Dude onion lmao

>dude onion lmao
is Mr Robot just exaggerating or what?

Ever been there?



I usually went to intel exchange for politics discussions, and then it got hacked or something and traffic died out (this was a while back)

buying drugs on the internet doesn't interest me (I live in Amsterdam).

le edgy porn also doesn't interest me.

I'd like something like intel exchange but more active and without all the paranoid schizo retards.

>Country of Origin: Thailand
>Abducted in: Thailand

do you really need to know the country of abduction?
btw 17, who the fuck is going to buy a 17y old?
that's to close to the expiration date

aka: where NOT to take her.
also knowing the language she speaks and her race is important.

It's probably a scam

that's a screenshot from a tv show mate

this 2nd season is boring as shit

yup. makes me want to stop watching

>no STD's

bull fucking shit

Also the lunix parts are becoming cringierp

Also why would you ever want somebody abducted from a country that would care?

>country that would care

Is this the episode where he bangs a trap?

>he bangs a trap?

>She's 17 years old!!!1!

First episode already does tor shit about cp did not need to do it again and make tor look like shit.

>this fucking show

at least make it seem look real