Mean clients and managers

>mean clients and managers
>insane work hours
>constantly have to be learning
>easily replaced by hindu nuffins
>boring and repetitive tasks

Is anyone else getting tired of working in IT or is it just me?

Yep, I floated my resume over to a company today because I'm so tired of this bullshit.

>tfw 7 jobs in 7 years

If you're referring to working at a geek squad-esque place or general repair, you barely count as IT. So of course clients are mean. They don't care the what/why their shit isn't working. They just don't want to pay the $100+ for you to fix it.

Management is usually just as clueless as the client half the time, but since they have the title of supervisor, they act like they're better than you. I.e. insufferable cock suckers.

And what work hours do you consider to be "insane"?

If you went to school for this shit job, you should have gone for something better. If you didn't go to school, go to school now for something better.

>If you're referring to working at a geek squad-esque place or general repair, you barely count as IT
Does supporting small (5-20 employees) businesses count as IT?

>>If you're referring to working at a geek squad-esque place or general repair, you barely count as IT
>Does supporting small (5-20 employees) businesses count as IT?

Depends on what supporting then entails. Are you their network admin? Or do you just fox the printer and PCs?

And you haven't mentioned hours. What do you consider to be insane? Are you on call 24/7? Because if you are their admin of everything, then yes, you're IT. You just happen to work at a shit company.

Here's what I'm responsible for managing and repairing
>desktops and workstations
>ADDS and Exchange servers
>all networking equipment
Keep in mind we support several small businesses.

>And you haven't mentioned hours. What do you consider to be insane?
70-80 hour weeks are not uncommon

If you're reasonably competent, you should be able to find opportunities outside of your current employer... If you're not a fucktard someone else will hire you, find a new job.

I'm a fucktard with severe depression and anxiety. I'd be surprised if anyone else hires me.

Do they pay you salary or by the hour? Is pay good? Benefits/vacation time?

Are you educated? Degree and certs etc? Because if you're salary, fuck. That. Paid for 40 and work 80. No no no. if you feel you have the experience to leave, do something. Find another job.

Sound alike a classic case of a company saying "spend as little on IT as possible by overworking a single person to death"

Just do your 9-5 and go home and play your games jeez.

Are you doing work for something else other than the dollar signs????

Desktop support is a nightmare OP, you have some experience, try to get on as a junior sysadmin at a big company, or a sysadmin at a smaller company. You're gonna be lucky to find a company that doesn't abuse IT though, so get used to finding a new job.

Just out of curiosity, what is Sup Forums's definition of "insane work hours"?

Waking up in the middle of the night to check the status of an automated FTP job that is broken because the sysadmins are fucking retarded so you're forced to write a .net app that does an FTP directory listing showing look nigger here's the files, it's your job to process them.

Having to be in the building/facility more than 10 hours a day. If I'm pulling 14-16hour shifts on the daily, something is seriously fucked up or broken.



HR likes to call you people 'hoppers'. HR doesn't like hoppers.

I don't give a fuck, I don't like HR either. Honestly, a lot can happen in a year, a lot of shit can be fixed in a year, and a lot of shit can be built in a year.

I've automated a shit ton of manual process in my current role, build and maintain an ASP.NET site to handle all our reporting, and manage to keep OPs running in a reliable efficient state, if I feel like job hopping, it's because I feel like I'm due for a raise and I may have outgrown the current role I was hired for.

Yea fuck HR. Worthless the lot of them. Pretty much the "diverse workforce" enforcers imo.

IT for big companies run by boring, old, white folks are always the most boring shitkicker jobs

IT work never ends

it's about the same as any other office job

confirmed for never working in IT.

Everyone but you gets to go home at 5.

>it's because I feel like I'm due for a raise
>every year

IT is a shit job because nobody respects you, but the pay is good so I stay. Hard to find a job where you can make more for so little effort.


>tfw barely got a job doing cloud engineering
>literally no one I work with is leveraging cloud tech and is doing shit by hand still
>try to start automating things to make things like documentation and config mgmt easier
>get yelled at by coworkers and management because they "haven't tested it"
>ask them when they'll test it
>no answer
>go back to scripting as much shit as possible and looking for a new job

scripting is too hard for me desu, there's too many parameters and shit for me to remember