Is the sloppy fit of the army's battle uniform intended to hide America's growing waistline?

Is the sloppy fit of the army's battle uniform intended to hide America's growing waistline?

actually check the stats

i believe germany has the fattest soldiers. i guess all the beer and sausage and no juden to kill has made them slow.

Sup Forums - Military Uniforms

>it's a european faggot tries to be funny episode

>check the stats
>proceeds to guess

guy on the left is pretty operator

No, it's so it doesn't restrict movement. Many armed forces do the same. I was a conscript in the Norwegian army and we had to study the uniforms of allied nations (you know, to know who not to shoot in the event of a war) and it's extremely common.

It's to hide our massive erections as we execute worthless brown subhumans all over the globe.

>using old acu photo instead of the current ocp pattern
jealous eurofag confirmed

i'm saying check the stats on which country is the fattest. I'm only guessing on why they are so fat, not who?

English, do you speak it?

might as well adopt sharia now mr burgers

Fat fingers pull a trigger even more effectively.

>i believe germany has the fattest soldiers
Are you actually functionaly retarded

Guy must be a well oiled killing machine if they haven't kicked him out yet. Goddamn, that is just so damn fat even for a civilian.

Is that jack black?

Americans aren't fat you stupid european, americans are among the most athletic and fit men to exist on the planet. Stop believing in memes.

>tfw you will never serve in proper fatigues

As fat the average American is, their soldiers are actually doing rather well regarding that point. German soldiers on the other hand are 40% overweight (which is even more than the general population).


Is the standard for being overweight the same in USA as it is in Germany? (% bodyfat iirc b/c bmi doesn't work properly for lean people)

Apparently not