Year of the linux desktop

>update ubuntu
>the fucking desktop bars disappear, can't do anything
>takes me half an hour of googling and typing weird commands in terminal to fix it
This is the most user friendly GNU/Linux variation out there, amazing

Other urls found in this thread:

>update windows
>it deletes non-NTFS partitions from your partition table

>This is the most user friendly GNU/Linux variation out there, amazing
Wait until you need your graphics drivers to work.

>work for Microsoft shilling company
>make up lies about other operating systems even tho I think they're good
>get mad $$$

Does it seriously do this? Was going to dual boot with Linux.

I dont even get how can you fuck up shit with ubuntu. It literally comes with every basic driver you need

On french forums ubuntu is known to be utterly broken and no one recommends it. what is recommended is mother distros such as debian fedora arch...

Microsoft are evil.

Never trust the frenchmen

>it's 2008
>use windows vista sp1
>can't change wallpaper
>windows update doesn't open
>be paranoid that I might have virus
>dual boot ubuntu, because it just werks
>sp2 come, all problems solved
>it took windows 2 years to fix
at least ubuntu has fixable problems
yeah, like french people know shit about linux

No free distribution of GNU/Linux will ever be a true no-brainer because free distros don't get the fine-grained treatment commercial ones do. It's basically expected there to know one's way around the OS, usage of text-based tools, know the ropes of troubleshooting their problems - or - to contact paid support.


It's called GNU/Linux and I'm talking about a GNU/Linux specific forum where Ithink people are smart enough not to say bullshit most of the time

what if I'm using busybox for coreutils, musl instead of glibc and gcc instead of clang
what's it called then fucker

Ubuntu is a GNU+Linux distro idiot

Works for me. I updated to the Aniversary Update and my Ubuntu partition got intact.

>It's called GNU/Linux
It's Bios/Gnu/Linux you disrespectful piece of shit.

No need to respect non-free software that does not respect its users freedom

in the context of the poster was referring to Linux in general you mouthbreathing retard

He answered to my post and I was referring to GNU+Linux

It happened to my Kubuntu 16.04 install, it was on the same drive as W10. It seems that W10 Anniversary creates a new recovery partition (450MB in my case) on your drive and since my entire drive was partitioned with Windows + Kubuntu, it apparently simply made room for itself by nuking the Linux partition. Either that or it tries to resize shit but doesn't support Linux partitions so it just deletes them.

In any case the result is a new 450MB partition and 125GB of unpartitioned space.

Is it on the same drive or a different one?

>weird commands

>having non-NTFS partitions
for what purposes

dual-booting operating systems that aren't molten shit, for one

I'm that guy who said linux at the start
Just a question, why are we still calling it gnu/linux? It's gpl, so doesn't Linus has right to edit one line of code and call it "linux tools" or something? Why do we say iceweasel instead of iceweasel/firefox? Why do we say chrome instead of chromium+(insert all open source things here), why don't we say ubuntu/debian
linux is easier to memorize than gnu/linux and stallman's effort will always be in linux, why is it so important to say gnu/linux

>try ubuntu
>try updating drivers for vidya card
>after done installing ubuntu freezes
>try again
>same thing

i thought linux was better than windows?

ubuntu is developed by canonical, which is way smaller than microsoft, and doesn't make money with ubuntu desktop OS, you really didn't except better experience for 100 dollar less, did you? But at least it's still good to have alternatives, try googling your problem, instead of shitposting

Yeah, well try running the GNU/Linux part, without it.


i expected it to be able to update drives you fucking gook faggot

>Works on like 3 motherboards
K kid.

never said it works with everything, just said it's possible you turbo nigger

>this thread


>Buy a Mac
>Basically a beautiful OS over a Linux shell
>Have a polished experience
>No botnet, no fiddling around
>Just works

>he doesn't enjoy typing weird commands.

>Have update freeze on me
>Suddenly it doesn't have wlan anymore
>Makeshift with my wlan stick
>Decide I could finally try another linux distro other than Ubuntu Gnome
>Secure Boot, say ok
>16 update available, maybe it works
>It doesn't
>Try to install Debian
>Lolno, Secure Boot says no
>Still no idea where I get to the bios, cause Laptop doesn't tell me (find out it's F2 later)
>Ok, formate and go back to 14 for now
>Still no wlan, wtf
>Find bios and install Debian
>Lolno, no kernel for you
And that's where I am now. Wlan stick broke today, which gave me the drive, to fix my laptop. Now I'm sitting here, using my phone as tether for both my laptop and pc.
Which Linux Distro should I try next? Please no Arch memes.

