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Post 'em vintage goodies!
/old/ technology thread
If there's a thunderstorm coming (or already local), you can tune in to a middle wave (aka "AM") site between stations and listen to lightning crackling. Even better than seeing it, especially during the day. Then do the usual counting until you hear the thunder to figure out how far away it was. It's about the only thing I use AM for anymore.
Yeah, done that, it's awesome. Try expanding the AM frequency by messing with the knobs inside the radio, then you can also listen to air traffic control.
Bought one of these babies to use as a spare, suprisingly enough it came with the original box and was in mint condition.
Only 100 $
Did I do good, Sup Forums?
When? 5 years ago? Yeah you did good. But nowadays? Five bucks on most online sites.
Give me a direct link where I only have to pay 5 bucks for an e90 communicator in mint condition.
I fucking dare you.
I have a local eastern european site that shit like this pops up all the time, well guess when you get it with the box it's quite nice, but still, a hundred bux?
Can't have a vintage thread without a Marantz.
Is this a crystal radio? I've never seen one like this.
Link that shit, I wanna see how much money I wasted.
Come on, you do wanna defeat me, right?
>you do wanna defeat me, right?
No, I'm not 12 years old. I just told you that a local site I visit has them pop up from time to time really cheap, that's all.
A box does add value if you are a collector, but still, $100 for something like that? That's kind of wasteful, you where the one who asked us how you did.
Boner material right there!
I still want that link, boy. Give it to me! Deliver!
>Only 100$
i must agree with the other user, that's not a good price
Stop derailing the thread faggots
I just said they pop up from time to time, didn't I? There's no e90 that I can find of right now.
Vintage nixie tube bench top meter
It's absolute porn inside
That radio was featured in James Bond
Find me a cheaper on, right here, right now.
Nude pics of insides?
Holy shit, that was my parent's radio. Fucking nifty user.
See below and it's still dead on accurate
Bumping for interesting thread
Hunter Hacker RP38A for some of that British class.
You can taste the class! Beautiful