It's manageable, or I just reboot on the occasions when I game.
>Blizzard games don't run on it
I reboot.
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
And then it never breaks, unlike Windows which will sponatenously kick me in the face every couple months and leave me with no paper trail to follow to find out why.
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
>Themes are old and dated
Plasma 5 + Breeze Dark
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
...Is this because it says big cryptography words on the screen and you get scared?
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
1. No they're not
2. Windows has other bigger problems than bloat
3. Use Arch and just install what you need with i3 then, it only takes a day to get up to speed with it.

>took awhile to get arch installed. Beginners guide helped.
>started with open box endeded with cinnamon
Its not hard user if you can read. But i swear i need fisher price letters in the ar h wiki since i over look some steps

Libreoffice has taken some good strides.
Some really nice video players came out of the woodwork.
A few competing video editors are looking promising whereas there wasn't much of anything a few years ago.
Drivers are more stable and I have fewer critical fuck-ups and quirks now (running Fedora 24 currently). I've noticed a worrying trend in rising ram usage but that might be my machine.

Maybe it was Valve wading in but it seems like a lot more people involved with Linux development now. I do think Gimp is a lost cause though, it's about as shit as it has always been and no one ever updates it.

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
I rarely play games
>Blizzard games don't run on it
Blizzard hasn't made a good game in at least a decade
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
If you're retarded..
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
This has almost always been untrue for me.
>Themes are old and dated
Sort of like Windows or OS X.. Really though window managers like Awesome or Openbox etc are minimal enough that this is a moot point.
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
More safe than an 'app store' with closed source code that nobody can audit. Most distros I've used recommend against just adding random repos willy nilly iirc..
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
I've always been really pleasantly pleased with lighter debian and ubuntu derivatives. Basically all I've ever had to do was get a distro with a light wm and remove some services I don't use (which I do on my windows PCs too.)

> Mint can't connect to some random wifi!
> My friend's dad had to pull the battery out of his mobo one time!
> I don't know why these happened but it definitely Linux's fault!
> Free software wants me to starve!

As opposed to the OS you use which works 100% of the time

>libreoffice has taken some good strides.
I doubt that.
>Some really nice video players came out of the woodwork.
mpv back then, mpv now
>video editors
I wouldn't know since I don't use any.
>Drivers are more stable
No issues back then, no issues now.

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
Who actually uses Steam? Yuck!
>Blizzard games don't run on it
I never ran a Blizzard game, so who cares?
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
Took me more time to set up Windows 7 than Linux.
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
Hardware is trashy on Windows. Took me some time to fix that.
OSX, that does work well with the hardware it is intended for: you've got that one right.
>Themes are old and dated
You have no clue
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
to one who does not understand how that actually works
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
So wrong, You must be a vegetarian bicycle-riding liberal.

>As opposed to the OS you use which works 100% of the time

OSX literally does "just work".

>How do you Sup Forumseniuses use Linux as your daily driver?
I'll try to be as neutral as possible.

>>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>>Blizzard games don't run on it
I don't play any steam games so I can't really comment on this.
Most of the games I insist on running either have native GNU+Linux releases or run very well in WINE.

>>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
Is there anything specific you are referring to? Ubuntu works OOTB in most cases I've installed it for friends.

>>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
This is true, but only for very obscure/niche hardware. My Iris 580 iGPU was only ridden of all breaking bugs this week. Not that I wasn't able to work around the breaking bugs until then.

>>Themes are old and dated
I don't use any mainstream DEs, so I can't really comment much here.
Are you referring to GTK themes? There are many modern and maintained themes out there.
As for icons, I've used Faenza for years and it still looks pretty good to me.

>>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
The only custom repo I've added in the last many years is the Java 8 PPA on Ubuntu servers (which is no longer needed as of Ubuntu 16, manually installing it is easy anyways)
The other was OpenRC for Arch GNU+Linux, which I trust whole-heartedly.

>>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
Which have you tried? Only one that comes to mind is Ubuntu and the Ubuntu forks like Mint, which are terrible.
I don't remember the DE shipping with Debian desktop edition, but it certainly isn't bloated.

If you're looking for something targeted at normies, Lubuntu is a good compromise between upstream Ubuntu and minimalism. I used that until I ditched it for a Tiling WM
It doesn't look great, but LXDE rarely does. You can bump up the eye candy and go for Xubuntu, though you'll have to spend 10+ minutes after installation to make it look clean.

Hope that answered some questions, have fun!

Ran out of characters, some comments I want to expand:

>This is true, but only for very obscure/niche hardware. My Iris 580 iGPU was only ridden of all breaking bugs this week. Not that I wasn't able to work around the breaking bugs until then.
Kernel drivers for AMD are currently pretty good, nVidia isn't much of an issue as long as you aren't messing around too much with system settings you don't understand.

>How do you Sup Forumseniuses use Linux as your daily driver?
I very much enjoy tinkering with GNU+Linux system stuff, it is part of what I spend my pastime on.