>No botnet
haha at least it's less than windows 10

Then why put anything alongside windows?

>0.03 rupees have been deposited to your pajeetsoft account

>linux shell

Much like how colour is spelled "colour," he's correct.

Downloading Ubuntu Mate now

>No botnet

So, who wants to tell him?

All operating systems are shit.
It just depends on what part of it you want to be shit.

As you clearly don't like Linux, what if you want to Hackintosh?

>Playing muh gayms and eroge
>The Redmond jew forces a update with new backdoor capabilities
>"nufn 2 hide" I just look at porn anyways
>Have to reboot, no choice
>o-ok, Redmond-senpai
>reboot Windows 10®
>Start menu got a update that makes it unusable
>Better go get ClassicShell because poo in the loo UX/UI
>Turns out ClassicShell was replaced with malware
>malware wiped out my MBR and partition table
>"w-well my computer was getting slow anyways, time to reinstall"
>Having to augment your computers OS through a series of workarounds and hacks
>Having to install shady 3rd party group policy edits to stop the """"""Telemetry"""""
This is the most used OS in the world for desktops and business, amazing

a lot of coders come out of france
hang around the demo scene long enough
you'll find plenty of very talented programmers
linux is cake

they obviously have enough money if they are building a damn mobile OS on the side ! just look up their quaterly financials

sorry but i like using my computer

Haha the French and their manrider, no thanks baguette

>m-muh vidya is the only use for a computer
wrong board

sorry im not a manchild

nah i dont hate linux i just dont feel like it should be a common household tradition. the current linux is fine for its users, and changing it would annoy the current users and be too weird for potential new users to get accustomed to

hackintosh is a legitimate reason. didnt think about that so ill give it to you.



>>the fucking desktop bars disappear, can't do anything

You too? Happened last weekend when I went from 14.04 to 16.04. Luckily I could right click the desktop to get a terminal so I could launch applications. Couldn't fix the problem though, everything I looked up and tried failed.

I've been wanting to reformat for a while so I finally took this as the motivation to do so. Trying Ubuntu Studio right now since I do media stuff,

>accidentally pick wrong option while re-partitioning, installer goes unresponsive ... looked it up, apparently this problem has existed for several years
>while creating account during installation, progress window pops up, unable to get focus back. Re-positioning window produces pic. Luckily, account was created.
>lock screen when I step away, log back in, mouse cursor vanishes
>modify menu launcher item to add a command line option, application groups in menu vanish

Stop using Linux and start using something pic related.
I think you'll be more than happy.

Also, software installer is useless. search box is erratic, often doubling keypresses. Heard there's a problem installing outside packages too.

>year of linux desktop
>year of third party president
Why do people keep following for such stupid things?

I've never, had had that double-keypressing problem. Outside packages also install just fine.

> never, had had that double-keypressing problem


It is absolutely not the most user friendly. It's very fragile and if you want to use a shitty fragile distribution on your computer, that's on you.

All this talk about windows 10 anniversary update. I have yet to get it. Is it voluntary? I'm also dual booting with Linux 16.04 MATE. The Linux install and grub are installed on a different drive entirely than windows. I should be fine and windows won't eat my partitions right? And what exactly does the anniversary update bring? I still have my standard search feature with Cortana disabled.

This is on a legit Windows 10 pro OEM copy I bought.

That's the deal with closed source software, you have to have blind trust on your software provider.

Trust me given the choice, I'd have stuck with Windows 7/Ubuntu dual boot. But I built a new skylake based system and windows 7 wouldn't install because it kept complaining of missing drivers during the install process. (No native USB 3.0 drivers). Even trying to slipstream the install didn't work.

I'm tempted to get VGA passthrough up and running. Just out Linux on the metal and windows 7 in a VM for gaming and video editing.

But yea, any idea if the anniversary update is an opt in deal or only for people who upgraded from 7/8.1 to 10?

You can always use Win8.1 with classic shell.
That's what I use in my VMs.

>mom help, this isn't the app store
>what does 'sudo apt-get' mean? this is too hard
>only hackers use the terminal

disable Mate linux drive in bios and you are safe 100%

Good one. I laffed.

try Antergos