You're not forgetting to switch your monitor from horizontal to veritcal when browsing the web or programming, are you? Horizontal positioning is only for watching anime.
You're not forgetting to switch your monitor from horizontal to veritcal when browsing the web or programming, are you...
sentences are written horizontally. no need to force your screen to cut sentences when you can just scroll down.
vertical is one the most useless and pretentious things i have ever seen.
vertical is for people used to smartphones
>he's too dumb to speed read
why would I put effort into a thing>
>only having 1 window open at a time
you're the real pleb here
>he doesnt have a landscape monitor surrounded by two portrait monitors
I'm still thinking about my dream setup, but it'd be something like this
>Portrait 16:10 monitor for web browsing, etc.
>2x 16:10 monitors for the rest
>21:9 for vidya and 16:10 for videos
>turning laptop vertical
Fucking madman.
Did I do good, s-senpai?
>Try it out
>all font looks weird
It messes with subpixel rendering, doesn't it?
no wonder your font rendering is shit
>Having one monitor
The correct way is one portrait, one landscape. Vertical videos on portrait, horizonal on landscape. Manga/comics on portrait. Web / code / docs positioned as appropriate.
>Vertical videos on portrait,
People should be taught to default to landscape for video on phones.
Almost every one you see on the news is in portrait, which means there's this confusing letterboxing-like thing going on.
Honestly, it doesn't really bother me. With a vertical monitor (ie, on my desktop or phone, where I watch almost all videos) vertical videos for perfectly. Without one, it is a minor inconvenience.
People definitely over-use them, I agree that the default should be landscape, but there are also many scenes that are better shot in portrait.
The only thing I HATE is when a video is letterboxed /then/ uploaded somewhere, so you can't watch it correctly no matter your display orientation. Video hosting sites should be smart enough to strip hard letterboxing.
which portrait monitor would you recommend, not all of them can be put to stand up in that way
My monitor is bigger than two of yours in portrait mode. No point in turning it.
Don't worry OP. I never forget because my TV is my monitor.
I use side tabs on a rather low resolution 16:10 monitor, keeping it the way it is is best.
Why would I when I can splitscreen my 1440p, have what I'm working on and my docs/browser both completely functional.
>Horizontal positioning is only for watching anime.
left side of screen is for browsing
right side of screen is for irc and monitoring things
I keep half my monitor filled with pictures of anime girls all the time :^)
I use a 40' monitor so I don't worry about that shit.
>using the smiley with a carat nose
: ^)
>being this retarded
You know that there's a "perfect" number of words per line for reading comfortably, right? Making things wider won't make it any better.
I have 16:10 monitors. this isn't really an issue for me because I also am pretty good at managing screen real estate.
Stay mad 16:9 cucks who don't hide as much as they can.
Vertical? Might as well be using a tablet. Explain how you can comfortably multitask on that shit?
I just use a tiling window manager. Works great for development no matter what your display orientation is.
most sentences aren't especially long (like if you take note of your own post, nothing you wrote requires reflowing even on a fairly narrow monitor).
by contrast, text tends to flow vertically - this thread is long and there are lots of short, punchy posts to skim, just as there are lots of paragraphs or code blocks or what-have-you on the web/in your code editor.