>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
If you're feeling adventurous, there are meme distros / installers for Arch Linux which take the console stuff out of regular Arch.

Maybe if you like having itunes or whatever software they are pushing nowadays jammed up your asshole nailed to the tip of steve job's wretched zombie cock while one of his hands empties your wallet and the other one gives you a reach around

And that's if and only if you define the poor performance as usable

I just use spotify. itunes is there but I never open it. I haven't found it to be a problem.

I'd just like to interject for a moment. What you’re referring to as Linux, is in fact, GNU/Linux, or as I’ve recently taken to calling it, GNU plus Linux. Linux is not an operating system unto itself, but rather another free component of a fully functioning GNU system made useful by the GNU corelibs, shell utilities and vital system components comprising a full OS as defined by POSIX.
Many computer users run a modified version of the GNU system every day, without realizing it. Through a peculiar turn of events, the version of GNU which is widely used today is often called “Linux”, and many of its users are not aware that it is basically the GNU system, developed by the GNU Project. There really is a Linux, and these people are using it, but it is just a part of the system they use.
Linux is the kernel: the program in the system that allocates the machine’s resources to the other programs that you run. The kernel is an essential part of an operating system, but useless by itself; it can only function in the context of a complete operating system. Linux is normally used in combination with the GNU operating system: the whole system is basically GNU with Linux added, or GNU/Linux. All the so-called “Linux” distributions are really distributions of GNU/Linux.

I say "GNU+Linux" in case I one day get a chance to have sexual intercourse with Richard
But you're really just being unfunny and annoying ):
No one thinks that copy-pasta is funny. If you're genuinely trying to educate people, summarize it in a couple of sentences, not multiple paragraphs.

Please go

god damn why is NEWGAME so aesthetic

Suck a dick you memelord

Nobody even fucks with RMS anymore

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
haven't opened steam in months but i never had any issues with it
>Blizzard games don't run on it
haven't played a blizzard game since wow 3: frozen throne was out
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
my last install was 4 years ago, is not like the 30 min i spent setting it up it matters anymore
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
i have an old computer so it's actually the contrary. windows has shit d3d9 and gl 1.4 support while linux gives me functional gl 2.1 (3.0 as reported by qt) support. i didn't need to look for drivers to make my sound card work.
>Themes are old and dated
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
the only repos i added was the mingw-w64 one because i didn't want to build the packages i needed from AUR
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
the only way to have 'wootb' and 'light' is if the distro is tailored for your uses. newbie friendly distros all come with an office suite, codecs and a browser that isn't internet explorer. with windows you only have a system that boots and thats it.

>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe

And downloading executable files from sites is? How is that safer on Windows?

Literally the only reason games and steam don't run well on linux is because they're shitty ports and companies don't care about the linux userbase becase they know that there are more stupid people than there are smart people.
Generally speaking linux is faster than windows and uses a fraction of the system memory.
If the themes are shit then that's because you're not ricing.
Adding repos to your machine IS unsafe kek.
Linux is diametrically opposed to OOTB, if you're installing linux and using sane defaults like every other braindead shitter then you're doing it wrong.

I can play whatever I damn well please on linux without problems because I'm good at it.
If you're not good at it then you will have problems.

Not everyone has time for hobbies user :^)

Win 10 Anniv here, linux sucks

ree, ree, normie, etc.

Linux desktop is actually pretty alright if you do paper pusher/desk jobs. I've found myself booting it up pretty often because the print drivers and other shit I use to actually do work just werks.

>Who actually uses Steam? Yuck!
everyone who plays pc games
>Took me more time to set up Windows 7 than Linux.
and then you had to install drivers and other things necessary for your pc to actually work
contrarian fuck

so basically you are saying that linux is great if you do not play pc games and you also happen to be a hipster that wears a fucking fedora and is a cuck. Got it.

>uninstalling IE is mangling windows
if you think IE is the primary feature of windows, windows is right for you.
>it's also a recognised art form
it really took me this long to realize you were baiting. i'll continue so others won't fall for the meme.
>Are you saying that expecting ease of use is expecting too much?
if you want to set things up, ease of use is too much to expect. if you want it to work out of the box, ease of use is to be expected. at least you're allowed to set things up in linux distros.
>Ubuntu uses themes and i don't like some of them so linux is ugly
>not the ones you add yourself
then don't add unsecure ones. i know i already said that i realize this is bait, but seriously, you're retarded.

>using software designed by pajeets, for kike lawyers and investors
>using software sold to you, only to then sell your data on to the next guy
You sound like a cuck m8. Is that you?

Steam isn't buggy

I play blizzard games on my second ssd which has windows installed

takes less effort to get my tools set up on linux like python packages, c packages, really weird depencies on random ass packages since I just sudo apt-get shit

hardware works fine on linux - even got a relatively new gpu working (gtx 980) in November of last year before the 10** series came out

>caring about themes

adding repos on any other OS seems unsafe


It does take longer to set it up, but after it just works as long as you aren't retarded.

