Which screen capture application do you use, Sup Forums?

Which screen capture application do you use, Sup Forums?

screen capture application?


Print Screen key and paint.

Snipping tool


>renaming this file every. single. damn. time.

>being this degenerate

scrot -um

Greenshot on Windows, built-in on Linux.

But true

snipping tool using wine

cinnamon desktop just press ctrl alt shit r to start and stop fullscreen vp8 screen record. But I'll be damned if I can figure out what program or script is doing it. Top shows increased cpu usage in cinnamon.

byzanz for an animated gif. Also makes ogv and lossless flv which is very nice for transcoding and post processing. Works well with "desktop capture" applet.

Also kazam. Or just ffmpeg -f x11grab -i :0.0

ShareX for images and short videos, OBS for long videos.


whatever this is

>screen capture application
do you also install drivers for your keyboard?

snipping tool for desktop
screengrab for browser
steam for video games



i fucking love that font rendering


nice one, retard

scrot for screenshots
OBS for video

>damage control
good job, dimwit

why do you care what others are using?

great program, it's on most distro's repos

>didnt you even read the op posted before replying with that


the only acceptable are scrot for linux,and sharex for wang


> get to select area of screen to capture instead of manually cropping it after the shot

Unregistered Hypercam 2

Win key + prints screen
Creates a new screenshot in png format
Werks in 8,8.1 and 10


imagemagick's import command.
>from terminal or alt+f2 run dialog.
import cap.jpg to select area with mouse.
import -screen cap.jpg for fullscreen, but it's easier to just press prt sc key.

fbcat or fbgrab if you don't have a running x session.

camtasia 6

Sharex, OBS

windows key + print screen


import -window root png:$HOME/xwz_$(date "+%Y-%m-%d-%H:%M:%S").png
use xbindkeys to bind it to Print and escape bloat

> Screen capture application


scrotum for stills,
custom ffmpeg for recording