Post your Watch it Again's from Youtube, Sup Forums

Post your Watch it Again's from Youtube, Sup Forums.

Other urls found in this thread:

Don't have those. Are some kind of faggot that logs in to watch videos? Doesn't your browser delete everything when you close it? If Youtube is giving you personalized stuff you are an illiterate retard.

no, this is the watch history you stupid nigger faggot.

>having a watch that keeps history of your browsing

Should've bought a different watch then queer.

>can't use a DVD player
Japanese women, everyone

cheating by posting second page but I dont care

Am I cool yet?

>If Youtube is giving you personalized stuff you are an illiterate retard.
this is a non sequitur. fine, call him naive or something, but "illiterate" is very specific and totally irrelevant here.

if you're just going to throw random insults at people and those insults make absolutely no fucking sense, you're going to look like a fucking retard.

>Having Youtube shitty suggestions turned on

>you are not illiterate for not educating yourself about how to take measures against something that you also need to educate yourself to understand why it's bad


Not suggestions.

Those videos were recently watched on an account.

"Watch it again" just looks at your history. are you conflating suggestions and history? why? the OP gave you the name of the thing you should/would be having an autistic fit about.

Heather feather and empheral rift are both shit tier asmrists

Why do you even have an history asshole? Are you really this dense?

Dana dana dana na na na na na na

What does this have to do with technology

I don't even have those
how do I into?
I wanna be cool too

some people just use their computers as facebook machines and stuff. they don't really know much, they don't even know how to delete history and cookies etc.

Turned mine off and no idea how to get it back again.

>he doesn't have a history
LOL, if you don't know how to use the internet you really don't belong here.

Isn't it that if you have history turned on, you also automatically get suggestions?

heather feather is GOAT


>he didnt deactivate history while he still could


I don't much Youtube at all these days.
I've been steadily replacing all forms of my media with anime and twitch streams

why are all those clickbait gaming videos recommended to me, i dont even play any of those games

yes, because of based Grimes

ayyy Ephemeral Rift
my nigga

Idolshit, vocaloid shit, and eurobeat

I should really start to watch something else...

Oskar is a genius

Why twitch streams?
Lots of ads, nothing much happening other than seeing ugly faces.

i can't, but here one of my watch again


>why twitch streams
I like watching Dota and follow >esports

>lots of adds
Use Livestreamer + Livestreamer-twitch-gui. No adds that way.

The most popular Twitch streamers are pretty much what you described though but there's good streamers out there.

Aren't there always a ton of sponsors in the stream itself? Or are those only in the most popular ones?

Illiterate means you cannot read.

You are using it wrong and showing your own ignorance.

If the streamer has sponsors there'll most likely be like a small box in the corner of the stream with its logo yeah, but they're not really in the way and you don't notice them if you're actually interested in the stream itself.

Pretty much every popular streamer has a few sponsors but they all seem to make an effort in not rubbing them in your face.

Ephemeral Rift is sum good shit nigga


Yup, I literally just watch DigitalRevTV, iDubbbz and WEBM videos... Kill me




You do you. If you enjoy it, then more power to you!

>metal + anime
i like ur style, dude

I honestly just posted it in the hopes that somebody looks up "Taste you like Yogurt".


>tfw using youtube as an mp3 player

this feels strangely revealing

what is this are you 12?

they're not what they seem, i swear




>unironically watching these


it makes for good background noise while playing games.

Well, this is pretty descriptive of me.

If you'd have included my post in their I would have been angry.