Linux does too, but it crashes and has more bugs than Windows. I use both Windows and Linux, and I can honestly say that this is what happens between both OS.

>Put in driver CD
>Install drivers
>Update drivers through motherboard support page
>Install programs
>Just works for 3 years

>Have to tweak a bunch of things
>Add powersaving tools for laptop
>Install programs
>Every now and then something bugs out or breaks
>Just works for the most part

>everyone who plays pc games

IE is a dependency on Windows Systems, please, everyone knows that getting rid of it post the Win9x-era is a bad idea since other things will break.

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
it works fine but if you're a gaymer you should just stay in your windoze comfort zone.
>Blizzard games don't run on it
SCII works fine with wine.
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
Eh, depends on the distro. Once it is set-up, is easily maintaines. Windoze on the other hand needs to be completely re-installed every year or two for consistent performance.
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
Yeah, not true, unless you're running hardware with windows-only optimized drivers.
>Themes are old and dated
Subjective, and you have a very wide variety of themes, file manager, etc to choose from
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
Much safer than downloading an .exe for each program you want to install.
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
Subjective, garbage opinion

Meh bait, 2.5/10, will not reply to retort

>Windoze on the other hand needs to be completely re-installed every year or two for consistent performance.
That's bullshit

Fuck off, sjw. We don't all think like you.

You got a reach around?
I went back to Linux because they keep changing finders appearance with every release. I LIKE IT THE WAY IS CUSTOMIZE IT SO STOP FUCKING UP ME PREFERENCES. I mean for the love of Christ, how many damn times do I have to remove the color labels from the left side bar. Fascist fucks.

Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>Steam is not buggy for me
Blizzard games don't run on it
>Blizzard games run (but it requires some efford)
Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
>because you are inexperienced, a full system install takes me around 30 min
Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
>What hardware are you talking about. There are some drivers that are not supported well, but most are

>Themes are old and dated
There are at least 20 desktop environments, I doubt they are all dated. Part of the experience is to set up your own system. The way you like it
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
And it can be, just like running an untrusted exe file in windows
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
You clearly did not try out debian

>Steam is not buggy for me
Font rendering is broken, sometimes notifications, so is the overlay

>Blizzard games run (but it requires some efford)
100 fps less than on windows doesn't make it playable, senpai

>because you are inexperienced, a full system install takes me around 30 min
>I use only compatible hardware ergo it's not an issue

>What hardware are you talking about. There are some drivers that are not supported well, but most are
Anything sound related is a fucking joke, same with newer wifi cards

>There are at least 20 desktop environments, I doubt they are all dated. Part of the experience is to set up your own system. The way you like it
having a ton of choice is not always the best solution if most, if not all, of your choices are shit

>And it can be, just like running an untrusted exe file in windows
Well generally that's why we have antiviruses, to prevent running completely retarded shit

>You clearly did not try out debian
>not outdated
>not bloated
>inb4 "use testinggg!!!1one"


that made my day, this one sure is fucked in the head. Dude, you are so wrong hahahaha that IE-shit-argumentation, holy fuck ahaahaha

Debian is neither outdated nor bloated. In fact, debians minimal install uses about half the space an arch minimal install takes.

Stable really is outdated. Bloated is a buzzword anyway.

>liking blizzard games


>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
so is downloading a file off the internet every time you windows fag

>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
implying arch and gentoo are bloated

>Themes are old and dated
stop using old themes

>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
oh know editing a file once in your life plus entering a command line maybe x10 times is harder than installing drivers

>It's also a recognised art form

Please go back to 9pleb

> games
not needed
> more effort
Only if you're installing Arch or Gentoo.
> hardware seems to run better
Lemme guess, you're talking about GPUs? Intel HD Graphics runs fine.
> themes are old
better than metroshit
> adding repos seems unsafe
Common Sense 2016 filters out malicious repos.
> good OOTB distros are bloated
But still run faster than Windows.

t. dualboot

>Steam is a buggy shit on Linux
>Blizzard games don't run on it
Good,I am not 13(nor a manchild) anymore and just treat gaming as casual hobby
>Takes more effort than it should to get everything setup
I dont remember doing anything during my Ubuntupleb days.It only takes efforts for Gentoo/Arch
Also unless Windows came with your hardware,'setting up' windows is as bothersome as what I did when I used Xubuntu
>Hardware seems to run better on Windows and OS X
Then use compatible hardware.Hardware problems is not Linux's fault.Its the developers of that hardware's fault.
>old and outdated
Buzzwords.You can make Kubuntu/Xubuntu look just like Windows 10/Mac OS by downloading appropriate theme
>Adding repos to your machine seems unsafe
More safer than using untrusted install files form net.Why do you need to add repos in the first place?
>Only good OOTB distros are just as bloated as Windows
I do see a difference between 10 GB fresh windows install and 5 GB fresh Ubuntu install