Hackers and pirates should be shot dead.
Hackers and pirates should be shot dead
Post a better squid
Excuse me but I'm pretty sure you mean crackers, user.
>cybersecurity is run by hackers
>shoot all hackers
>nobody researches secirity holes anymore, thus vulnurabilities will remain
Why would I pay money for something when I pay to own a license, not pay to own the program?
Crackers are based, though. They do it to make other people happy. They don't do it for money they do it for fun.
I don't give a shit about most hackers.
But DOS providers and users should all be executed.
Says the nigger posting anime
Weebs should be shot dead.
>Dat feel when I'm both
Why everybody on Internet is so easily triggered?
They don't make the software creators happy, though :^]
>implying you don't pirate your animu
us should be shot dead
anime should be shot dead
Come on you dont mean that
People creating artificial scarcity on abundant resources should be shot dead.
how does it feel knowing that your dumb squid series was literally cancelled 7 months ago?
>Hackers and pirates should be shot dead.
Actually, punishment law for piracy (real) is still death. Actually, judges and attorneys are real pirates.
Das racis
but why does it matter that vulnerabilities remain when there are no people to exploit it?
Youre right. We should kill all the cops, today, and tomorrow, there will be no crime!
Found the nigger
RMS watches anime you shiteating retard.
I don't approve of this white-night bate thread.
This is a safe space for pirate$ and hax0rs, you insensitive asshole.
but there aren't hackers anymore to exploit the vulnurbilities :^)