I just spent 5 years getting a biomedical engineering degree and yet every single employer I go to tells me that I've...

I just spent 5 years getting a biomedical engineering degree and yet every single employer I go to tells me that I've got decent breadth of experience but no remarkable depth.

If they want some guy to do drafting or manufacturing or something they just contract some Indian or Chinese guy who has just done SolidWorks all his life and pay him a fraction as much, rather than paying me as an engineer who has worked to get an actual degree in an actual field.

I'm left feeling rather cheated and with debt.


Nice blog. Where do I subscribe?

my friend is a biomedical engineer, says the pay isn't worth the work he has to put in

should have went with something with more job opportunities and less work

You fell for the college meme, as are millions of other people your age.

Don't feel too bad, millions of people are slowly realizing that they wasted their time in college.
Now go apply to mcdonalds before they start sending you past due letters.

college is worth going to if you plan on having a large family and want decent job opportunities

however if you're childless/solo in life college is a waste of time.

well maybe an associates degree might be worth getting but a 4 year+ is a waste of time


associates is literally worthless if you want an entry-level job in a non-service field

Its just gonna keep happening. Xing lu's and Hanoushes are the new mexicans taking jorbs.

Many STEMMIES are still safe, but that will change over time as globalization i pushed more and more.

The living standard of Americans is waaay too high. We need our sweatshop workers to give up more comforts for more profits!

its really not that high

if you live in the bay area sure, but you can find nice cities to live in that aren't outrageously expensive.

people are just irresponsible with their money.

This is why I'm majoring in mechanical and minoring in biomedical. I've heard horror stories about job searching for biomedical majors.

I felt pretty memed by my chemistry degree also. No labs hiring me because lack of experience for an entry level positions.

Luckily I was able to get an enviromental monitoring job in with a construction company. Started at 23 ollars an hour with 5 to 20 hours of overtime each week for dank pay.

Only reason I gpt the job was cause I was the only applicamt with a degree and could work excel. Now the labs that rejected me want me back but cant afford my current pay.

Also why is this on g and not int or sci

>biomedical engineering
sounds like one of those bullshit made up careers

you fell for the degree meme


oh you fell for the thinly-disguised-technician-certificate degree

next time you get a degree, make sure you read the course descriptions, you idiot

Capitalism has sold you down the river.

Sup Forums - ???

go cry to your mom's vagina while you crawl up inside it.

you didn't fall for a meme degree. you cuckholded your own self by not being more self reliant and left the initiative to your fellow peers instead of seizing it for yourself.

>Capitalism has sold you down the river.
Autism*. Capitalism gave him the opportunity to sail on the river. Autism left him to flounder in the current.

yeah, that's pretty much what playing video games and watching anime outside of class hours rather than studying results in.


>State-Run schools
>Receiving funds largely given out through loans
>Loans guaranteed by the State that runs the schools

really makes you think

Where are you in America? You can always sell your body to old men

>Also why is this on g and not int or sci
Because it's a complex topic.

Guys with engineering or science degrees (/sci) are debating unemployment caused in part by globalisation and consumerist economic policies (/pol) and in part by ever-increasing levels of automation and artificial intelligence creeping in on manufacturing and service jobs (/g).

>going to college

motherfucking retarded piece of shit. it has nothing to do with Sup Forums

job discussion is not technology discussion
career discussion is not technology discussion


Let's see, I'm assuming you got a BS or BSE degree instead of a PhD. If you have only taken courses and done some in course projects of course that's not enough depth. Most good students in good schools are doing extensive lab works outside of courses and many of them have published academic papers. That should count for some decent depth, for example you can easily babble about some obscure subject for 1 hour and talk about your novel work that has absolutely zero value in realistic terms but that's what you get from labs.

If you haven't done so you have only yourself and your school to blame. If you are PhD and are getting this criticism then there's something wrong with your program.

GPU shilling belongs in Sup Forums but I don't see you whining in those threads.