I try to su in Ubuntu

I try to su in Ubuntu.
Authentication failure.
I paste the password just to be sure.
Authentication failure.

I passwd and paste the same password.
Password unchanged.

Do I need to do a bongo solo to be get permission from my computer to use my computer, or something?

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there is your problem, please delete this thread.

And a rin tin tin to you, too.

su root
su sudo

I suggest suicide.

Also check and see if theres a space at the end of your paste

Couldn't you suggest something useful, like buying a Mac?
All this Linux defense smacks of battered wife syndrome.

You're the one crying.

Are your arms folded right now?

Cat /etc/passwd to find the default shell for the user you're logging in as. It may be nologin, I ran into this a while back.

No, I'm too bored by you to move them at all.

Correction:$ su -icIDe

you're a retard
same with you
and you

Setting this tense battle of wits aside.

A car that could only be used by mechanics would be an incredibly and indisputably shitty car.

If root has no password, then the first user can sudo with his password. To make a password for root, type "sudo passwd", it will ask for your user password, then you type a password for root. Note that password asterisks won't show, this is intentional.

You mean a race car? I guess airplanes and space craft are shit too because a fucking child can't use them.

root account is disabled by default in ubuntu. use sudo -i or sudo -s.

I disagree. It would be far easier to afford and maintain. Mechanics are almost always the first to bitch about the clusterfuck that the modern car has become. If you had said engineer, now that would be a different story.

>You mean a race car?
>thinking F1 mechanics can actually drive these cars

I mean a car.

Airplanes and spacecraft aren't designed for mass use, so they are not abject failures.

My implication was that something targeted at average people should not require specialist (non-average) skills to use.

This is terrible. But thank you for solving my problem.

Car analogies never work, faggot. Just like comparing Windows to Linux or Mac OS.

>This is terrible.
why? what possible reason could you have to be logged into the root account instead of using sudo, especially considering the fact that you couldn't even figure out how to get into the root account by yourself?

Installing things should not require fine, unexplained distinctions between being root, doing root, and being root with a cherry on top.

I don't understand this post at all. Could you elaborate on what exactly you think those three things are?

Hey, that's Cannonical for ya. I'd learn how to partition a disk and install something else if I were in your shoes.

sudo su

sudo passwd root

How setting root password using "sudo" is a feature I will never understand.



> I passwd and paste the same password.
su asks for the password of the user you're su-ing to, not from, you fucking idiot.

sudo su fagot